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Why I'm trading my Xbox for a PC


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If there is one thing I cannot abide in an FPS deathmatch, it is a wuss. I define a wuss as ANYBODY who cannot cannot accept the fact that he got his butt killed by a better player and wants to blame his crappy losing streak on anyone who takes advantage of the tools presented in this game to win at it.


YES there are force powers in this game. If I see an opportunity to toss you off of a cliff, I'm gonna push you off it. If I run out of Ammo in my weapon and have to choose between Saber fighting, and frying you with force lightning, then get ready to get crispy. If I have to use grip and squeeze the miserable life out of your Jedi wookie just to get another win in my column, THEN I'M GOING TO DO IT!


YES there are weapons in this game other than Nerfsabers! If I have a missle launcher, and your're being stupid and doing the lightstick tango with another player and can't see me with it, that isn't my problem! The DEVs made guns so I could shoot you with them. This game is a FPS. If you like Sabers so much than go to a duel game and don't whine at me for shooting you in the back!


Everyone who I play (And BEAT) on Xbox-live seem to have problems with this system. Everbody wants to use glowsticks and pretend to be jedi. Everybody complains about being pushed and choked off cliffs (Except for when THEY'RE the ones doing it!), and everyone else seems to think that FPS stands for First Person Saber. This game has only been out on Xbox for a few weeks and everybody has become such a wuss the guns and the powers and the sabers, that it's virtually unplayable.


This is IT for me. X-box live has been a pain in my ass since the day I subscribed to it a year ago. Everyone is so busy b-tching about the various this-and-that's of playing whatever that the fun has been sucked straight out of EVERYTHING. If you suck at a game, you're constantly mocked and put down upon for not being good. If you're GOOD at a game than everyone calls you cheap and kicks you out for getting too many wins. There is NO fine balance, and unless you can find a group of friends to play with, you're guaranteed not to get anything relaxing out of your online experience!


Another problem is that the popularity of the Xbox means too many inattentive parents are buying them for their bratt spammer children. Instead of raising the kids themselves, they let them be babysat by Uncle Xbox. Screw that! these little freaks have no respect for adults, and they'll say and do anything online just to get attention and act like they're cool. There have been so many instances where I've wanted to reach into my Television and MURDER some little bratt who wouldn't shut the hell up that I've lost count. Again I add: Screw that!


ANOTHER problem: Apparently a lot of hill-folk have gained acess to broadband modems, because we sure do get a lot of trailer trash pieces of garbage online. I'm sick of these stupid people, with their stupid lives, complaining about their stupid jobs, with their stupid friends. Hey Leroy, sorry about the 7 eleven getting robbed on your shift. Maybe you should have thought about that before you dropped out of highschool dipsh-t!!!


I realize now that I was an idiot to ever buy into the console gaming hype. It's not the right market for people who are passionate about their games and just want to PLAY. Xbox gaming is for chumps who settle for less and deserve what they get. I'm not like that. This January I'm going to plunk down the coinage for a Discovery, ( Great new PC gaming rig. check it out at http://www.discoverconsole.com ) I'm canceling my Xbox live subscription and I'm saving my Xbox for Offline gaming only ( You know for when games like KOTOR 2 or Ninja gaiden come out). I look forwarding to meeting and playing with and against my fellow PC gamers with great joy. ''


The long nightmare is over! SCREW YOU XBOX!!!

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Well said but it's not much better on the PC, although you will find some servers with people who don't play at all but sit there and chat all day or complain about "lamers." You will also find servers (like Amidala's ChopShop) where there are no rules interfering with gameplay, so you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't have to do with running around calling people "lamers" because they e-killed you with their e-weapon and doing nothing but chatting/complaining/insulting. You'll probably also find that it's a lot less of a strain on your ears when you can't actually hear the other people in the server cursing at you for winning. Pretty good decision, I'd say.

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Changing gaming systems will not allieviate your complaints. There will always be people you describe in any online play. Isn't the internet grand.

BTW, I am a HillJack (hill-folk), I have graduated high school, will graduate with a BS degree in environmental pre-law this spring, will be attending law school this fall, and I do not work at a seven eleven or any other convient store. So, please keep your sterotyped comments to yourself; you are only showing your own "stupidity".

