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Mo$' Bling


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Originally posted by Mike Windu

>.> I'm not black, I'm asian. I listen to rap. I listen to rock. I enjoy both. I don't like people saying rap isn't a form of music. I respect their opinion.


I think rap is more of a form of rhytm as opposed to music. I mean, you have to admit, it's 99% rhythmic, and I respect their good rhythm.


On a side note, is it rhythm or rythm...they both look wrong to me...am I retarded?

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man that reminds me of my 5th, 6th, and 7th grade spelling bee...


argh i should have stayed longer in the 7th grade spelling bee... the lady said VOLUNTEER instead of the word VOLUNTEERED i was so mad at her... I wanted to hit her... I placed 9th... oooo that trophy should have been mine... damn you Jamie(she won spelling bee 3 years in a row, meaning 5th, 6th, and 7th)


yeah its spelt rhythm. yes rap artists have a great badass sense of rhythm. Thats what we enjoy... and some of their songs by some of the artists reflect a sort of new direction in the hip hop game. Artists like 50 cent, Outkast, and Eminem are ever changing and are badass in their own right.

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Originally posted by Mike Windu

yeah its spelt rhythm. yes rap artists have a great badass sense of rhythm. Thats what we enjoy... and some of their songs by some of the artists reflect a sort of new direction in the hip hop game. Artists like 50 cent, Outkast, and Eminem are ever changing and are badass in their own right.

I like those (especially outkast), but what I don't like is when some idiot thinks it's funny to crank up full volume and bass at 3 o clock in the morning to play a rap song without any lyrics except maybe one word, where it just sounds like a huge drum.

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Originally posted by obi-wan13





*High fives!*


Good job Obi.


Now lets get this topic BACK ON TOPIC.


Only posts about Mo$' Bling and his music are tolerated in this topic. If you wanna make a rap sucks topic or wahtever, do it outside of this topic. I wanna know what you think of his music.


Me personally, I think its REALLY REALLY REALLY funny.

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Originally posted by TheHobGoblin

Cmon I'll take you all on........ Topshot ASSIST ME!


Alright! :D *Dons the classic Captain Universe Spidey costume which was stolen and hidden in my own universe. Starts kicking ass for Hobby.*


originally posted by jokemaster:

4 VS. 1


*high fives topshot*


WE ARE THE DREAM TEAM! :cool: *High fives Joke back.*


One more thing, WILL SMITH RULEZ!

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Originally posted by TheHobGoblin

I really Hate rap.... I really do, It's sensless words with no rythym The content is really bad


Read my post Hob. I wuvz you *huggles*


BUT I SAID keep that talk out of this thread! This thread is only about MO$' Bling. Make a new thread if you hate rap so bad.

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Originally posted by Mike Windu



Well, i'm against mos bling... he gives people like me a bad name... no i'm not a wigger... i'm a veegro baby!


He gives the human race a bad name. But, his stuff is REALLY funny to me though.

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*looks around the room*


You're insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnneeeeeeee :D


Yeah, it is sorta funny, in a really bad way, in fact he reminds me of this wigger I know in school... he keeps calling me crap like Vietcong and NVA and charlie and chink and stuff... then when I say he's a wigger, he shuts up...


AND HE PICKS HIS NOSE o.O (we're in 9th grade btw)EDIT: DURING CLASS


AND HE'S A KITTEN KILLER >.< He killed 10 in a day!(ebaumsworld if you don't know what I mean)








ok ok, so he might havae only killed one or 2 that day... but he said 10!:eek:

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The way I see it, we need rap. Without rap, what would the corporate nit-wits at MTV, VH1, and just about every non-coutry or classical radio station in the states, use to program the consumer drones to buy moutains of shabbily made clothes that don't fit? I mean, without rap, I can't see a young white kid on every corner, or in every mall wearing FUBU (which is amazing, since they either don't care or don't know that it means "For Us, Bye US". The "Us", meaning black people:rolleyes: ). Without rap, I can't see some jackass turn his sweet 4X4 that daddy bought him, into a "g'd up pimped out" low rider, thus destroying the off road capabilities the vehicle was designed for. Without rap, I'd have to watch the news to hear about the latest dumbass shooting up a night club or convenience store. Hey! Where are the white women at?! In da club, dats where. Playa.

For more on how rap has helped make the world a better place, visit http://www.drivenbyboredom.com/bling.htm .

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