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Ever since the bonus........


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Saber combat feels diffrent.


I have been killed two times with 100/100 hp by barley being nicked by the saber staff/single saber (dual sabers seem the same).


they were normal swings too and it wasn't lag.


I asked the admin if saber damage was up ...he said no.



Do you think the devs slipped us a small saber patch in the map bonus.....is it possible to do that since not everyone Downloaded it?





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Well,it exactly the same with throw.....u can do 10 dmg to 100 dmg(or instant kill),same goes for swing.....hell i even used protect once and it got me down to 4 hp with 100 force 100hp/14shield


i dont think it cuz of map


and btw,gas mine is a great map with xmod on or any mod with flipkick in it =P

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