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Cops swarm in, begin searching Michael Jackson's property

Boba Rhett

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Eh, whatever keeps yer gloves glittery. One last thing, before I explode from just thinking about all the people coming to this weirdo's defence, or get assasinated by one of them. And then I won't make fun of him again.


About the whole "BTW, weird ass color? Never seen a white person I'm guessing....:rolleyes: " remark. The part of the statement that bothers me the most, is that I've not only seen a white person, but I've also seen a black person. In fact, I can even remember when MJ WAS a black person. That's the part that is "weird-ass" about his skin color. So there you have it, spelled out for you and all.

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Thriller Jacket? I never listened to his music., I never liked him. But that has nothing to do with beign charged for molesting someone.


He also wouldn't turn his skin that weird-ass color, straighten his hair, and pay to have his face butchered either, would he? Because he's real smart, and wouldn't do anything stupid.


I take that as having face operations "Stupid"


btw, How do you know it was an accident by the doctor, maybe he wanted it to look completely different (The nose thing, I'm talking about)


OK, Cap. You can be the first person I send the hatemail too. :p

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Thriller Jacket? I never listened to his music., I never liked him. But that has nothing to do with beign charged for molesting someone.




I take that as having face operations "Stupid"


btw, How do you know it was an accident by the doctor, maybe he wanted it to look completely different (The nose thing, I'm talking about)


OK, Cap. You can be the first person I send the hatemail too. :p


Okay, I couldn't resist the urge to post one more time, haha. IF that butt-crack on the tip of his nose wasn't indeed an accident, then I stand corrected. Having it done on purpose would be the epitome of stupid.

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

Okay, I couldn't resist the urge to post one more time, haha. IF that butt-crack on the tip of his nose wasn't indeed an accident, then I stand corrected. Having it done on purpose would be the epitome of stupid.

He wasnt saying it was not an accident, he saying that you just can't be sure for the simple reason that you dont know.


Logic and being open minded is involved here my friend, nothing more.


And please step off my Z buddy. :p

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Sweet mercy. Have you seen his Mug Shot?





dude even his cops are wierd, you are so not supposed to have makeup on when taking a picture


and btw,

he looks like a wax dummy reject of a gay tinman


and i would also like to have the pleasure of saying that i saw "Neverland" for the first time on the news.... wow... what can I say, its like the bizarro version of disneyland-on-pot


and i assure you ZDawg that skin is a disorder... purposely created by the Michael Jackson himself...


if thats his real name (j/k)


btw, you can turn yourself bright green if you wan't (tv special, long story)


oh, and one more thing look at this article

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Originally posted by ZDawg

He wasnt saying it was not an accident, he saying that you just can't be sure for the simple reason that you dont know.


Logic and being open minded is involved here my friend, nothing more.


And please step off my Z buddy. :p


Hmmm...I'm noticing a trend here. Anyways, on to your nonsense statement (J/K before you throw a fit). You're right. He didn't say that it was not an accident. He asked how I knew it wasn't on purpose. And I didn't say that I knew that it was done on purpose or accident one way or the other. It's all in my replies if you want to read them sometime. I simply said accident or no accident, he butchered his face. Which is STUPID! That's all. There's your "logic". And as for having an open mind, remember that it's your "Z buddy" who swears up and down that it's impossible to even concieve the thought of the baby-dangler making a tape. By the way, for the record, I have no problem with your Z buddy. He hasn't done anything to me whatsoever. We're just talking back and forth, which is what a public forum is for, as far as I knew. If my making fun of MJ offends him, or anyone else that frequants this forum, I am very sorry. But not because I offended you. I just...well, I just have to feel sorry for anyone that would be offended on Michael Jacksons behalf.


In conclusion though, I'd bet there is no tape. Not because MJ's not a twit, or above being a complete jackass by any means. But simply because if there were one, someone most likely would've leaked it to the press by now, and I'd guess half the people here (you know who you are) would've downloaded the thing from Kazaa.

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But as far as him being above doing anything stupid, he set his head on fire once taping a Pepsi commercial, ffs.


I must be the only person to remember the news report. It was a lighting accident you dolt not him setting it on fire. This happend back when he was still very... well black (no offense to anyone) so he had alot of grease in his hair for those gerry curls. So while he was singing for the commercial one of the lights blew out sparks shot down all over and some got in his hair instantly igniting, His sister Latoya ran up to help put his hair out. FFS please know things before posting.

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

But as far as him being above doing anything stupid, he set his head on fire once taping a Pepsi commercial, ffs.


I must be the only person to remember the news report. It was a lighting accident you dolt not him setting it on fire. This happend back when he was still very... well black (no offense to anyone) so he had alot of grease in his hair for those gerry curls. So while he was singing for the commercial one of the lights blew out sparks shot down all over and some got in his hair instantly igniting, His sister Latoya ran up to help put his hair out. FFS please know things before posting.


