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Star Wars:Galaxies Buy it  

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  1. 1. Star Wars:Galaxies Buy it

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Is evercrack the standard now?

I wouldn't get it, I don't like the idea of paying for a game I just payed for(No, I don't have a car, yes I can afford the game...and a car)Plus if say, I take a month off didn't I just buy takeout for someone at Lucas for nothing? And while I'm not a fan of cheating I do like modding. I don't like dancing wookies. Or killing small creatures for experience. Or running forever. Plus with a standard game you can goof off without any consequences.

Five hours is a long time doing anything(try brushing your teeth). Kotor is a superior starwars experience just play it again.

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Originally posted by Hiroki

Its better in your opinion. Maybe MMO's just arn't your type of game, if you don't like to do such things, then just do not play. Though don't play, then complain about how hard it is, like the last one. Thats annoying...

Who, me? I was under the impression that we were being asked our opinions...

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I would do almost anything to play this game! The sad part is that I do not have the time, nor the money to do so :/ I might give it a shot after the summer. It seems like one of the most brilliant games ever made! So all hails to SWG ;)

(even tough I haven't played it yet :p)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by McCusto

Get the game #1 RPG!!!


Stupid fools! Have you even played the game for more than a week!?


lol ALOT of money? It is only $15 a month lol!!!


Obviously you have NO idea what financial situation my family is in:


My dad has two disabilities: three-day migraines and Asperger Syndrome (extremely unsocial and intelligent). He got FIRED from his job because he missed a few days because he was in bed with a migraine.


My mom got FIRED from her job at a jr high school because the principal's secretary's sister wanted a SECOND job while my mom doesn't have money to feed her own kids (my brother is 3).


We are now 'raking in' $200 a month. That's not even enough for rent! (though the people that let us live in this house were kind enough to pay for that).


If my mom did not work with the woman she did at the school, we WOULD be homeless (she lets us live in this house).


If you think 15 dollars a month isn't very much, think again because for us 3 dollars a month is too much for us to handle. My brother likes to buy gumballs, but usually we can't afford them. And, no, I'm not joking, I'm incredibly serious.


If you were constantly living on the verge of ultimate depression and living on the street, you wouldn't be so quick to make fun of those without much money. We only got this 'cheap' DSL to bring some measure of joy to our lives.


To you 15 dollars isn't very much but to our family it is way too much.


I'm not trying to come across as angry, because I'm not mad at you, but i just *HATE* when people don't understand what it's like to be poor. Did you know that both my parents' parents won't let us live with them? They know we might be homeless very soon but deny it. Even at our former church the pastor wouldn't give us a few dozen dollars because he thought we were manipulating him and he was being greedy.


So maybe you'll realize what it's like living in this position. Think about it for awhile. If you have one small sliver of a heart you'll feel bad that we have to live this way, near constantly begging people for a few extra dollars to pay our bills so we don't get out electricity shut off.


I'm not making any of this up to try and make you feel sorry for me, I'm just stating the facts. Please don't think that 15 dollars is very little money, because to me it's not anymore.

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Wow, and Christians too? You must've done something to upset God, or he's testing you one. Hang in there, and don't lose faith, okay? It doesn't sound like your family would be the type to upset God, so ignore my first statement....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought always that they that get an income below 1000$ has no rent but that is swedish laws only maybe.

I get 500$ every month so thats why i dont think that 15$ is much but now because you said so i think twice.

Here am i and throw food worth alot of money because it haves some red thingies on it

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when i heard it was gonna be on xbox i was pretty happy, but now that they cancelled that version, some time ago i think, it lost all its flavor. my pc cant even play the demo of jedi knight 2: jedi outcast, so i think its a huge investment for me to get this game cus i'd have to spend at least 800 on a new computer and then over 200 for the game and to use it a year. its a good idea and i'm still partly interested but its one of those games i just have to push aside, and maybe wait a few years. thats if its still around.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, summer break's starting for me and I'm without my usual list of slackerish ways to kill the time. The idea of a Star Wars MMORPG definitely has its appeal, but I honestly don't know squat about the game and haven't played a MMORPG before. Does it take a while to get into? How much interaction do you have with other players, and is it easy to get into the swing of things or are people cliquey and elitist? The idea would be to spend a ridiculous amount of time playing over the next couple months, and then quit when I get bored so as not to be paying out the wazzoo for it. Is that a practical approach?

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I was a beta tester for SWG for about four months leading up to release. I purchased the game at release and played it for about 5 or 6 months.


