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I need your help: The Official Beard Thread!


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Bearded Swampies unite! Your time has come! The_One (and some other individuals who shall remain nameless - because they don't know about this yet) needs you, but more importantly I need your beards.


If you don't have a beard, leave this thread NOW. This is not the place for you, or your smooth skinned face. Unless you have an acceptable covering of facial hair, you are not wanted in this thread. Sorry leXX, but you're gonna have to turn right round and head back out (unless those new drugs are having some unforseen side effects).


Now that those inferior beings have left the building, you, my bearded friends must help me. I (and those "others" I mentioned before) am currently working on a project in which I am going to need access to your bearded areas. You can help me in one of 3 ways:


1. Take a high resolution, tasteful picture of your beard, showing it at its best - whether this be immersed in styling products, full natural or posed does not matter. Just capture your beard, and post it here.


2. Post up advice and tips on what makes your beard the beard it is - what you did to obtain your unique look, how you keep your beard in shape etc etc..


3. Get out your pencils, open up paint, or fire up Photoshop and draw some concept art. Be inventive - if you had the capacity to grow any beard you could, what would it look like? If you're fancy, you could always Photoshop it, and model it yourself. Just come up with something original, that has not been attempted before. Make bearded history.


Don't ask what this is for, you will see soon enough. I just need you to help me out here, and you are bound to be credited for your offerings. This is a serious project, and you can help me make it happen!


Thanks :)


P.S: I'm not drunk.

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wow. this may sound freaky, but a while ago I was thinking about starting a poll (as I like to do :p) about beard growing. I have had a "trim beard w curtain" for 2 years. It instantly commanded respect from colleagues and clients. I was just too babyfaced prior to that, now I have becometh a man, sporting a beard worthy of a part in any LOTR film :D


check out the beardage... :p


kill Crow.jpg



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I...uh...can't really grow facial hair. Well, not really. I'm 19, and i've had to shave for more than a year now, but my facial hair grows REALLY slowly, and it's soft and so blonde you can't even see it.



Which kicks ass because I only have to shave once a week at most!!!




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Originally posted by Tyrion







The wonderful world of Google..




kinda looks like Red Green if anybody knows what i mean cuz its a canadian show and its mad funny cuz his secret weapon to anything is duct tape.......

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I have no beard :/


But I was searching through old threads and found this:


"Grow it, tame it, nourish it - a beard is your inner being, expressed through the medium of your chin. God gave you such a gift. Flaunt it." - The_One




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