You also must be the only person to give two $#!+s. And yeah, if thinking MJ's a dumbass makes me a "dolt", then guilty as charged. I won't resort to calling you names, I will, however say this. When you're done kissing MJ's ass, you can add mine to the list. FFS.


Oh and one more thing, you're very informed explanation for the blazing head, might fly if he had nothing to do with applying high ammounts of flamable hair care products to his head, and then standing around an assload of lights. But I'm hard pressed to believe someone held him down and poured the crap on. But then, I'm a dolt. So what do I know, ffs?

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Originally posted by ZDawg

Whats with you acting so lame? He made a very good point and you freak out about it. Calm down.


I assume that "lame" comment was directed at me. And big suprise! Now you're slinging the name calling around! Say it isn't so! Anyhow, here's why I'm acting so "lame". He could've easily made his "very good point" without calling me a dolt, or acting upon any other childish whims and fancys that struck him. Given the grammer structure and lack of punctuation, he clearly has no business even thinking of the word dolt when applied to anyone other than himself.


Also, I didn't freak out about it. I said what I thought. I don't like people calling me names when I'm just having a conversation with someone. Especially when the person flinging the turds from his pie hole wasn't involved in the conversation. Show me someone who does like it. If it breaks your heart so bad that I said what I said to him, offer him a hug, and for gawds sake please stay the hell out of my business. This makes twice you've sucked ass on someone, or ran to their defense, because you thought...well, you didn't think at all, I suppose...But it's getting old. Everytime I read a reply from you it's all about how "he said this, he said that." Try thinking for yourself before you chime in making an attempt to do it for others.


Read every post I've made in this thread again, or probably in your case for the first time. And notice, I've made each point without once calling a member of this board a name, or insulting them directly. If you're insulted indirectly, boo-to-the-hoo. Once again, if it offends you that I make comments on MJ in a fookin' MJ-based thread, you seriously need to sit down and evaluate your priorities. Because even if I liked the man, his music, or sex with young boys, it wouldn't bother me one bit if someone else made fun of any one of those things. I like plenty of things other people hate. In fact, I'd wager your allowance that most of the music I like, half of you little kids have never heard of. When people let me know they don't like the things that I like, I think "that's on you" and move on. I honestly don't care. I don't call names. I have two kids that know better than that. :rolleyes: Tell me again who the lame dolts are running around this joint. Because I've gotten confused on the matter along the way. :p

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ZBomber, just so you know I have no problem with you, or anyone else that's posted to be honest. I just don't see the need for calling names to make a point, that's all. You've not done that, and you and I have been going back and forth on this thread for days. And besides, I've already said you were probably right about there being no tape.

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

Now you're slinging the name calling around! Say it isn't so!

I said your reactions to peoples opinions where lame, I did not "call you names" or say you where lame.


Given the grammer structure and lack of punctuation, he clearly has no business even thinking of the word dolt when applied to anyone other than himself.

Thats an indirect insult if ever I did see one. Seriously, you might not directly make an insult, but pointing out something like someones grammar and punctuation, does not make you a better person then them. and if your going to talk about spelling, its grammar, not grammer



Also, I didn't freak out about it. I said what I thought. I don't like people calling me names when I'm just having a conversation with someone. Especially when the person flinging the turds from his pie hole wasn't involved in the conversation.
Hey dude this is a public forum, don’t act as if I have no business posting and defending my friends against close minded people.


This makes twice you've sucked ass on someone, or ran to their defense, because you thought...well, you didn't think at all, I suppose...
Pointing out to you that they made a point and yours was rather close minded is not sucking ass. By the way, are you calling me a suck ass? or was that just inferred?


Try thinking for yourself before you chime in making an attempt to do it for others.
Where do you get your morals? I don’t know about you, but I would take a bullet for any of my friends, and if it means letting YOU know when someone else is right and you are not, then so be it. LOL... I need to be more self centered according to you.


Read every post I've made in this thread again, or probably in your case for the first time. And notice, I've made each point without once calling a member of this board a name, or insulting them directly.
You contradicted yourself twice in that statement


If you're insulted indirectly, boo-to-the-hoo.
heed your own advice.


half of you little kids have never heard of.
Assuming that we are all little kids is ridiculous, immature and once again, close minded


When people let me know they don't like the things that I like, I think "that's on you" and move on. I honestly don't care. I don't call names.
If you did not care, I must ask why you took the time to post and tell me I was wrong?


Tell me again who the lame dolts are running around this joint. Because I've gotten confused on the matter along the way.
To clear the confusion, people who are close-minded and rude for no apparent reason are the "lame dolts".
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Originally posted by ZDawg

I said your reactions to peoples opinions where lame, I did not "call you names" or say you where lame.


Close enough.



Originally posted by ZDawg

Thats an indirect insult if ever I did see one. Seriously, you might not directly make an insult, but pointing out something like someones grammar and punctuation, does not make you a better person then them. and if your going to talk about spelling, its grammar, not grammer


First off, I never said I was better than him. Yeah, I ragged on him for calling me a dolt. BFD. Offer him that hug. And if you're going to talk about spelling, which I did not, The a in "and" in your last sentence should be capitalized, and it's you're and not "your". Oh, and you didn't add a period. Nice catch though. :rolleyes: I found more, but I'm sure you get the idea.



