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Language Filter


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Good day everyone...


Need some assistance with Jedi Academy; some behind the scenes info.


I am looking to find a way to turn on any kind of language filter – for example, the games America’s Army has a built in option to ***** what would be considered inappropriate language – the standard Fs, As, Ds, Ss and GDs etc… This is important for (1) a server we are looking at building and (2) for my and others personal gaming as we roam from server to server.


Any help would be great!



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I think you should avoid being heavy-handed with a profanity filter. On the other hand, you would be suprised how many 9 and 10-year-olds there are playing (often they are the siblings or kids of other players), so you have to make a judgement call as to whether or not you should be hosting a place where young kids are exposed to profanity. Yes, I know they have all heard those words before, but each server admin has to decide if they want to give tacet approval to exposing young kids to that.


Players who just have to use the "F" word to express themselves soon come up with creative ways to spell it that get around the filter, but it does stop a lot of it. The only other bad word I filter is the "N" word. The other "profanities" I filter are "lamer", "/disco" (I feel sorry for newbs who fall for the "type /disco in the console for super force powers" prank), and "!kton" and "!loud" to impede killtracker use.

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if i had a 9 or 10 year old son or daughter, i sure wouldnt let them play online games, sheesh! I didnt play anything online until i was 17 or 18 probably. younger kids need great thinking titles like, monkey island, or sam and max, or perhaps strategy games. thats what i was playing at a younger age :)


the [sL] server will never ever be censored. in fact i guess i might even encourage ppl to swear, they can type out some big long speech full of profanity about laming, while i run over and saber them up :D

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

if i had a 9 or 10 year old son or daughter, i sure wouldnt let them play online games, sheesh! I didnt play anything online until i was 17 or 18 probably. younger kids need great thinking titles like, monkey island, or sam and max, or perhaps strategy games. thats what i was playing at a younger age :)


I totally agree with you, but there is no equivalent of a bouncer at the server door checking IDs. I am amazed parents let young children play these games. Probably sometimes they don't know or care that 16-year-old Timmy is letting his little brother play his "Star Wars game" (as long as they stop fighting about it and are kept busy, I guess Mom is happy). Other times on my server I've had parents say "OK, I'm going to let my 9-year-old daughter play for a few minutes", and then say later "ha ha, that was my 9-year-old that killed you on that last map". What are they thinking?


Anyway, if it was only 18 and up playing I couldn't give a *%^%^**@#$ what the %#^%* they said, but I feel some responsibility to shield young kids from that, even if their parents won't.

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Thank you all for the ethics discussion... LOL


Really I just don't care to see people bleep each other mothers with a bleep, bleeping bleep.


That simple... The net by itself is dark and cold... Why submit yourself to more profanity?


All I want to do is offer players the same type of luxury that I desire... To play the game in an environment that is semi clean for racism, profanity and harassment.


And I don't think it is censoring, you are still being able to curse all you want, I just am not reading it. Censoring is forcing you to not curse - I am forcing me to not read.


Thanks for all the Mod recommendations!


I must say Xmod’s ability to auto kick after a specific # of offences is REAL cool..


God Bless – See you all in the games.




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Originally posted by Romans623

* Correction *


All I want to do is offer players the same type of luxury that I desire... To play the game in an environment that is semi clean *for* racism, profanity and harassment.





*pssst* you can use that Edit button in the lower right corner to make changes or corrections after your post, rather than double-post.

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

if i had a 9 or 10 year old son or daughter, i sure wouldnt let them play online games, sheesh! I didnt play anything online until i was 17 or 18 probably. younger kids need great thinking titles like, monkey island, or sam and max, or perhaps strategy games. thats what i was playing at a younger age :)


I played titles like DOOM, Duke Nukem, Castle Wolfenstein (the original) and Quake when I was around that age. But that probably explains a lot. Oh well I got into the FPS gaming scene early I guess. It didn't really hurt to tell you the truth but now that games are becoming more graphic (like DOOM3) it may be a problem.

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Yea, i played all those also, tho not much of Quake, and none of them online until much later, in fact my first Q1 MP experiance happened last weekend, my roomate and i were dm-ing and fooling with tenebrae ;) And yea, games today are much more graphic, back when Doom came out, in 1993, i was all of twelve it think, and it scared the crap outta me, just enought to make the game really exciting ;)


a game like Doom today wouldnt do that, just because of how it looks, people are all up for realism, and it probably has soem negative side effects, but i dont htink that anyone should be limited to what they can say. Thats why i was more in favor of cleint side mods taht have language filtering that is toggleable :)

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From what I've seen with XMod2, the filters work probably better than intended. Not only they do they replace suspect language, but it seems for the most to cause players not to use that language in the first place, since they know it will be blocked anyway. And with words such as "fag" and worse censored, it is amazing how little chat there is :)

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