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Jedi Academy is Jedi Knight III(Spoiler)


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Originally posted by -[MotU]-Lyger|=-

For that guy or girl that had that tantrum(sp) about people refering to JA as JKIII, well it is cause it's a sequal to the 2nd JK game, cause well

Tivion is back

and it concludes to the story line of JK series.


Im not sure who had that tantrum, but the whole naming of this series is a convoluted thing. I think any sequels that may be made from now on will be dropping the numbering system and just be called Jedi Knight : *** Otherwise it's just a bit confusing.....


Still, the game's official release title(as per Lucasarts) does not state "Jedi Knight III" anywere, so although I woudnt have a tantrum over it, I dont think it's right. In chats and emails I used to write "jk3" but I prefer to use JA now, less confusion...


No big deal anyway


Jedi Knight III

Dark Forces IV

Rocky VII in space

sheesh, call it whatever you want !



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Originally posted by eniaC

I thought JA was an expantion pack for JO;)


cmon eniaC, there are plenty of rant threads ! :p


what happenned to your cool Lynch avatar ?! Fire Walk With.......


I like the sidequest idea, funny !


I love Neverwinter and the like.... Too bad theres no goodies you can earn or unlock in JA



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Let's just hope this doesn't become one those series where the guyz that sacked the guyz that have just been sacked get sacked by the the guyz who will get sacked later by some other guyz who also will get sacked...


By the way... I'm responsible for the Moose 3d model until i also get sacked and they bring in the Lammas.


BTW.. is anyone stil lsearching for the Holy Grail?


I think i saw a bunch of swallows carrying it. I'm not sure if they were african or european swallows but judging by the size and apparent weight of the grail (which should be about the same as a cocunut), they must have been african swallows.


(sorry for the Monty Python joke but i couldn't help myself)


Being a bit serious now... about JA being JK3 or not... well just imagine this as the Fatal Fury series... you have FF1 and FF2 and then you have a FFSpecial which has no storyline and is just a special tournament edition... then you have FF3. Then the series went on to the Real BOut Fatal Fury...and it goes on... RBFF1, RBFF Special (same kinda special torunament only edition) and finally RBFF2.


That's the way i see JA... as a special sequel to JO... if JK3 ever comes out.. it will probably feature Kyle as the main character again... while JA will tell the event paralel to the JK2, JK3 whatever series... they have become brother series so to speak.

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From where I sit, JA seems more like a way of perspectivating the JK series on someone else than Kyle Katarn. If there'll be a JKIII I'd guess it would follow up where we left Kyle Katarn in JO. He'd be married to Jan or summet', which could leave the series open for a bunch of clichés like their children being force sensitve and kidnapped by Sith or something similar :D

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