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Not a good Idea..


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I decided i would go Hunting, and raise my skills, and i found a hermit spider nest.. so yah i attacked it....i killed about 7 of the buggers. Then the guards & Queen decided to spawn then 21 more spawned. that wasnt cool. they chased me down and turned me into spider food. I got maybe 6 or 7 of them before they got me though. Was a fun battle though :)





and the green thing at the bottom of the screen would be my crumpled corpse.. lol

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well, he was wearin composite..it must suck or something..i have been in his same place when i was grinding up to novice tk..keep in mind..only at unarmed IV. and i managed. with no buffs


but hey, some people are different

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Originally posted by MasterJo



*dies from laughter


Considering i am using a crappy pistol to get my skills up, and my composite armor lowers alot of my stats to 1, doesnt exactly make me the greatest close range fighter. and considering i just got done fighting another hermit spider nest, and other small battles my health was low.

oh yeah and hermit spiders con yelklow to me.

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