Originally posted by ZDawg

Hey dude this is a public forum, don’t act as if I have no business posting and defending my friends against close minded people.


Gee, that sounds familiar...Maybe it's because I said almost the same thing to you a couple days ago? And I quote "We're just talking back and forth, which is what a public forum is for, as far as I knew." And that's real good of you to defend total strangers...whoops, I mean your friends. I'm sure they love it that you think they're too weak to defend themselves. Even if they were being attacked. Which they weren't. Going there for Thanksgiving, are you? pffft...



Originally posted by ZDawg

Pointing out to you that they made a point and yours was rather close minded is not sucking ass. By the way, are you calling me a suck ass? or was that just inferred?


Take your pick.


Originally posted by ZDawg

Where do you get your morals? I don’t know about you, but I would take a bullet for any of my friends, and if it means letting YOU know when someone else is right and you are not, then so be it. LOL... I need to be more self centered according to you.


By all means, take a bullet. Please. And as for morals, I have to laugh anytime that word falls from a mouth that would defend an alleged child molester. You don't need to be more self centered though. I'm thinking you probably don't need to be. Period.


Originally posted by ZDawg

You contradicted yourself twice in that statement


How so? It's doesn't seem to me that you've actually read anything. How would I know if you had? And if you did, for whatever reasons, you get all pissy. I don't have any beef with any of these "friends" of yours, they've not openly said they had a problem with me. So where are you coming from? Who is it that you need to stand up for? Weird...


Originally posted by ZDawg

heed your own advice.


Okay, lets pretend for a second I gave advice. I didn't, but let's pretend I did. Who said I was offended indirectly? Calling me a dolt and lame seems pretty DIRECT to me...:rolleyes:


Originally posted by ZDawg

Assuming that we are all little kids is ridiculous, immature and once again, close minded


(THICK SARCASM NEXT) You're right. Where in the hell would I get such an outlandish idea? Seriously though, I don't think ALL of you are little kids. Most of the people who've replied have done so without calling names. Or alluding to lameness. Namely ZBomber. He's not agreed with me on one point, but he does it without flinging turds. "ridiculous, immature and once again, close minded" indeed...:rolleyes:



Originally posted by ZDawg

If you did not care, I must ask why you took the time to post and tell me I was wrong?


*Sigh* Is the word for the day redundant? READ MY POST FFS! I never once used the word wrong, implied you were wrong, etc... In fact, you have your tight little panties in a wad why? Because I tried to explain my post to you. It didn't seem like you got the right idea the first time. I even AGREED with "Z buddy" and said he was probably right. There is no tape. And not to beat it to death or anything, but if you can be bothered to read, you even quoted me as saying "When people let me know they don't like the things that I like, I think "that's on you" and move on. I honestly don't care. I don't call names." Where does my not caring about if people like what I like, my not caring, and you saying I'm lame, make any sort of connection? Now had you said "I hate Soilent Green" or "I hate sex with adult females" I could see what you're getting at. Those are things I like. And if you said you didn't, I think "that's on you" and move on. But you didn't do that, did you? Jeez...


Originally posted by ZDawg

To clear the confusion, people who are close-minded and rude for no apparent reason are the "lame dolts".


Agreed. I'd also like to add people who sling the word lame around, people who don't bother to read, people who stand up for people who are not being attacked and who could defend themselves anyway. Oh, and people who need to be told when a statement is being made with sarcasm, such as "Tell me again who the lame dolts are running around this joint."

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Well let me just swoop in here and get this back on topic






Micheal's website - proclaiming his innocence.



You know, I'm pretty pissed about the last MJ case. I don't care what amount of money someone put forth I would not "sell out" my kid.


The kid should come first in this. If MJ was just a regular dude on the street having kids sleep over his house and had a bunch of cool "toys" for the boys in the neighborhood...what do you think you would say about him...


"what a loving man"




"WHAT a Child Molester"


MJ is only seen differently because of his money. Take the money and fame away and then let's see what everyone says about him.

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Originally posted by STTCT

Well let me just swoop in here and get this back on topic






Micheal's website - proclaiming his innocence.



You know, I'm pretty pissed about the last MJ case. I don't care what amount of money someone put forth I would not "sell out" my kid.


The kid should come first in this. If MJ was just a regular dude on the street having kids sleep over his house and had a bunch of cool "toys" for the boys in the neighborhood...what do you think you would say about him...


"what a loving man"




"WHAT a Child Molester"


MJ is only seen differently because of his money. Take the money and fame away and then let's see what everyone says about him.


Ditto. And how about people that try and make a conspiracy theory based on the fact that the charges and the release of his new alBUM are on the same date? Did it occur to any of these X-Files fans that even if there WERE a connection, that maybe, just MAYBE, MJ concocted the whole thing to generate sales?

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