In my opinion, SWG was the absolute worst possible implementation of the Star Wars license that they could have done for an MMO.


There is almost no static content in the game. The entire combat system is based on dynamicly created missions ... when you reach the maximum level, there is nothing to do but give up your skills and try another profession.


The Jedi system is what killed SWG ... people want to play Jedi and it was a mistake making the path to get there so difficult and time consuming.


The biggest mistake they made with SWG was binding themselves to a timeframe that was not "open" ... they chose a timeframe somewhere in the middle of Ep. 4 - 6 ... STUPID! Bioware did it right by choosing an era where they could do pretty much whatever they wanted. Verant is stupid and I have no doubt that LucasArts regrets their decision to let Verant make SWG.


Is SWG fun? Yes. But it does not have the "staying power" of a true MMO ... most people only play for a few months before they realize how boring the game gets (ala no content) after a while. Buy it if you need something to do for a few months ...

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I didn't like Galaxies at all because I am always looking for a good and "accurate" Star Wars experience. The one thing I've learned is that you cannot rely on other players to provide that experience...

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Lol you want to hear somthing more silly in Star Wars Galaxies that you ever herd of?... LOL....:eek: I herd that some one sold their FIRST! yeah first Jedi! ever created in Galaxies on ebay say a couple of months back for about approx $4000 (for real life money) and some crazy lunatic brought that jedi character for real life money...oh god how crazy is that? would you go that far or would you waste $4000 on a jedi character when you can build up to be a jedi in galaxies for FREE (let me tell you people i havent played Galaxies yet but I will one day) I just herd this in a magazine anyone herd about it and YES I am a big star wars fan

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone want to buy my KOTOR save game. It come with special feature and only goes for ten bucks US(I'll also need your social security number and or Ip address)! For anyone interested I'll tell you but it's a spoiler...



My save allows you to play as Revan!!!


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Originally posted by FiEND_138

Galaxies never really interested me until I saw the "jump to light speed" trailer. If I had more time to play (better enjoy my investment every month), I'd get it but I don't. Just have to wait for KotOR 2 :)

From what I have seen, "jump to lightspeed" look pretty poor to me. It looks a lot like the vehicles from JA and the Asteroids or Star Destroyer map. I mean, X-Wing Alliance still looks better than this...
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Don't play JA, anymore. The flight was great, just got sick of be'n punished for shooting an admin out of the sky. & I lost all my x -wing games a few years back. & uhhh... I was trying to find something good about the super sized bug feast that is SWG, jeez :D


& RoFL @ Weiser_Cain

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Originally posted by Prime

I didn't like Galaxies at all because I am always looking for a good and "accurate" Star Wars experience. The one thing I've learned is that you cannot rely on other players to provide that experience...


Exactly, Prime. Galaxies just doesn't feel like Star Wars regardless of the graphics.


JD Wiker, one of the guys who worked on the d20 SW RPG, had this to say about the game and I completely agree with his assessment.

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The Game was amazing the first couple months! I was a competitave Rebel on Tatooine and was actually known by imperials off on Naboo were alot of the imperial Guilds's HQs are. but alot of people whinned for stupid reasons and SOE for some reason listened to the whinners that whined about something stupid. So began the Nerf Wars! the age of fun and prosperity turned to fear and more whinning as the Nerfs ravaged profession after profession leaving profession that didn't make sense dominant over others that should be dominating. for example A Bounty Hunter, wouldn't you agree that this should class should be powerful? especially since it takes up all but a little of your skill points hardly giving you the chance to dabble in something else? Bounty Hunters, a profession for fighting and killing getrs thier ass handed to them by a martial artist with no gun at all! as do Pistoleers and other gun professions. The Teris Kasi Artist is way over powered compared to reality. entertainers such as musicians and dancers have more range and melee defense that Bounty Hunters! now why be a Bounty Hunter? no reason at all just pick a different class. The Bounty Hunters were originally a feared profession, and in the beginning they were rarely seen and when they were people ran or droped like flies trying to defend themselves because they themselves have not lvled the same. The Bounty Hunter was hit hard by The Nerf and hit hard til they were laughable. Everyone I've talked to on SWG is nerf paranoid. updates are feared and hated instead of encouraged and welcomed now. SOE's answer to every problem is another nerf it's sickening. SOE because of their brillant planning turned a game to crap. It was put out 50%-75% done and it was still more fun than it is now.I won't go back to that game till i see the Nerf War ended or major major improvements.


well that's the status of the game now, if you were to ask about it in the summer of it's release i would have encouraged playing because it was a really fun game, now it's just annoying

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