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Does anyone notice the sign in the top left of this screenshot?


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it also looks like the grafitti of max is crying and next to him is a $ sign. On the "sign" their giving us, max is on the fire and it says "SPRING-MARCH..." so if these do mean anything i wonder what the "..." means, is there somthing else to come?

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ok, who of you does not know the spring march? go and ask syntheticgerbil, he will tell you. ok, he will not, but probably he will show you the way to find out about this secret secret.



and anyone who has at least minimal knowledge about aerosol art, knows that "max" isn't crying, this is a creepy drip, hated by most, not all, but most, yes, nearly every aerosol artist in the world. just take a look, this cloudy thing is crying too..



and obviously it's not a "$", it's some snaky thingy with err.. two legs and uuhm.. two ears??

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Originally posted by alsnow

it also looks like the grafitti of max is crying and next to him is a $ sign. On the "sign" their giving us, max is on the fire and it says "SPRING-MARCH..." so if these do mean anything i wonder what the "..." means, is there somthing else to come?


hahahaha, that came out so awfully ironic and stupidly poignant that I think you should review for modern art galleries for a living.


I hate modern art. I hate RayJones. (not really, man, I love you in a dislike sort of way. Hey let's get on the internet and talk stupid garbage blah blah why do I tpy etg;ldf

eat peas! Hey jesus, are you watching that new Movie passion of the CHRIST from up THere? Because if so have I got a Hamlet of a deal Hamlet was the pig's name from tiny toons. **** Warner Brothers

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that is exactly the kind of movie i do not prefer. nah. they promise not a tenth of the fun of licking an ashtray.


and may i point out that you forgot the closing bracket.

also, if you say that you love me in a disliking way, is that the way you want to improve your self esteem or only because you really think that i, sitting here in my small, warm, smelly and sound isolated room, would, in any form, be even thinking about giving you what kind of reply ever to that sort of brilliant, awesome and respect-demanding kind of posts, which are, if you allow me this personal and emotion dripping comment, plainly the internet appropriate way to show your inner feelings to people you do not even care about.

plus, to give it the dot on the i, and that is absolutely the show-stopper, because one needs excellent skills due to years of hard and sudorific training for a par excellence execution, what explains why, and that is the only reason possible why, you must have missed the lesson where they told that i, ray jones, would never even pay the third of a second of my even most distracted attention to this, just like you seem to deny to even think about the possibility you better should have not missed it, because then, literally, there would be a nearly infinite decreased amount of garbage, and i am not talking about garbage like that stuff you crawl after a hard, depressing day in your oh-so-funny life out your briefs to garnish your pasta, which can be found in your so praised internet, you are not even finishing your

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"and anyone who has at least minimal knowledge about aerosol art, knows that "max" isn't crying, this is a creepy drip, hated by most, not all, but most, yes, nearly every aerosol artist in the world. Just take a look, this cloudy thing is crying too.."


I know that it was a drip from the paint but this isn’t a real Graffiti now is it it was put there on purpose.



"I think you should review for modern art galleries for a living."


Funny you should say that because im an art student and i have to say crap like that and i was looking at it from that point of view because there is a slim chance it was meant to be looked at that way.

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Yeah, the whole max is crying thing is just absurd, even I knew that the graffiti on the walls was a little splooged. Max looks like he was crying was not the answer I was expecting. I want answers about the sign on the top left of the screenshot!!! It seems like Sam and Max was suppossed to be released in March! Lucasarts is just yanking our balls and I want answers!

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