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Holes in JA+ Mod? (Formerly: I'm sorry, but this is too funny..")

Lathain Valtiel

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Originally posted by Lathain Valtiel

..Actually razorace, he said he had a family to take care of and couldn't devte time to proMod anymore.

Sadly enough too. That was the most sickeningly balanced JK2 mod of all time.


Well, that's not what I saw on the subject when he was talking about why he was quiting and giving the source to AotC TC.


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Yeah, admin mods...that was a mistake on my part in JK2 that I tried to correct in JA, however, the n00bs still flock to that coded-crud JA+. No matter, I am sure that the admin mod days will be over soon as we move on to new technology. AOTCTC and OJP has joined forces to make things that much better in the JA modding scene. The demo will be released soon, so hold on to your horses :)



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Originally posted by DeathWhitch

well i not a big chop shop fan cause i am more of duelist myself but i find it a good place to let off steam when i need guns ^_^


anyway i would say you DID complain by calling it an exploit. I mean yes Yoda is a smaller model (and with good reason Yoda IS small) but why would his saber be small? Are you saying just cause Yoda is smaller in size he is not allowed to use a standard sized saber? Thats like saying mini-me can't use a full sized pistal to shoot austin powers :-/ If i am not mistaken in the movie Yoda used a standard sized saber to fight Duku. . . right? So I say the model is not an Exploit but a realistic model of Yoda himself. Does it have an advatage. . . yes. But then doesn't the REAL Yoda himself have an advantage due to his size and speed?


thats my 2 cents :p


Deathwhitch (JC Clan Leader)


Clan server: .....}JC{-=DeathRoom=-


Actually, Yoda's saber is indeed shorter than normal in the movies and is not longer than his ENTIRE BODY.


Plus, there's no Yoda model for JK3 yet.


Third, there is no penalty for it as far as I can tell. In the old scaling mods you took more damage for being small. That does not appear to be the case here.

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That's another thing about "realism."


If we apply that logic (that Yoda is stronger, so being him should be an advantage), then you should also have an advantage for playing Vader, since he's so powerful in the Force, or Palpatine, or Exar Kun, or Darth Maul, or Dooku, or Desann, etc.


In the end, the question we have to ask is, if we make certain characters stronger with no disadvantages to balance them, what is the point anymore in NOT using them (ie: why use other weaker characters?)?


Everybody will be Yoda, or Vader, etc. which leads to boredom, and makes the other characters unnecessary wastes of code.


"Realism" (even in a "Star Wars Realism" sense) is nice, but it isn't always good in a multiplayer game, where balance and fun are your top priorities.

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Originally posted by razorace

The reason why ProMod disappeared was because the author suffered burnout and quit. Probably too much pressure from all the fans I suspect.


yes yes thats also the case... I mis-phrased what I wantd to say though... while promod WAS active, there were only two servers running it, compared to the bajillion (wow thats a lot) servers running JediMod. People would connect, say hey there arent any emotes.... and what? i have FUEL on the jetpack meaning I can;t fly for ever? and whats this damage when you run into walls... ack....



No reason to beat a dead horse... it thought it was a good example of a mod that focused on a lot of gameplay changes and left cosmetics and admin fetures/emotes aside... and suffered greatly form that.

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Originally posted by Lathain Valtiel

Plus, there's no Yoda model for JK3 yet.


Third, there is no penalty for it as far as I can tell. In the old scaling mods you took more damage for being small. That does not appear to be the case here.


the model kinja of JK2 works perfectly in JKA



then you also can configure the server so that small model are smaller, do less damage, but have higher speed move for their saber...



then to anwser to mike C1


Yeah, admin mods...that was a mistake on my part in JK2 that I tried to correct in JA, however, the n00bs still flock to that coded-crud JA+. No matter, I am sure that the admin mod days will be over soon as we move on to new technology. AOTCTC and OJP has joined forces to make things that much better in the JA modding scene. The demo will be released soon, so hold on to your horses


you prefered remove all cmd frop your admin mod

NO problem


me i prefer no alter admin liberty and power and give them full power and unable server owner main admin to detect admin abuse on theirs servers and configure the server ja+ so that the admin detected as abuser are auto admin ban (won't be able to use amlogin and are autologout)


Plus, C1 ja+ has a lot of feature for gameplay enhancement and confiruation in this gameplay

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Originally posted by ksk h2o

No reason to beat a dead horse... it thought it was a good example of a mod that focused on a lot of gameplay changes and left cosmetics and admin fetures/emotes aside... and suffered greatly form that.

Yet he should be commended for going that route.
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Slider, I hate to break it to you, but no one uses your "admin abuse detector."


Why? Because server hosts want to let their subadmin friends play god and abuse on their server. Server hosts don't care about the players. And do not tell me that the server will die because no one goes there. New people buy the game every day and get onto the servers, who have no clue that there's "admin mods" that give server admins basically, cheats. There will always be more players coming, just because a server is known for abusive admins doesn't mean the server dies.


Slider, do this, let me show you what some people do with your mod:


Go undercover to the *BS* We Own You server. Make sure that one of their cheaters... I mean "admins" named *BS*Paddy is there. See how they use their admin commands to "benefit" the players and enforce the rules. Hopefully after seeing what goes on there you'll see why so many players are against your mod.



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Somewhere in those updates, might have been 1.6...not sure..

