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WIP: Star Destroyer


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Those sound great--I'd really love to see a fully integrated vehicle/personal siege map.


Is it possible to make only certain classes able to fly starfighters/shuttles? Then, you could have a "pilot" class and a "commando" class, and both would be dependent on each other and you'd need both to win.

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Hey, I don't know how to mod, skin, model, map, etc., but, I do know what the community wants. I have always wanted to commit to the JA community, and I thought that maybe I could beta test?

Currently, I am beta testing for another (3rd version) KFS map. I am slo beta testing for an awesome Battle of Endor siege map with ground and space.

So, I could beta test.

Some suggestions:

1. Ease down on the TIE Fighters and Bombers:rolleyes:

2. Put other ships in like the ones in Asteroids TFFA.

3. Lighting!!

4. Textures, put some good colors in it, the Corellian Corvette actually has red on it.

5. Have combat inside the ships. Siege Star Destroyer 1.0 and 2.0 would be better with fighting on foot.

6. Include many AT-ST's and AT-AT's (Duncans) inside the Star Destroyer. Also, make the Star Destroyer BIG. Also, if you are going to put 72 TIE Fighters (Imperial Class-II Star Destroyers hold 72) make sure that they are spread out.


Hope you like my ideas, and I hope you'll let me beta test!!



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i'm sorry but i'm looking a difrent kiund of help

some of those things i cant do


1. i'll try

2. i dont have premission to use those

3. thats what i need the help for

4. where do you see a correlian corvette???

5. read this thread i am doing just that

6. i might add some at-st's

and incase you havent noticed but my star destroyer is twice the size of ravens


but i need help from someone who might be able to get the lighting to work

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Uhh, O.K. I don't mind if you say no for me beta testing. I am kinda full with it (the new KFS map, and a Siege Endor map with space).

But, you said that there isn't a Corellian Corvette. What is the Rebel ship near it? Also, if it isn't a Corellian Corvette, make it a, maybe, a Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser.

One more thing. You said that you don't have permission to use the ships from Asteroids TFFA. GET IT!! The makers are very nice, they are letting many people use them. Go to this link and ask if you can use their vehicles: http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=120871&perpage=40&pagenumber=20

So make sure you ask.


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ok sure i'll ask them if i can use their ships =]


and yes its a dreadnought but its not in the map anymore at least for now i removed it


i'm not letting you beta test because i dont think the map is ready for public beta testing yet

maybe in a week i'll make a beta testing post so keep your eyes peeled

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Well, all the non-flyable Tie's could be on a rack in a different part of the Star Destroyer, while the flyable ones are in the usual place.


{xg}darthVADER - You Need to be MUCH more specific when asking for help with errors - jsut saying the map crashed doesn't help. Specifically, what error does it give (either in a box or in the consol)?

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As far as vehicle limits go, the most you can have in one map is 64, although you REALLY REALLY wont want even 1/2 of that or the FPS will plummet into the negatives....Basically, you wont want any more than 16 total vehicles in the map 8 on 8 plus the destroyer and Corellian ship or the FPS will suffer tremendously.

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As far as the extra ships go - I was thinking they should just be map models rather than actual vehicles.


Pity about that crash. I guess it does it every time?


What lighting setting are you using to compile?


Try comping with a less complex lighting setup (ie just bsp/meta/vis/fastlight)

All the more complex lighting schemes can make your map crash before it even finishes compiling!

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I guess, since VIS is THE most important stage (Where the compiler works out which polys are viewable and which are not*), without it, I'm not sure the lighting stage has anything to work from.

(Also - VIS can take a hella long time - I think on my map VIS and Lighting take something like 16-20 hours to complete properly!!!!)


*Simplified version of what it does - someone will no doubt correct me ;)


NOTE: Once you've VISed you can just run a lighting pass without having to revis the map (As long as you haven't changed anything within the map)

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What i would do to make it easier is make a batch file...


I have put most of your pathing in there for you. (even the -lomem in lighting for you) All you should need is to add the path to the .map you are trying to compile.


copy this into a .txt file, save it... then rename the extension to .bat


copy everything from @echo off to pause



@echo off


set bsp_var=-v -meta -verboseentities -custinfoparms -samplesize 4


set vis_var=-vis -saveprt


set light_var=-v -light -lomem -fast -filter -patchshadows -samples 3


set quake_path="D:/Games/LucasArts/Jedi_Academy/GameData/Game"


set quake_path2="D:\Games\LucasArts\Jedi_Academy\GameData\Game"


set mod_dir=base


set map_path="exact/path/to/map.map"


set q3map_path="D:/Games/GtkRadiant-1.4/q3map2/q3map2.exe"


set gen_options=-game jk2 -fs_basepath %QUAKE_PATH% -fs_game %MOD_DIR% -v


%q3map_path% %bsp_var% %gen_options% %map_path%


%q3map_path% %vis_var% %gen_options% %map_path%


%q3map_path% %light_var% %gen_options% %map_path%




Justin "Jesterspaz" Negrete

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Here is a batch file from Raven that is JUST for lighting.


@echo off


set light_var=-light -filter -approx 25 -patchshadows -samples 5


set quake_path="D:/Games/LucasArts/Jedi_Academy/GameData/Game"


set quake_path2="D:\Games\LucasArts\Jedi_Academy\GameData\Game"


set mod_dir=base


set map_path="D:/Games/LucasArts/Jedi_Academy/GameData/Game/base/maps/blah.map"


set q3map_path="D:/Games/GtkRadiant-1.4/q3map2/q3map2.exe"


set gen_options=-game jk2 -fs_basepath %QUAKE_PATH% -fs_game %MOD_DIR% -v


%q3map_path% %light_var% %gen_options% %map_path%






Yes once this is made into a .bat just double click it to run it.


Justin "Jesterspaz" Negrete

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You'll need to change all the paths in the code to point to the right place.


Best just to use the built in ones in Radiant unless you know what you're up to with these batch files. I did get it to work but it's a bit touch & go on whether or not it will work.


I use BSP - meta just for testing (When I'm making a lot of changes)

& -BSP - META -VIS -FASTLIGHT (For when I want a map with lighting - without going to all the time of doing a hi-res light pass)


Remember to keep an eye on the junk.txt file to find out what's going on during the compiling process...

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You said you needed help with the lighting. Did you mean help as far as lighting the whole map?


Have you tried this:




It would only work for the areas that are visible by the sky, so the inside of the Star Destroyer still has to be lit manually, but it really makes outdoor lighting a lot easier. Plus, you could get good, fluid, ambient lighting all around the Star Destroyer.


I don't know if that's what you meant when you asked for lighting help. (I know monsoontide has been giving tips about the compiling half.)


It also makes the compiling process faster (for me at least).:D


Hope you can find that helpful.

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