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So Natty. Tell us.







Is there life outside Forums? What's it like?


I always imagined it like a walk in the park on a warm Sunday morning, with the smell of french toast and muffin's in the air.



Ah, C'mon Natty. What's it like?

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Life's been good. I've been doing some volunteer work and I've just got a new job, so yay there. It's been good to get out and do something. I feel like I'm making something with my life, well at least trying to do so.


Been enjoying the mild Summer here in Aus. I hate hot weather, it sux, so the fact that there's only been like one day of 40oC weather has made me happy. Hmmmmms, also spent quite a few nights getting drunk *innocent look* but I'm all behaved when I'm drunk.:drink1:


Still single, but who really needs guys? Friends are more important and I really don't have the time.


As for Delta? She's really irritating me at the moment. I really couldn't care less who she's screwing, or seeing or whoever. At the moment she just seems like a media hungry cow. Like good for her, she's won her battle with cancer. Good for her, shame no one hears about the thousands of other people who survive battles with cancer. Although I quite like Scuddy ;) I always have. I wouldn't object if he was MY boyfriend :p


So how is everyone? What's everyone been upto? Doing anything exciting?

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hey nat. fine if you're fine. someday we will meet and get stoned together. then we will behave and rocking the house and stuff. maybe later we grab some random number of persons of the gender we feel like to grab to and err.. forget about all that behaviour stuff, go to our rooms to get some more high, listen to rap-music and eat pizza.

we could meet again to breakfast and tell each other all the CRRAAAAZY stuff we did up in our rooms last night, for instance like "i DID think of PANTEEES like at least FIVE times per millisecond" ..





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Originally posted by RayJones

hey nat. fine if you're fine. someday we will meet and get stoned together. then we will behave and rocking the house and stuff. maybe later we grab some random number of persons of the gender we feel like to grab to and err.. forget about all that behaviour stuff, go to our rooms to get some more high, listen to rap-music and eat pizza.

we could meet again to breakfast and tell each other all the CRRAAAAZY stuff we did up in our rooms last night, for instance like "i DID think of PANTEEES like at least FIVE times per millisecond" ..






Listen to rap music? Ew, what are you thinking?

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Wow. You must be one of the three or so people in Melbourne who hasn't done e. Or at least, thats the way it seems sometimes.


One of my friends said to me after I answered pot was the only frug i'd tried, that is wasn't even a real drug. Of course, he's donw all sort of weird crap (anyone up for some ketamine with a few stamps on the side?) so I don't know how credible his opinion really is.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Natty

I've never done drugs. Drugs are bad mmmkay? Although have been tempted to do pot lately.


please do not forget that alcohol and cigarettes are drugs too. just because it's openly selled everywhere it doesnt mean these are no or harmless drugs. the opposite is the fact.

besides, alcohol is the family destroyer number 1 and cigarettes pollute our air. pot, if smoked, pollutes the air too, but one could never smoke THAT much as cigarettes .. :p

also, everytime if some bastardo tried to hit me, it was a stinky drunken asshat smoking one stinky cigarette. alcohol and cigarettes, if "enjoyed" exceedingly or on a regular basis (except for once a year or so), are crap. i think that goes for pot, too.


any chemical drugs or psychedelica etc are really really really REALLY not good for nothing. they should be stirred into one big barrel with all the alcoholic stuff in it and then pumped down thriks throat. :dozey:






*nods head*




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Pot gets a really bad reputation for what it does. Just don't eat it in a cake, m'kay? Because I made a cake a few months ago and er, put far too much in it resulting in everyone who ate it getting absolutely wasted.


Smoking blunts or in a pipe is fine and gets you stoned in a good way.


Mushrooms sound tempting as does acid, but I'd probably do neither because I hate normal mushrooms with a passion and I wouldn't like to hallicinate and I think doing acid would **** my brain up, plus it's one of those things that effects you forever more - the boyfriend has done it once or twice and as a result he notices patterns easily and finds it very difficult to unfix his gaze from them.


Back to pot - it doesn't give you a stinking hangover if you overindulge.

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Originally posted by Emma

Pot gets a really bad reputation for what it does. Just don't eat it in a cake, m'kay? Because I made a cake a few months ago and er, put far too much in it resulting in everyone who ate it getting absolutely wasted.


we've done this once with cheesburgers. maaaan. what a night. ;)


Smoking blunts or in a pipe is fine and gets you stoned in a good way.


err.. good way is well spoken. :)


Mushrooms sound tempting as does acid, but I'd probably do neither because I hate normal mushrooms with a passion and I wouldn't like to hallicinate and I think doing acid would **** my brain up, plus it's one of those things that effects you forever more - the boyfriend has done it once or twice and as a result he notices patterns easily and finds it very difficult to unfix his gaze from them.

uuhhmmmm.. this is exactly why it's really really a no for me. also i already am able to find patterns easily in whateveer i see.


Back to pot - it doesn't give you a stinking hangover if you overindulge.

err.. yes.. the only thing stinky will be the ashtray.. ;) also make sure you have tons of coffee somewhere around for the next morning if you go to 'overindulge' :p

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The only thing more exciting than pumping anything down my throat would be lining RayJones up alongside GreenJeanz and shooting them both dead.


Except, perhaps, mutilating their bodies beyond recognition after they have been slaughtered.


And then dowsing them with oil and setting them both alight.



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