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The world of FF

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Everyone has played any of the legendary FF-games right? Right...? You know something about it? If not, go here.

Make your own char, use any weapon you want without special stats, play it like roleplaying and so on.

Take example from my profile.


Name: Tepe Hajimira

Age: 19

Occupation: Thief

Weapon(s): Murasame

Pic: Not made by me (If you can find/make one, link it here, please :p )


Tepe train's in the forest, cutting some branches. He hears some steps near and jumps branch by branch higher until he gets on a huge branch high on the tree, covered by leafs. Tepe looks throught the leafs and puts his sword away. He watches the igure walk to the clearing where Tepe had just trained.

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Name: Craig Hunter

Age: 20

Occupation: Mercenary/Warrior

Weapons: Sword, Handguns (2) (We can have guns right? I mean, in FF7, 8, and 10-2, theres at least one person with a gun lol)

Pic: See Profile in Character thread.



Craig walked into the clearing and looked around. He could've sworn he heard something, and the fact there wasn't anyone there put him on instant alert. He scanned the bushes, tree branches, etc.

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Name: Aeolus Stormweaver

Age: 19

Occupation: Pilot

Weapon: Halberd




*Suddenly, there is a loud explosion and a roar as Aeolus' biplane crashes not so far away from where the two others are in the forest*



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Name: Seth

Age: 16

Occupation: Mage in training\theif

Weapon: Staff

*i'll make a pic later but he has a wide brown point hat(vivi) and long black and red robes*




*There is a blinding flash and a pale wisp of smoke. Seth comes stumbeling out the smoke coughing. he looks round in a painc*


Seth: CRAP! this is'nt the Castle's jewel room. Where am I?

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Name:Matthew Hirsch

Age: 16

Occupation: Thief/Wannabe warrior

Weapons: Sword, Handgun (1, stolen)

Pic: none, looks like a typical teenager


Matthew jumped from one tree limb to another, spotting the perfect prey. He was running, that meant he was startled by the crash, and he had a gun, a perfect match to his. He jumped down and started stalking him.

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*Aeolus clambers out of the wreckage of his biplane*


Aeolus: Damn! Nearly had it that time!


*He looks around the clearing he has made*


Aeolus: Aww no! The wing came off! I'm gonna have to work another month to get that back!


*He draws some tools out of his jacket and begins tinkering with the engine*

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Name: hmmmm, let's say, Rock Halsunade.

Age: 18

Occupation: Swordsman/ Half-demon


Weapons: Being since he's a half-breed, his claws are his finger nails, and he wields a weapon that is similar in shape to Cloud's Buster Sword. It's true power is unleashed when he is protecting defenseless humans.


Pic: And to think I wouldn't let Darth Tepe be the only to post a link to an Anime pic would be considered foolish......




Hmmm, can't let those guys have all the fun, whoever they are.


While the thought of finishing the battle quickly was in his mind, Rock decided to let things play out longer, but just to make sure his timing was right, he speedily camouflaged himself in the nearby evergreen trees.

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*Aeolus's hitpoints are dangerously low from that last barrage of fires.*






*Aeolus leaps in the air, his halberd charged with lightning, and slaws it straight into the Elnoyle. It falls*


[Da da da da, de de, da da da!]

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