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Van Helsing!


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I like the look of this...

Too bad the trailer's gonna take an hour to load... :(


[edit] I just watched the trailer... Looks very hollywoodish to me... :(

The setting looks cool though, so I might watch it if it gets decent reviews :)

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Originally posted by wassup

From the looks of it, it's just another Hollywoodish 3d effects sci fi flick. Interesting, perhaps, but forgettable.


That sums up about 90% of the stuff they produce nowadays. :p


As for The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, it was an enjoyable enough romp, but Connery is frankly past it as an 'action figure', some of the effects didn't help me to 'suspend my disbelief', and it could have been a whole lot better.

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Originally posted by RoxStar

Isn't everything today Hollywoodish:confused: :confused: :confused:


you obviously dont get to watch too many independent or foreign films do you Roxstar ?.....


Selene, the creators of this film have obviously purchased the license from Bram Stokers estate(or whoever has the rights to his novel) to be able to use this character in a film about an all-round hunter of the supernatural..... If you remember Coppola's version of Dracula, Van helsing was played by Anthony Hopkins, in a way I once heard beautifully described as "with just a whiff of ham" :p



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