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Cantina 12: The Republic Strikes Back


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((Well i was going for a 'Imperial Safe'


as in people who would be supportive for Imperials, but not offical



doh, yeah, i guess i screwd myself with Irvine's actions, too))


*Irvine smirking*


Irvine "I'm so ashamed, it was the stupid manuvers wasn't it? I mean, I almost gotten away with it..."


*Irvine finishes his decent of his shuttle and into the light showning a far more corrupted face since his last visit to the planet. With the effects of the Valley of the Sith still fresh within him.*

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Irvine "Crackern? It's Palpatine, Irvine Sung-Won Palpatine, Cracken is my father's first name. As for you I was hoping I'd meat up with one of you anyway, I have business to discuss with you Jedi, about an imposter that murdered meny of your Jedi here on Coruscant. One namely of Soephie Flax, I believe was the name?"


*Irvine walks with his arms open, showing him not reaching for a weapon.*


Irvine "I'm not going to resist you, that is if you have no mean to incarcerate me, you'd understand that Coruscant doesn't need another enemy.


((Aren't we about done with this chapter?))

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*As the Disen leaves orbit around Agamar, it sensors record Rwos's ship arriving and entering the planet. Before jumping out of system Hirst reviews the information*


Hirst to her executive officer: Interesting, we will show this to my father, speaking of which we are a little behind schedule. Jump as soon as possible, once a couple light years out engage the slipstream.


*A few minutes later the Disen jumps to hyperspace*

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Coruscant, Undercity


*Beler Jil and a group of Rebel commandos slip through a vast sewer network.*


Beler: Ok, guys, this is how it works. We place the charges and get the hell out of here. Then the senate goes down and we cut off the snake's head. We meet at point gamma. Good luck


*Beler slinks into the shadows to go to his objective*

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*As Greer's team prep for their mission an advertisment pops up on the holo-proj. it reads:


"The arm of God is coming, are you ready?"


The time index on the message appears corrupted, as it reads several hours in the future.*


*Dasken swears.*


Dasken: They've moved up the time frame. *He turns to Greer.* When we left there was a plan in the works to blow up the Senate. It looks like they put it together real fast. If this goes down security will sky rocket and we won't get your contact out.


What do you want to do?




Med. Tech: If you'd prefer we can strap him to a steel table jam a load of electrodes in him. Or we can do this properly, you know he'll probably crash when we purge his system.

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Irvine "How about no."


*Looks at the cloaked figures, and not sensing a presence of the force within them.*


Irvine "If you are force wielders, I recomend you reveal your presence,..." *slowly*"..it ..determines ..the ..outcome ..of how we leave this hanger. If I am willing to fully co-operate or not, as of right now I haven't shown the slightest bit of hostality...."

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Rwos: I made a deal with the programmed being that's acting as a virus in him. We reactivate Deac's circuits, and give the being its chance to leave. Your people can monitor everything to see what happens. If that doesn't...work out...then we can do it your way. I'd rather keep the risk to my friend as low as possible.

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((Sorry I've sort of left you hanging, Jokemaster. I hope this post doesn't make you mad.))



Nom's voice boomed out of a speaker in the docking bay. "Welcome to our ship. One of our crew will be there to escort you to the bridge. Give it a few minutes."


Within a few minutes, an attractive young woman appeared in a doorway. She saluted formally and said, "Please follow me, sir."


She led the way through a long corridor and up several flights of stairs. Adrian noticed that as he went on, more and more crew members were seen. As if sensing discomfort on his part, his escort smiled at him.


"We are entering the section of the ship in which it is not uncommon to see so many," she explained. "This is where our computer core, not to mention our engines and almost every other system is based. "


As the young woman continued to lead him on, Adrian noticed that the number of people around was gradually increasing. He glanced over his shoulder and realized that they were all around him, not the best position for him to be in.


Finally, the people surrounding him were becoming a hindrance. While the young woman was passing through the crowd easily, he could not do so. By the time he attempted to do anything to improve his situation, he could not move. The young woman came back to him.


"A little stuck?" she smirked. She slipped a small gunshaped device from a pocket Adrian couldn't see and aimed it in his direction. He nearly laughed. Surely she would hit one of the crewmen nearby and not him, but as his laugh was coming to his lips, he felt a sharp pain in his left arm.


"One thing we forgot to tell you," she told him. "Our crew are nothing but holographic progections. Quite advanced ones, at that. You can feel them, which explains your predicament at this time."


All too late, he realized that Tarila Vilnov had just captured him. Then, he slipped into unconsciousness. Tarila motioned for the crewmen to carry him to the bridge.





"Hey sleepy," Adrian heard. He recognized the voice as Nom's. "Wake up. You've got some explaining to do."


