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I would like to know how to get in touch with the head administrator of PCGM. I have a legal issue to discuss concerning copyrights, which I've been debating with Eldritch about, but seem to be getting nowhere since he is currently ignoring my e-mails. Anyway, I would appreciate it if someone could contact me at their earliest convenience. I wish to be heard on this matter, and if i'm not given that option, I will be contacting an attorney to help get it. This is not a farse. LOTS of people will agree when I say that Eldritch needs an attitude adjustment, and i've given up trying to reason with him, as all he wants to do is bicker back and forth.



Marius Laru

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Originally posted by MariusLaru

I wish to be heard on this matter, and if i'm not given that option, I will be contacting an attorney to help get it.

You are going to pay thousands of dollars for a lawyer over a fan mod for a video game? Is this for real?
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Originally posted by Eldritch

He has already contacted an attorney... I'll quote from his email here - "she said that since you are not a pay site, and you offer a free service, then you have no legal obligation to allow me to post a file."

Jeez, I could have told him that...


Out of curiosity, what sort of mod was it? If you prefer not to say, that's fine.

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Aye carumba... I could understand if it were a pay site that there would be some question of legal obligation, but a fan site run free of service to the users... So what if it doesnt get posted. There are some files most gaming sites wont host for hundreds of reasons.

Do you realize that only 20% or so of the TOTAL amount of mods and files submitted to gaming sites get widely used? there were a bunch of quality files at JKII.net when it was still up that only were downloaded like 10 times total. and those same files didnt even appear on most servers. so to go through this "legal issue" sounds like a bogus ploy IMO.

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Interesting I wondered were ultimate hilts went. And after all those screenshots I took. damn.


All this over a HOBBY no less. As an aside if anyone ever wants to use any hilts that I've ever made feel free to use and abuse them.



Why is it that lightbenders.com has a link advertising ultimate hilts on pcgamemods.com?

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How can an author of a mod take legal action against a fan-based site when that site had a right to not post said mod? They're both not making a profit off of it, so why bother taking legal action?


And I did read the posts above, just to let you all know. ;)

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I don't think it would legally work either Topshot, but who truely understands how the law works (I think thats a design flaw for something we are all supposed to follow...)


Anyway, I believe this issue has been all sorted amicably, which is great news.

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Well technically doesn't it say in the LA liscense agreement that all mods legally become property of LucasArts/Lucasfilm once released to the public?


In which case I would think it would be very hard to win a case like this.


Obviously it's sad if a site refuses to post a file you sent them or something like that, but there isn't much you can do.


A site that hosts for free still has a right to regulate what files they do and don't post after all. You can't realistically force them to promote something they don't wish to for whatever reasons.


If they don't listen to reason, I say just drop the case and move on. It's just not worth making a fuss over and ultimately it won't go anywhere.


If it's a case of stealing somebody's work and claiming credit, again, about all you can do is "give them hell" (rhetorically) from the community. It's all LA's property anyway and we're just on the honor system with giving credit where credit is due.


Now if money is being changed hands for these mod(s) then that's a real problem, because legally only LucasArts and liscensed companies (Activision and possibly Raven Software) have distribution rights for content created for Jedi Academy/Jedi Outcast. This means that somebody can't sell their mod without permission, whether they really created it or not.

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