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Lego Melée Island


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*Sometime after Merkel has completed his famed lego Mele Island project*


Merkel sat in the chair, bored, lonely, He had nothing to do and no one to talk to. If only he had gone out talking to girls and having sex instead of building that damned Melee Island out of damned lego... now that was all he had left. Merkel stared at his project or a long time... and wept.

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Originally posted by Live Undead

*Sometime after Merkel has completed his famed lego Mele Island project*


Merkel sat in the chair, bored, lonely, He had nothing to do and no one to talk to. If only he had gone out talking to girls and having sex instead of building that damned Melee Island out of damned lego... now that was all he had left. Merkel stared at his project or a long time... and wept.


What is wrong with you LeChuckie? You're the one who should get a life

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Actually I don't know. It would be really heartbreaking to pack it up. I'll have to think about it later. Right now I'm really focused on fiinishing Melee Town and next the whole island.

BTW, the church I'm palnning to build is a bit different from the game.It's building where I took the most creative freedom. I never liked the game desing of the church anyway. It's a bit larger. But it's now my priority right now. First the rest of the houses, then the prison, the shop, the scumm bar the dock and tehn I'll build the church.

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Now, when you say you're intent on finishing the whole island, do you mean literally the WHOLE island? Because if you do that would be THE coolest thing I have seen since someone's boobie popped out at the superbowl halftime show. But seriously, do you mean to do just the whole town or the entire island to scale with Meathooks house and the look-out's tower and everything? That would be quite an undertaking and I do say rather awesome.

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Originally posted by Jedi-Monkey

Wow. That stuff looks great! So much work there. I really wouldnt have the patience.

So what will you do when its done? Leave it complete forever? Or pack it up? I always hate breaking my Lego models to put away.


Are you kidding, that's the best part! You've just built a huge street with loadsa houses and buildings and stuff, then you make a hover car or something that can fly (things that can fly are much better than things that stay on the ground) and have a show down with your most ugliest lego man and your least ugliest lego man with the latter being helped out by the coolest lego man (usually the skeletons, how are they not cool, especially when you put the head on top of a cool human body).


When it comes time to put everything away, act out a cheesy movie with loadsa random property damage (i.e, the hovercar's crashing into buidlings and stuff)


Now how is that not fun!


Ahh, the days when I was able to do that. I've now given all my lego away, save for one small box which allows me to build a space ship (actually it's meant to be a car and some weird temple, but hey, who actually builds the stuff they're made for)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, facing the clock, all the houses on the right are complete, including the International House of Mojo. When I post photos, you'll be abble to see what no one has ever seen before: the back door of the IHOM. PLus, the house in front of which the men of low moral fiber are seated is nearly complete.

The following minifigs are now assembled:



Map vendor

the 3 men of low moral fiber

Carla the swordmaster

Voodoo Lady (this one kinda sucks...not very acurate).


I'll try to post photos as soon as I can (I hope sooner that the last time).

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  • 1 month later...

The most fun is throwing lego's. Instead of pretending the flying cars are being driven by absent minded people pretend they are metors or something. Then you have an excuse to throw the lego models very hard at what ever lego buildings, walls, siblings you wouldnt belive how that relives the stress. I recomend when MI5 comes out to have some stress reliving lego sets near the computer. Hmm thats a good idea. Im going to make a day spaw where you throw lego sets around. I could say its an ancient chinees remedy or something. If you guys havent tried throwing lego sets you should try. Mighty fun stuff.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Ok, the project is progressing nicely. I've started the cathedral (yes, cathedral, not church..I made much bigger than in the game :) ) and it shoud be ready next week. I'l try to post photos as soon as I can. When I look at the photos I posted a few months ago, it almost funny how incomplete the town looked back then. It's still far from complete now, but it's quite larger. I can't wait to hear your opinions when I post the photos.


An oh, there also lots of character minifigs. I've made them as similar to the look of the game as I could.

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Merkel

If anyone's interested, in case ScummBar.com doesn't post my pics, I can e-amil the full load of pics.

The SCUMM Bar will ALWAYS post your pictures, Merkel - we think your project's great. :)


If we don't post them quickly enough it just means we're lazy. Stupid and lazy.

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