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Well you'll be paying more for the hardware, but the online play should be cheaper for you in the long run and (I assume) a larger community.


Can Xbox players join PC servers and vice versa? Or is Xbox Live a "closed community?"


If the latter, then I bet you'll have a lot more to choose from on the PC. Plenty of "no rules (except no whining)" servers exist and are springing up, mine and Amidala's are two well known ones on the forums. ; )


The biggest reason I would think to trade up to JA PC though is mods and editing. ; )

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Originally posted by Faustus

This January I'm going to plunk down the coinage for a Discovery, ( Great new PC gaming rig. check it out at http://www.discoverconsole.com )


I'm curious, why are you going to pay "$299-399" for a console that only plays PC games while connected to your low-resolution TV set, when for a couple of hundred dollars more you could get a real PC with a 17" monitor that not only plays those games the way they were meant to be played, but also does all the other things a computer can do?

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Live! is a closed community for two reasons:


1)In any instance (except the flight-sim) where a Mouse and keyboard faces a controller in an online community that involves gaming based on reflexes and accuracy, the controller will lose every time. I think the console world learned its lesson in that respect back with Quake 3 on Dreamcast. I wasn't and am not good at Quake 3, but playing against my buddies who were tied to the DC controller with my PC was like shooting geriatric fish in a barrel.


2)The Xbox is nearly devoid of valuable exclusive content, thus any bell or whistle that Microsoft can squeeze into said machine, however mundane, will increase the apparent value.



You made the right decision faustus. Regrettably it is inevitable that you will run in to hordes of flaming idiots on the internet, but at the very least on a PC you have the power to limit that contact with choice. And in the greater scheme of things you are getting a better gaming experience throughout.


Oh yeah, and in CounterStrike on PC you actually have the option to mute players you don't want to listen to.

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

A great gaming PC with a powerful video card and good sized monitor would cost you 4x the cost of an Xbox.... If money is a concern for you then you're stuck with the Box !




Not really; you can get a really good PC for not alot of money now.

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Originally posted by The Count

Not really; you can get a really good PC for not alot of money now.


Thats right....depends on what you mean by "not alot of money though".... but whatever you end up scoring the pc for, you can nab yourself an XB for *much* cheaper... obviously...


Im lucky enough to own a toshiba satellite 5200, and a ps2. Lets just say my laptop cost me 10x more than my ps2, which I got damn dirt cheap....



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Key benefits to the X-box:


1.) Closed hardware system -- means no driver conflicts, no mucking around with configurations. Pop the disc in and get to playing.


2.) All games run at maximum FPS on the system. You will never play a game that runs better on your friend's X-box than it does on your own.


3.) MUCH cheaper and always up-to-date hardware (until the next generation console comes out). Even when the next-gen console DOES come out, the cost of an upgrade is considerably less than consistently upgrading your PC. Generally speaking, if you want a top-notch PC, be prepared to shell out about $1000-1500 on the box alone (for motherboard, CPU, and GPU, and a bit of RAM as well). That's not including your monitor which, depending on what kind you buy, can cost you anywhere from $200 to another $1000-1500 (if you got a really nice flat-panel display). Then factor in the costs of "staying current". Each time a new video card comes out, if you want to be running at the top of the line, you've got to buy one. As the games get written for beefier systems, you have to upgrade. So figure that, each year after your initial investment, you'll want to shell out around $100 or so on minor upgrades (though that may end up being a $200 expenditure after 2 years, as opposed to constant upgrades at $100 -- I'm just amortizing the amount over the lifespan of the PC). Now factor in between $30 and $50 a month for a high-speed internet connection, and throw in around another $150 for decent controllers (mouse, nice keyboard, quality joystick if you do flight sims or play BF1942 or something) and you're talking a major expenditure.


Or you can pay $300 and get yourself an X-box, complete with everything you need (except the TV, which you probably already own). Oh, and the X-box can double as your DVD player. Neat, huh?