BUT--The saber system was changed drastically. Hitbox tampered, damage played around with--and now it's just IMO--crap.


I did appreciate how blue stance was almost identical to JK2 1.4 blue, though I would still see players stuck to abusing it for uppercuts. I noticed that it was almost as if your player model was encompassed in a square box. Your player model's dimensions really took up about 3/4 of the box, though once your enemy's saber entered that box--your body near the saber or not--it would do damage....In the end, the saber was just so warped that combat really was one huge mess.


Can't wait for OJP enhanced ;)

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Umm.. Slider? I have news for you.


It DOES NOT work perfectly in JA.


Why? Because the left hand has not been reweighted and there are therefore animation bugs in JA.


Yeesh. Why do so few people know this?


And no take MORE damage and maybe fly further when Push/Pulled/etc due to lower mass?

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Why? Because the left hand has not been reweighted and there are therefore animation bugs in JA.


Correction, Left Hand tag. It needs to be weighted to the bone made specifically for the left hand saber. Still more people should know this.


And as far as JA+, ick. You should think about your changes BEFORE you implement them. Otherwise your going to be in a world of hurt figuring out what went wrong and hunting down bugs.

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That has happened to me too, if I was spectating a bot and the bot got kicked, I got kicked too. I think it's a bug in JA, because the game engine itself kicks the bots when bot_minplayers is non-zero.


The bug in JA Plus has to do with renaming the bots if the engine adds a bot with the same name as one that is already there. If there is already a Butters bot and the engine adds another, JA Plus renames it Butters (1). The engine has trouble (can't) kick the renamed bots, so they slowly accumulate. That's why the server is sometimes full of bots.


I've gone back to basejka. Back to default rolling, no more pull-stab, no more extra saber moves, etc. but see if there are fewer bugs.

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Originally posted by Lathain Valtiel

You may have to raise it back to 5 for balance issues.. Red and yellow don't one shot kill anymore with certainy it seems. Which means that dual and staff probably do. I'll check back on it, but I realize I'm eating my words as is.

See, as much as some people are purists about avoiding all admin mods, they do have some nice features (especially if you use them for gameplay and housekeeping purposes only and never use the "admin" functions). With JA Plus 1.8 I had selectively increased the Red and Yellow and decreased the staff. In fact, here are the saber damage cvars I used:


seta jp_StaffDualSpinAttack 10 //default 10

seta jp_DualKataAttack 60 //default 90

seta jp_StaffKataAttackMin 30 //default 60

seta jp_StaffKataAttackMax 60 //default 70

seta jp_StaffDualOtherAttackMin 30 //default 2

seta jp_StaffDualOtherAttackMax 60 //default 90

seta jp_StaffDualNormalAttackMin 30 //default 2

seta jp_StaffDualNormalAttackMax 60 //default 70


seta jp_SingleStrongNormalAttackMin 60 //default 2

seta jp_SingleStrongNormalAttackMax 120 //default 120

seta jp_SingleStrongDfaAttackMin 90 //default 2

seta jp_SingleStrongDfaAttackMax 180 //default 180

seta jp_SingleStrongBackAttackMin 30 //default 2

seta jp_SingleStrongBackAttackMax 60 //default 30

seta jp_SingleStrongOtherAttack 90 //default 100


seta jp_SingleMediumDfaAttackMin 60 //default 2

seta jp_SingleMediumDfaAttackMax 90 //default 80

seta jp_SingleMediumBackAttackMin 15 //default 2

seta jp_SingleMediumBackAttackMax 30 //default 25

seta jp_SingleMediumOtherAttack 60 //default 60


seta jp_SingleFastLungeAttackMin 30 //default 2

seta jp_SingleFastLungeAttackMax 60 //default 30

seta jp_SingleFastBackAttackMin 15 //default 2

seta jp_SingleFastBackAttackMax 30 //default 30

seta jp_SingleFastOtherAttack 30 //default 35


seta jp_SingleKataAttackMin 60 //default 60

seta jp_SingleKataAttackMax 90 //default 90

seta jp_StabDownAttackMin 30 //default 2

seta jp_StabDownAttackMax 60 //default 50

seta jp_RollStabAttackMin 10 //default 2

seta jp_RollStabAttackMax 20 //default 12

seta jp_NewSpinDfaAttackMin 30 //default 2

seta jp_NewSpinDfaAttackMax 60 //default 60

seta jp_NewPullAttackMin 30 //default 2

seta jp_NewPullAttackMax 60 //default 50


Now that I am back to basejka, all of that fine-tuning (for better or worse, some of you are probably thinking my settings are idiotic) is gone. All I have is g_saberdamagescale, which changes all values equally.

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See, as much as some people are purists about avoiding all admin mods, they do have some nice features (especially if you use them for gameplay and housekeeping purposes only and never use the "admin" functions). With JA Plus 1.8 I had selectively increased the Red and Yellow and decreased the staff. In fact, here are the saber damage cvars I used:


Right, the trouble is every mod-maker thinks they are creating a "value added" mod by putting in the same abusive admin commands we've been seeing since the early days of the JK2 SDK.


That or they are using the Admin stuff as filler for their mod that only adds one or two variables to mess around with for gameplay.


What they should do (as I've said before) is BURY that crap and just release mods with the gameplay changing stuff.


It's like including a loaded sawed off shotgun with hair trigger in every McDonald's Happy Meal. It's just asking for trouble.

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