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Raven's Claw ingame


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Originally posted by Aryyn

Why is it when im flying a ship it takes off real fast and crashes everytime and how are u making these ships pilotable?


Glad you asked. Heres is the trick (it took me awhile to figure it out)


When you push down the space bar you lift off, but if you hold it too long you will activate turbo (which almost always makes you crash).


Here is the proper way to do it.

1) push spacebar so that you lift off just a littlebit,

2) then tap forward a couple of times. The more you tap it the faster you go. Speed is altered in increments.

3) you can use turbo, but use caution... Only in long run areas.

4) if you are going to fast, then just tap "back" button down a few times. again the speed is incremented.


Keep this in mind when Piloting obsticles. Cliff walls are extremely sensative to high speed impacts... The crash detection is not suited for high speeds. Also stay away from invisable barriers, such as the ceiling of the map, and sometimes these can be found as walls in other maps. Kotor_flight_school is the best map, because you respawn if you fly out of bounds. This should help you out a bit, Have fun flying. Mars out.


For the purpose of .veh file editing you want to alter the turbo options. Or you can use my vehicle files when I release these. Alot of care has gone into making the ships more playable. Mars out

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Originally posted by imyourfather

Even when you drive slower, it's hard to drive on normal maps, cuz when you get to slow, you fall down.


Well this is true, but you know that the vehicles could be edited in such a way as to decrease the drop rate. I think the "friction" line has something to do with that. Maybe coupled with other things such as mass. I'm still trying to decide what effects this drop. A couple of my .veh files seem to handle this well. Like the falcon edit, seems to have very little drop. Mars out

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Another thing to consider is the idea that with the future of the technology that the Star Wars/Sci-Fi universe uses, is that obviously if we have a hovering Harrier, then they could have vehicles that could also hover, like a Model that Manquesa is currently working on. But thanks for going the extra step Neo in getting Raven's Ravenclaw into the game as a vehicle:)

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Originally posted by ObiKast

Marz I got the ship from AOTCTC.

But I have a little problem, i puted the cheats to kotor map.

I spawn the ship, and it apearce on the map, but when i press use to enter on the ship to fly, it didnt work. :(


Try looking down lower, for some reason if your directly facing the ship it doesnt always work. Just keep looking for the sweetspot.


************DOWNLOAD NOTICE**************

By the way This model is ready for download by all. Go to our site at http://www.aotctc.com/site/

Please let me know if you find any bugs. I think I got most of em.


Keep checking the site because alot of vehicles are going to start showing up. I just sent Darklord the Millinium Falcon, Vader's Tie, so they all should be showing up soon.



:angel:Mars out:angel:

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No problem. I did some research about the wireframes, and the kotor_flight_school has examples. From what I've seen, you need 5: back, front, left, right, and total. The A-Wing (forget the author) is better, because the wireframe is more apparent. Also, the problems seem to also be in the others. While this may be for fun, if you correct these errors, you might want to really release it on one of the file sites. I really like the models!



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