Benefits to owning a PC:


1.) You can do more than gaming. (What?? Really? wow..that's kinda cool). Word processing, video recording and editing (I just used my PC like a TIVO last night to record Battlestar Galactica -- still can't decide if I like it or not), storage of MP3s, audio editing, web browsing and e-mail, etc., etc. The PC is a multi-use tool. The X-box is a gaming console.


2.) Better resolution for your graphics on the PC (assuming you can tell the difference and have the hardware to run at decent FPS).


3.) PC games are usually a little cheaper than X-box games ($50 vs. $60-70)


4.) Mouse and keyboard. Nuff said. :)



So, it really comes down to a question of what you want to do with the hardware. If you just want a gaming system, the X-box is probably the way to go. If you want to be able to gaming plus a ton of other stuff, go with a PC, but expect to pay at least three times as much, depending on what hardware you pick up.


Now, as for your REAL concern, which is the jackasses that you play against, welcome to the human race. Get comfy, because they're everywhere. On the roads, on the sidewalks, on the X-box, on PC servers, etc. You cannot escape them. The best you can hope to do is continue to irritate them by beating them. :)


Alternatively, you can try to find a regular server where you can play with a group of folks on a consistent basis. A gaming community that's fairly close-knit, as opposed to playing with anonymous retards.


One other thing: part of the issue is how the game has been designed and what peoples' expectations are about how it SHOULD play. Sabre combat has never truly been done justice in any of these games, nor do I think it can be done justice given the current control mechanisms and game engines out there. That may change over time, but for now, this is as good as it gets. As a result, people are dissatisfied with nerfsabres, with how Raven chose to balance the game, and with how gameplay often works out online. Frankly, I think they've fallen victim to a preconception of how gameplay will work, based on the films. They expect a sabre to always be the best weapon.


What they fail to remember is that it's not that the sabre is the best weapon, it's that the jedi is the best FIGHTER. A jedi with a sabre can beat a non-force user with a gun because the jedi has the force. NOT because he has the sabre. But if you have jedi walking around with a sabre, and another jedi with a concussion rifle, who do you really think is going to win? Swords vs. guns -- swords usually lose. That's what pisses people off. They forget that there's a level playing field, given that EVERYONE has force powers and EVERYONE has guns, so the sabre just becomes another tool, not the be-all-end-all weapon they'd like it to be (which again has more to do with the wielder than with the weapon itself in the films).


Anyway, so that's my rather rambling theory. :) Hope it helps you in your decision.

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Originally posted by Solo4114

1.) Closed hardware system -- means no driver conflicts, no mucking around with configurations. Pop the disc in and get to playing.

Admittedly this is now a lot better on PCs than it used to be. It has been years since the last time I had an issue with a game. Anyone remember the DOS/Windows 95 days? Now those were headaches :)
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The PC is the best for everything. I'm not being biased...I'm just telling the truth.


PC is getting better and better. Admittedly, there was a stage when the PC sucked (I remember when I had Windows 3.1 and then 95). Let me quote my favourite games magazine:


The PC will always be one step ahead


The Xbox isn't bad, in fact its a great console, but PC has tons more people playing online, as well as better graphics, cheaper games...etc.


Xbox (as a console) is cheaper and will always be ahead there.

But you made the right descision, swop your box for a pc.

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Indeed , I never understood the console hypes myself... I still have a PS1 and dont plan to get any other HGS because I have something that already does what a xbox or PS does - with all that money you plan to invest on an xbox or so instead spend it on a phat video card or something that will allow you to play the top shelf graphic games without fps lag.


yep as far as the whiners are consered- its nothig different online cpu than opnline xbox... little rugrat bastards still have cpus too


I am 29 and dealt with immature brats for 3 years on battle.net and left because it was them that ruined the integrety of the game by the words they say and the hacks they dowload and abuse instead of having the brainpower to come up with ones of their own.... anyone that uses the words noob, lamer, or any of the l33tt I pwn Joo baby talk(which is EXACTLY WHAT THAT IS) gets ZERO respect from me- regardless of how good they THINK they are..... as I've learned with Diablo as well as this game... their are always bigger fish in the sea- and this game is impossible to be completely undefeated just because of its utter randomacy. I admit I still suck hard- however 2 weeks into my first 3d engine game EVER I am saying I'm having fun doing what I do...and I pan out and ignore the babies with their inferior wordings unless they chat kill me.... then i call em an assshole smile and keep going.


