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Cantina 12: The Republic Strikes Back


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Hirst: Lord Flax, Lady Mirra *Nodding her head in their respective directions. You are correct I carry a message form my father Lord Odin.


*Hirst rotates her hand so her palm is facing up revealing a small device. With a slight squeeze of her hand a holographic image of Odin appears. In this image he is not hiding the fact that he has but one eye*


Odin: Hello Flax. My people have come to some decisions recently, one of which is to increase overt relations between our peoples. Pursuint to that we have constructed an space station to serve as an embassy. I invite your government and the Jedi to either come to that station or to send ambassadors. I'll be at the station two days after you recieve this message. My daughter will provide you with coordinates and answer any of your questions.


*The holographic image of Odin disappears. One of the Valkyrie produces a datapad, hands it to Hirst who then gives it to Flax. The datapad contains the coordinates to a space station located in known space in a nebula*

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*Republic space*


*RH Irvine's convoy exits hyperspace half way to Imperial space.


A shuttle is deployed, fulled with food and supplies from the ISD in place of the contraband that was taken from it, to make the manefesto of the shuttle's cargo to be real.


The convoy reenters hyperspace for Imperial Space, while the shuttle turns around and jumps for Coruscant.*

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*Flax looks at the datapad. He raises an eyebrow.*


Flax: The Asier are now willing to take an open role on the Galactic Stage? May I ask what has promted this change? I forget my manners, though. Would you like a drink?




Hal: Kill him Rwos, if he won't release Deac, Deac would want him dead. He'd make the sacrifrice.

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Rwos: Here's the deal, Phobos. Give Deac control of his body now. Hal will know the difference. We'll release you into the computer mind of a ship with a hyperdrive. If you can reach the Obra-Skai with that, so be it. We'll try to stop you, of course. But at least you'll have a chance. What do you say? Either you do this, or you die now.

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*F Irvine's presence gets closer to the planet...*


((just throwing a bone))





*Ulna Shardes*


*It's been more then a week since the demons arrived, and already they procured enough supplies to the planet to construct several buildings and a simple launch pad.*


*The demon incharge looks at the progress in pride as he notes that this was progressing at a near record pace.*



*scouts had patrolled more around the area, gradually increasing the distence to several kilometers.*


*hours later one scout returns urgently*


Scout *to commanding demon* "We found a survivor! She looks heavly wounded from waht ever happened to this planet."


((Gotta get back up on about that about Reletha becomign a demon and showing up in crisis))

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Flax: *Nods.* Fair Answers. I cannot go myself, conduct of this war must be my primary concern. I will choose a delegation, they will arrive at the appointed time.


Now, will you take a gift to your father? *Flax clicks his fingers, and a Page walks foward, carrying an Agamarian Longsword.*


The Blade is 38 inches long, made of black steel, it is broad and flat, but with a cruel point. The Crossgaurd is polished bronze, decorated with intricate inlay, instead of the ends of the gaurds bearing wolves they are skulpted into ravens. The two hand grip is covered in woven fish skin. The pommel is similarly decorated to the crossgaurd.*


Flax: This weapon was bourne by one of our greatest warriors. Legend has it he once used it to kill a man by punching through his Mithril armour. They say the armour was taken from a slain Asier. I thought is perhaps your father would appriciate the signifficance of that, as well as the blade itself.




Hal: If you'd rather we could shoot you with an Ion Cannon. Then you both go.




*Dasken and Greer enter the shop, a tailor greets them.*


Tailor: Hello, how may I help you gentlemen?


Dasken: My Isros here requires one of your finest suits. The ones you don't show to the rifraf.


Tailor: *Smiling.* Very well, follow me please, gentlemen.


*The group go into the back of the shop.*


Tailor: *Stops smiling.* What do you need?

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Rwos: *letting Deac up, but staying ready to move if needed* I don't think that will be necessary. Hal, tell me if Phobos takes control of Deac again. We'll take my ship. There's three seats; that'll be enough.


*Rwos touches his wristband. His ship's cockpit opens*


Rwos: Deac, what happened in there?

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((BD: Just being curious, why ravens?))


