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Lego Melée Island


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Yeah, he should at least come up with a believable name.


Unlike me.

If I get banned, it'll be


Mr Flibble II

Mr Flibble III

Mr Flibble IV

Mr Flibble V

Mr Flibble VI

Mr Flibble VII

Mr Flibble VIII

Mr Flibble IX

Mr Flibble X


* sees mod*

I'm just kidding, that never happens :¬:

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Originally posted by Let's make love

I am spokesperson for LeChuckie! LeChuckie is sorry for the spamming but not for the anal hair joke.. that is all. Also LeChuckie got his IP adress banned and if LeChuckie had known then LeChuckie would not have spammed.


P.S There is no crying Smilie so you will have to use your imaginations.





But anyway... can we see any photos of the lego structure yet?

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I need to buy more pieces. I have some photos taken, but it's still a work in progress. Do you guys want to see houses with no roof?

The thing is I don't have a digital camera, or else I would've posted the photos before. And I want to show the project when it doesn't look as "in progress" as it is now. But since some of you seem to doubt my intentions or sincerity, I?ll post pictures of this "work in progress" as soon as I can.

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it seems to me, like you would keep this around for quite some time once you had it done, so why dont you just spray paint the lego bricks to the color you want, you know, once you have them in the order you want...like construct the walls, then take them off the lego floor, and then spray the whole wall, then put it back.


oh, and heres a very cool image by Ian Pointer that I havent seen in awhile. Its of the melee town.




oh, and i wasnt against the ban on those idiots. if they didnt have anything nice to say, then stay away, but when they brought it to the next level, then i suppose a little ban was not out of the question.

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Not to mention that spray painting legos is cheating. The whole point of doing it in legos is that it is done. . .wait for it. . . WITH LEGOS!!!

If someone wanted to do something the quick and easy way sure they could build a Melee Island model out of cardboard and then paint the town whatever color they dang dittly dang dittly ding dang please, but he isn't doing that, now is he!?!

No, he's makin' it out of legos, and it's going to rock, and that's all there is to it.

P.S. I think we've all waited long enough for pictures, how about we all here on the forum chip in ten bucks to buy you a digital camera so we can see the thing.

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oh, and i wasnt against the ban on those idiots. if they didnt have anything nice to say, then stay away, but when they brought it to the next level, then i suppose a little ban was not out of the question.


"Those idiots" have a right hear as anyone else. and If I... I mean they want to tell someone it is a rubbish idea then that should be allowed, the moderator took it to the next level by banning...him for an anal hair joke... which btw.... was hillarious and I know at least 2 people who found it humorous :p

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