I played Kurgans meatgrinder past few days and I can say that is aspect of game I almost enjoy the most.... duels you have to wait and watch retards swing away in red stance like that is only thing they can do until they happen to connect and 1-2 hit kill someone.... and don't have to deal with most of the BS there or hell boot ya :D


btw Kurgan I am Mileenah on your server ( my dead lvl 99 amazon's name that reached the number one spot on Diablo2LOD useast realm hardcore ladder 6 months ago)

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I'm going to have to disagree with the price arguments for the Xbox. The Xbox is by no means top of the line, so to equate that technology to a top of the line computer in regards to price is fairly ridiculous. The PC gives you several advantages, the least of which are scalable graphics and hardware variety. You aren't forced to use one manufacturer for PC so you can shop around. IF you are foolish enough to buy a prefabricated system you will of course get reamed financially.


Upgrades are also obnoxiously cheap provided you are smart enough to plan ahead when purchasing hardware. As far as I am concerned it's cheaper to use a PC in the long run. There's no Xbox Live! fee on the PC, mostly because people already have internet service and are not stupid enough to pay for a service they are already paying for. PC games that are months old rapidly decrease in price while Xbox games stay high so Microsoft can make up the enormous overhead for system production.


All of that is moot anyway since the proof is in the games. The Xbox has a tiny exclusive library that is worth playing. Maybe ten games deep whereas the PC has a wealth of exclusive content that will keep you playing for a long time. There's really no other reason to buy a system than games. Xbox has very few games, every other gaming option has many. I would think that the choice would be obvious.

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Originally posted by MrDomin0

Live! is a closed community for two reasons:


Okay, that answers my question.


1)In any instance (except the flight-sim) where a Mouse and keyboard faces a controller in an online community that involves gaming based on reflexes and accuracy, the controller will lose every time. I think the console world learned its lesson in that respect back with Quake 3 on Dreamcast. I wasn't and am not good at Quake 3, but playing against my buddies who were tied to the DC controller with my PC was like shooting geriatric fish in a barrel.


Sega got around this problem by having a keyboard and mouse combo available for the DC. All of the FPS games on the Dreamcast could use them, making this a non-issue (except for those folks too cheap to spend 30$ to get the combo).


People like Lik-Sang also sold adapters that allowed you to hook up any pc Optical Mouse (rather than the DC mouse) and keyboard adapters (allowing you to use any old cheap keyboard... I bought one for 2$ at goodwill that was for an old AT compatible secretary's computer, in mint condition 'cause it had a dust cover on it all those years) were widely available. So if your keys/mouse ever brake or wear out, you can just swap in a new one.


If Microsoft is too cheap to provide a key+mouse combo for the Xbox, that's their own fault.


They could have easily gotten past this "barrier" had they tried.


2)The Xbox is nearly devoid of valuable exclusive content, thus any bell or whistle that Microsoft can squeeze into said machine, however mundane, will increase the apparent value.


A key+mouse combo would help ANY FPS game (traditionally played on the PC with key+mouse combos), such as Halo. This wouldn't have been simply an enhancement for JA. A controller would work okay for saber dueling, but a key+mouse combo is pratically required to dominate in FF guns.



For the low budget gamer, consoles make more sense.. because they have a much lower initial investment. There's also less hassle with tech support with compatability issues and upgrade problems, etc.


But it's true, the games cost more, online support is lacking, you have less choice with controllers, and even with VGA BOX support (like the Xbox has, as did the Dreamcast and I assume the PS2 has as well) which greatly improves the visual quality of a game, it still can't match the high res options most PC gamers take for granted with decent video cards, and the communities are much larger.


PC's can do a lot more than the most versatile console, but you pay for that in terms of higher costs and more frustrating tech support and tweaking issues.


Still, for a game designed for the PC, you can't go wrong with the initial platform.. ; )

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I had an xbox and xbox live played every game at the time for it...