*Hirst picks up the blade and examines the guard, she hands it to one of the valkyries behind her*


Hirst: Thankyou, this is a gift I know my father will love, I will also relay the story behind the sword. In order that we may prepare, do you have a rough idea of the size of the delegation, and who may be a part of it?

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Deac: I went to uplink to the computer core. I was gonna buy us a couple of minutes. Then...he...got in. He downloaded himself into the micro-processor on my motor control centre. He took complete controll of my functions. Rwos, don't let him get away!

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*Rwos enters his ship after Deac*


Rwos: We should uphold our end of the bargain. *He punches a few buttons* However...


*Deac's body sparks and stiffens*


Rwos: ...I can't take too many chances. Sorry about that, Deac.


*To Hal* Can your father get us an...appropriate ship?

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((Well Flax family swords have wolves, the swords of all the Lords are enshrined in the Church apon Death. So, since it wouldn't be a Flax sword I decided it should have something different. I came up with ravens, then made the connection. Subconcious I suppose. Or did I get my mythology mixed up?))


Flax: The Delegation will arrive in a Corvette, escorted by an X-Wing Squadron. The actual Delegation will be Between four and six. If my eldest son arrives back intime I will send him. If not I will send someone to represent the Military and the Jedi, with their respective aides. My Daughter will represent my House, she travels with four maids and twelve House Gaurds.


*Mirra looks at her father.*


Mirra: I do not think I will need that many bodygaurds with our Allies father. *She gives her father her mothers stern look.*


Flax: Very well...... Eight House Gaurds. That will cause no problems, I hope?

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((Well Flax family swords have wolves, the swords of all the Lords are enshrined in the Church apon Death. So, since it wouldn't be a Flax sword I decided it should have something different. I came up with ravens, then made the connection. Subconcious I suppose. Or did I get my mythology mixed up?))


Flax: The Delegation will arrive in a Corvette, escorted by an X-Wing Squadron. The actual Delegation will be Between four and six. If my eldest son arrives back intime I will send him. If not I will send someone to represent the Military and the Jedi, with their respective aides. My Daughter will represent my House, she travels with four maids and twelve House Gaurds.


*Mirra looks at her father.*


Mirra: I do not think I will need that many bodygaurds with our Allies father. *She gives her father her mothers stern look.*


Flax: Very well...... Eight House Gaurds. That will cause no problems, I hope?




Dasken: I'll need an E-11 and a DL-55 Auto-Pistol, with flash and sound suppresser.




Hal: You're forgetting Elella, I'll take her in my ship. The Chief and I can keep an eye on her. We should all head back to Agamar.

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*The fleet exits hyperspace*


Captian "My Lord, it seems that the reactor on the planet hasnt exploded yet."


F irvine "I know that!" *calmly* "Deploy gravity wells and Tie squadrons, disable their engines when they reach orbit. I want them alive."

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Hirst: If you wish we can assign two Einherjar to act as bodyguards as well.


There is another thing. My father wishes to express his condolences for the loss of your wife. Her name, image, and her biography have been added to our archives of the jedi.


*The valkyrie to Hirst's left, pulls a leather bound book from a pouch. The front of the book has a highly detailed image of a Jedi holding an activated lightsaber etched into the leather, there is also red satin bookmark hanging from it*


Hirst: This book contains a very small portion of our Jedi archive. Within it's pages is your wife's biography as it is recorded in the archives, as well as some other illustrious Jedi. We have marked the place where her biography begins. As long as we are around she will be remembered and honored. It is our hope that the book and that fact offers some comfort to you and your family.

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Hal: *Over Com.* I'm going to push it up to 0.68, we should be there in a couple of days. My father can get a small transport or somrthing for Phobos.


*To Elella*: Your father has had his cybernetics infected with a concious virus. We're taking him home so we can purge his system fully.




Flax: Thankyou. *Takes the book.* Sadly my wife's prenence persists here, and will continue to do so until her killer has been dealt with. The extra gaurds will not be necessary, my daughter's safety is not at issue among your people.


My delegation will at the station in five days, I need time to prepare and I would rather await the return of my Son and Lord Starkiller.

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