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Disappointed... with JA customization options out of box


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Hi everyone... Just wanna ask if anyone also feel that the character creation is too simple?


i mean... I recall Raven saying that there would be over 2000 possible combinations for characters...


The idea seemed great to me sinse, allot of role players was in JK2(Using bow, having masters and trying to live in the starwars saga) - But it just seems very simple.... And i think it's a shame!


Because it could sometimes turn me off when a stormtropper was running around with a saber - WTF is that about?:)


The human male model only got 3 heads:/


Is it possible for the mod community to really release a giant mad pack which creates much more heads, torsos and legs for the diffrent races?


Im also a bit sad that there aren't a male Zabrak spicies:(



Your thoughts?:confused:

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It doesn't really bother me too much the amount of possible combinations for Jaden. What bothered me is that it didn't matter what species you were, meaning that a Rodian and a Human Female have the exact same strengths. It would've been nice to have it so, for example a Rodian Jaden starts the game in the blue saber stance whilst a Human male for example starts off in yellow. Force abilities (core force powers) should've been varied. For example, a Kel Dore male develops his Force speed rank fairly quickly and a Twilek female for example develops Force Seeing fairly quickly. These were my impressions of what I thought the gaming style would've been before the game was released but now that I think about it, it'd all require a lot of scripting.


Just some of my thoughts.

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originally posted by Prime:


There are over 2000 combinations.


Exactly. If you take all the possible head, torso, and leg combos for each selectable race, there's over 2,000 different Jadens to choose from. If you want more variety with your character, check out http://www.jk2review.com They have tutorials on how to replace Jaden with a custom model/skin, even how to make that custom model/skin be another selectable race!


originally posted by Alegis Gensan:


What does bother me is the absence of special voices for the rodian,zabrak and kel dor only 2 human voices


Maybe this will help:


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If you hate the idea of a Stormtrooper wielding a saber, well, get used to it.


The Clone Wars cartoon features Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, etc wearing partial or full Clone trooper style armor.


Not only that, but in the early script drafts of Star Wars, the lightsaber was a standard weapon carried by Rebels and Imperials alike! (Robert B. Brown, former webmaster of the synicon SW website speculates that the "thermal detonator" tube on the back of the Stormtrooper armor was originally intended to be a one-handed saber hilt)


We know from the EU (and the prequels) that all manner of races and species can be force sensitive. Stormtroopers and Clonetroopers are just humans wearing armor. They don't use Ysalamari to make clones in the prequels, so why would it be impossible for one of them to be force sensitive or learn how to use a saber? Or just give a Jedi the armor.


It wasn't been confirmed (and I'm not watching spoilers) but I would hope that by Episode III they aren't still showing Jedi rushing into battle with nothing to protect them but some desert robes and khaki tunics. ; p


In any case, Jedi Academy, despite the number of "RPG-esque" elements added to it is still a First Person Shooter. So it shouldn't be expected to be anywhere near as in depth as KOTOR or SWG.


Still, if you want more customization, even without downloading any mods, check out this thread, where we unlock a lot of options:


http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?threadid=111511 (see also the "demo customization" thread linked in the first post)

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Not only that, but in the early script drafts of Star Wars, the lightsaber was a standard weapon carried by Rebels and Imperials alike! (Robert B. Brown, former webmaster of the synicon SW website speculates that the "thermal detonator" tube on the back of the Stormtrooper armor was originally intended to be a one-handed saber hilt)

LOL, that's just about the stupidest idea I've ever heard! But I've always wondered why Stormtroopers never used that thermal detonator in the movies, or even in the games.
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I think if SW had been made that way we'd all think it was cool, since it would have been the foundation of the mythos.


Originally Star Wars was going to have a more "futuristic medieval" flavor to it.


Think of everybody wearing armor, carrying swords (lightsabers) and shields (force field thingies, like the gungans had in Episode I).


The "one handed saber" thing is only a theory, but it makes sense to me!


The only "thermal detonator" we've been explicitly shown in the films after all is the round "hand grenade" object (that didn't go off of course) in ROTJ.

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in the bakura level a stormtrooper throws a tremal detonator if u take the 'back' way out of the complex but as u aproach he throughs one at a crate and rebounds and kills himself, typical stormtrooper :rolleyes:


id really like to see a mod where u can have say bobafetts body and kyles head that would be so cool cuz i really want that armored look of stormtrooper armor or mandolerean armor but was told its impossible:(

Originally Star Wars was going to have a more "futuristic medieval" flavor to it.

thats y i like star wars so much

the only downside is the fact that the story line is always stopping the sith from gaining ultimate power

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Why the flame Kurgan?


I have never said I weren't gonna deal with it, because I am.


But why?


That don't make it right IMO..... Why is there not horses running around in the single player????? Why not... its not deep at all... just a stupid game using Quake 3.... engine... bahh...:)


I just think that Raven should have been loyal to the multiplayer side of starwars...


The character creation opens up great possibilities for role playing.... Why does people bow? why does people want emotes? why are some people running around with personal trainers under names like master and padawan and all that.. IMO sir, it's just that many people wanna role play and have action all in the same time, and I don't see anything wrong with that:)



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

JA is always gonna be a FPS, its just a pipe dream to wish there were more complex character creation options.... really, if you are into that type of stuff, you need to play an rpg......what was the name of that SW RPG from BioWare again............. :cool:




KOTOR.... Played it back in august on Xbox. Pretty good game!


I also play SWG - Even though im gonna stop(It's not very fun)!


I just can't see why people wanna pee on a certain francies! FPS don't need to be shallow!


I like JKA! It's the only game with a saber system this complex... It's fun and well made, and I enjoy it very much - It just seems that currently theres not much more to it!


Weren't this the big step of the Jedi Knight francies.... To create character custom things, to suit their own look. With only three heads for the human male it, seems to me that random skins could have been better, or just be playing as kyle and keep the skin things for multiplayer!



That's of course just my opinion!

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