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Max in SWGB?


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I was told that Max (of Sam and Max) could be found somewhere in the scenery (like, I guess there are a bunch of trees formed in his shape somewhere, or something) in Galactic Battlegrounds. I don't own the game, though, and was wondering if anyone could confirm this and post a screenshot? For those who are unaware, Max makes cameo appearances in a lot of LucasArts games. Here's a visual:



(He's the Rabbit)


If you've seen him, please post up a screen! I'd be very grateful.

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Here are a couple:




Max on the automap in Dark Forces.






Max again in JK1, this time as wall decoration.




Max in Jedi Knight 1 as a very deranged NPC.



He also appears in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade adventure game, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine, all four Monkey Island games, Day of the Tentacle, Grim Fandango, Full Throttle, Afterlife, and a decent amount of other classic LucasArts games. He surely appears in XWing, Tie Fighter, etc etc as well, and is rumored to be on an asteroid in Rebel Assault 2 though nobody has put a screenshot of it up before.


So, is he in GB?

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