Your right about xbox live i don't like hearing little kids screaming and some idiots tv cutting in and out in the back ground..

I spent over 1000 bucks on my xbox including games ect...

only good game was halo and that was not really that great...

most games for the xbox are dumbed down to have the 3 consoles have multi platform releases the PS2 has the worst Hardware of the 3...so the xbox ends up with a less than i could have graphics end to be like the ps2.

And there is no really good ways to get into the same server over and over and the freinds list is buggy....has it limits so i canceled my subscription threw out the xbox and bought a game cube now very happy at least nintendo is making some quality games...metriod prime, zelda, FX zero ect...

And i use my pc for online gaming.

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All games run at maximum FPS on the system. You will never play a game that runs better on your friend's X-box than it does on your own.

actually on the elderscrolls forums people have been complaining that the morrowind goty doesnt run on thompson xboxes only on philips ones

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I'd save up for a normal PC rig Amidala instead of a discover, since it would have been like trading one Xbox for another otherwise, except I discovered upon their browsing their website that a PC monitor can be attached to a Discover unit, allowing me to enjoy signifigantly better visuals than is currently possible with my Xbox/TV set-up. And since I have four Monitors laying around my house from older PC's I've had ( I can't make myself throw old hardware away for some reason) I've got no reason to go back to lame TV visuals. Except for when I want to play exclusive X-box games like Ninja Gaiden offline.


I can appreciate how much fun it must be to design your own mods, and run your own servers and what not Amidala, but to be honest that not really what I want out of a PC. I just like playing games, and If I get a system with all the bells and whistles, all I'm really paying for is a more expensive way to check my email. Trust me, if The Discover is not what they say it is, you guys will be hearing from me all over the Server about how ripped off I feel and how I should have just gotten a new PC like any other idiot would have. All I want is a stable system to play some fun games with.


The Discover entry level unit also comes with with a Keyboard and mouse (NO MORE CONTROLLERS!!!) so no more waiting three seconds for my game to auto-aim for me, and feeling like a cheap hack who can't even aim his own weapon.


You were right about how the Saber operates on a controller Kurgan, it's very good. The only problem is that the Saber is the ONLY thing that feels natural about JA on a controller. The lack of instant response make the Ten Loss rifle worthless, and the only way to rack up quick kills is to nerf the Concussion rifle, or the grenade option on the Imperial heavy repeater, and that's provided the Twelve year olds in the room aren't pretending to meet with Han Solo on the Tatooine FFA map. losers.

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You shoulds watch your offensive comments about other people, Faustus, not just because it can get you banned, but because you may be insulting someone and being a total f****er.


Besides, I doubt you can call yourself so superior to the "hillbillies", since you stuffed Bill Gates a** with money in the first place paying for the sucking X-Box Live.

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with this new pc/console thingie, how can you play the latest game on it? like if i buy this march 2004, and then one year later Doom 4 comes out, with graphics that blows ya mind, how can my console play it with same fps? and modding comunity, how is one to mod one of these, i dont think they can? but any way, yeah pc is better, if ya have the money, and remember, its not just a gamming console, so its worth every penny

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Originally posted by Lince

since you stuffed Bill Gates a** with money in the first place paying for the sucking X-Box Live.


Kid, don't spam my thread complaining about being offensive, and then end up writing something as offensive as that. It's immature. If I've offended anybody than I apologize, simple as that. Someone else on the thread already asked me to be more sensitive to the 'hilljack' segment of our little community.


And I've already checked the specs on the Discover. It doesn't seem that outdated to me, layman though I am. If I'm wrong, than it's my money to waste so don't worry about it.

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Geez, some of you guys need to chill out, seriously. ; P



Consoles can play just about any game on the PC, you just have to tone down the graphics, simplify the controls and streamline it a bit to make it "fit." Some games translate better than others of course...


Good point about the old hardware. I guess one way to look at it is the Xbox is just a stripped down PC with encryption and a custom graphics card (circa 2001?).


The benefit of the system is that there's no compatability issues (ie: all Xbox's are the same), the downside is that the games will never look better since upgrades are unlikely and impractical on such a setup (witness the failure of the Sega CD/32X for example).

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