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Episode 1&2 Faults.


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the only thing i think the PT is missing is a Han solo type of character. i mean we've got the young hero, the older & wiser hero, the heroine, the droids... but no lovable shoot-first-ask-questions-later scoundrel

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stiff acting is my only problem, i mean i could eventually live w/ jar jar and crappy loyd anakin but the acting sucks campared to the OT. plus the OT was more of an epic w/ more plot twists that you couldn't see coming a mile away aka (sidious/palpatine)


other than that, they are up to par w/the originals.

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Originally posted by dark jedi 8

the acting sucks campared to the OT.


Meh. I think the acting is about equal in most respects. I mean, the OT had some seriously crappy acting at times, it's just so deeply woven it's way into our hearts that we don't notice as much as the Prequels.

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just about any sceen w/ alec guinnes and harrison ford was some damn good acting. and they were in quite a bit so from that standpoint i stick to the point that the OT acting was better than the PT. plus a lot of it has to do w/the better scripting and directing, such as the luke/vader sceen in ESB, nothing in the PT could beat that. maybe the ani/padme sceens could have but then again the bad acting ruined that. i do admit that the luke/leia sceen in jedi and some of the supporting roles in the movies were poorly done but not as bad as in the PT. especially when the main character, anakin, cant even act when padme fell off the gunship. (IMO that sceen could have had alot more emotion but ehhh....)

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woven into your heart - that was quite touching!



While the movies are good movies - associating them with the heart goes too far



I was also dissapointed that it was like a frickin cartoon!






And fear me for I am disaster - come only to destroy all evil!

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Do you know when obi and ani are on the republic gunship chasing after dooku and they tell the pilot to shoot him down. The pilot replies "we're out of rockets" well if you look behind ani and obi when they argueing there are some rockets strapped to the arm! What the? Can someone explain this?

:( :( :( :(



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For me i think the writing and scriptwork of the prequals seems like a bad foundation which screws everything else up. Because the dialogue doesn't sound "real" like it does in the OT. And I think the editing job that was done seems a bit off on AOTC. Also some of the ideas(immaculate conception, the whole chosen one theme, midiclorians etc) seem pointless. I think it would be better off if lucas hadn't used some of them. And lastly the emotional involvement I feel for the characters is pretty low. Other than Yoda and Obi wan there was really no one to relate to in the PT cast.

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Probably the script writing - GL has had to cram as much information as he can to further the story into the 2 hour films, at the expense of characterisation.


It's a shame really, because the OT and American Graffiti are full of "characters" that definitely help the film.


Possibly he has not been a forceful enough director - as i've mentioned in another post he tends the use the actors as another "element" to the scenes that he composites together and as long as they can hit all their markers, he seems to be satisified.


Nevermind though - they're still great!

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

I do agree about midichlorians...that was a stupid idea. I mean, the force is supposed to be this mystical energy force and it's all cool and mysterious. And now it's explained biologically. PHOOOEY!


The force isn't explained biologically. The force is still very much a mystical energy that is never explained in the trilogy and never will be. Midichlorians are tiny creatures within beigns that allows those beigns to feel the force, they have nothing to do with producing the force. It sounded weird to me at first but I've come to like it, it adds some depth and explains why not everyone can tap into the force.

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I disagree. If someone's "midichlorian count" could be measured, what's to stop people modifiying it? You'd have a galaxy full of uberjedi who would top-up or genetically modify themselves to have more midi-chlorians. GL should have just left us in the dark about it

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Originally posted by Codja X

I disagree. If someone's "midichlorian count" could be measured, what's to stop people modifiying it? You'd have a galaxy full of uberjedi who would top-up or genetically modify themselves to have more midi-chlorians. GL should have just left us in the dark about it


Well I guess we will have to assume that's impossible since it doesn't happen in the movies. Qui-Gon said that a person lives in a symbiotic relationship with midichlorians in our bodies so artificially adding them probably just doesn't work. It would be like messing with the number of chromosones you have, the result wouldn't be that pretty.

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Originally posted by Woad

It would be like messing with the number of chromosones you have, the result wouldn't be that pretty.

Not really, it would be akin to genetic manipulation, which is done all the time, with animals and plants, often to great advantage. Midichlorians do NOT give depth, they take it away. It used to like, woah, Jedi are so cool, isn't it great that THEY can use the force. Now it's all...oh..they have a lot of midichlorians. WHOOPDYDOO.

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Heh. He should have just left it at that. I mean, I wonder what his wife thinks about all this? Maybe it was HER for all we know that made GL come up with some sort of physical explaination for the Force?

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I think there is little faults in episode I and II. Yes, maybe cut-back on cgi a little. I think the story, plot, characters, etc. were fine. The problem lies in the fact that there was too much expanded universe material in the form of comics, novels, video games, toys, that added to the sotryline. Many people thought some or part of that eu material would be used for episode I, II, or III. Alot of star wars fanatics probably even made their own scripts and storys for prequels and thus had all these ideas that they wanted in the first three episodes, but Lucas chose none of them so they are upset.

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Well Obi-Wan was able to defeat Darth Maul simply because of two factors. He saw Qui-Gon-Jinn die by Darth Maul's saber. He actaully did tap into the dark side for alot of the fight after that. Maul uses this to his advantage to push him into the open chasm and after Obi-Wan calms himself, he makes a surprising move and slices him in half. Basically what happened.

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It's also a matter of skills. Quigon might be a Jedi Master, but that doesn't necessarily mean he was a better lightsaber fighter than Obiwan, just that his overall training was more developed.


As for the midichlorians, they don't bother me, because they explains why force sensitivity runs in families. I don't think it destroys the mysticism of the Force, so much as it explains why some people can become Jedi/Sith while others can't. Is it necessary to the story? No. But it doesn't mess it up, IMHO.



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