"We don't exactly like the thought of killing someone for no reason," Tarila said. Adrian was fully awake by now, but he could feel that he had been tied up. Tarila leaned forward to stare into his eyes. "Would you like to tell us what reason you have for these three men to die?"

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Originally posted by Scar Da Kookee

*Looks at the cloaked figures, and not sensing a presence of the force within them.*


((Not for you to decide, don't control my characters, Scar. ))


Figure: If you do not co-operate you will not be leaving this place at all. You have five seconds, will you come with us?




Med. Tech: Sir, we have to purge his system after the procedure anyway, its the only way to be sure the virus is gone. We have all the files backed up here anyway.


*The Group arrive at the infirmary. They turn into a side corridor and then into a room with a bed and some medical equipment.*


*The Med. Tech peels back some of the skin from Deac's scalp and insertes some electrodes.*


Med. Tech: Looks like the virus did some damage to his gross motor control. Looks like we're going to have to replace some of his circuits.

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((in this rpg, a cloaked/robed figure is stereotyped to be a force user


you needed to be specific.


by you not mentioning that they were, i took in consideration that they were, but hiding their presence.


i can't say that Irvine could sense their presence, which would also mean he'd know which side of the force they were on.))


Med. Tech: If you'd prefer we can strap him to a steel table jam a load of electrodes in him. Or we can do this properly, you know he'll probably crash when we purge his system.


((whoops i thought your post was ment to mine))


Irvine 'This isn't turning out to be a good idea...' "Tell me who you are first."

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Originally posted by Redwing

((OOS: Why would the "virus" damage his motor control, BD? It's a programmed person...right? *confused*


Scar: Only in your posts, is every cloaked figure a Force user. :p))


((Shhhh!!! he's not supposed to know that!! :D))

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((Rwos, Deac: Trust me I'm a doctor!:D


Scar: It was totally unnessessary for you to mention anything about the force. Now you're trying to cover your tracks. Besides, everything you just said was a bunk, there's no way for Ivrine to positivly identify which side of the force a Jedi is on.))


Figure: *To the security troops.* Fire!


*20 heavy auto blasters and 60 blaster rifles open up on Ivrine, the bolts all come within half an inch of him.*


Figure: You do not need to know who we are, only that we can destroy you without effort. You will come with us or die, I will not ask again.




Med. Tech: Okay, checking the files now, right, got it. The Tech hits some buttons.


*A progress bar appears on the screen and begins to crawl.*


*Ten minutes later.*


Med. Tech: Okay we've downloaded the infected files. The computer will now cross check the remaining files with the ones in our database.


*Five minutes.*


Okay, we have a couple flags here, I'll just check........ Right, okay, installing backup.


*At this point Flax enters.*


Flax: Hows it going?


Med Tech: We're just about to install the backup.


Flax: Go on then.


*The Med. Tech hits the button.*


*Twenty minutes later*




Flax: Wake him.


Med. Tech: Sir he needs his rest.


Flax: He can get it, after I talk to him.


Med. Tech: ......Yes sir.

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((now you're just trying to cover yourself, as well


How am I supposed to have a character react, or judge another character in a situation where if perhaps what ever or not if someone doesnt specify what X person/persons/etc are able to do what with anything when you dont give details.


sure meny they're not full characters, but when I'm left to have to fill in what I think you're doing with them myself with out a clue,..


then its godmoding!!


but as to this situation, and by you telling me:


there's no way for Ivrine to positivly identify which side of the force a Jedi is on


I may not claim to be an expert on the subject, but I have seen the oringal triology enough times to relise that your statement is false


anyone who's trained in the force should know that one of the fundimentals about such is to be able to sense what ever or not which side of the force such user resides upon.


As for if it is or not, that your 'force users' just used that ability, and was still on the 'light side' (thus reducing the possibility), you're full of yourself. obviously now they're on the dark side of the force


from waht i understand, theres no real grey area in that subject, either you're on one side or the other

unless you're completely neutral (which you'd have to be untrained) or on the brink of crossing over to the other side of the force through meny a way that *could* occur


gwad i have a nasty habit of over explaining...))

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((On a lighter note,;) do any of you know what's up with Jokemaster? I haven't seen him on in a while and I can't really continue in here without his participation. Is he on vacation? If anyone knows, please let me know... thanks:) ))

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Rwos: Welcome back, Deac. We're at Flax'...they've hopefully erased the personality virus out of your circuits. We didn't go through on the deal. We'll have to settle for Flax' people monitoring you to make sure no trace of it resurrects itself, I suppose...


*Rwos' comm buzzes, alerting him of incoming messages. He takes a look at the comm and ignores it, letting it buzz. He has a troubled look on his face*

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