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What if Lucas have made Episodes 7, 8, and 9 instead?


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Originally posted by Talor Star

the problem with making 7-9 is that unlike the other two trilogys, there is no clear story or end.


with ep 1-3, its a clear story of the rise of vader and ends with the fall of the republic


ep 4-6, its the story of the rebellion and of lukes path to becoming a jedi and ends very obviously with the death of pap and vader and the fall of the empire


(sounds like a really basic film review and im not being patronising, we all know what the films are about, it just makes my point clearer)


with ep 7-10, i would guess the main story could be the new jedi order, but where would it end, and how could he end it so that the would be no need for a futher # of episodes.


i think that its better leaving it at it is and maybe making small tv series or straight to video (or dvd now) films or even, with current technogloy and trends, don't be to surprised to see a Star Wars film made completely from CGI ala final fantasy (what that film had to do with the game series, anwers on a postcard)


as i was saying during this lecture (and it is) that maybe tv series or whateva of various EU story lines, what with the thrawn thing, the yuzza vong (i know its wrong, i dont read EU, just humour me) the New Republic, The Galatic Alliance............


The Star Wars franchise is neverending, and I don't think that any of us will ever see the last star wars film/tv prog/etc


lets just hope that they don't milk it so much that the max rebo band releases a single!

Straight to video??? Are you serious??? Let me make this simple for you:


Why did George create Jar Jar? For the money.

Why did George create the EU? For the money

Why did George create the Clone Wars? For the money

Why did Geroge create the DVD editions? For the money



If he made a straight to video version, he would loose out on a lot of money. George does not loose money!!!


And also the story could be of anything -

rumer goes that in Ep 3 Jar Jar stays alive at the end of the film.

so it could be Luke puting a price on his head. :fett: HA HA HA!!!

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Star Wars is about the rise and fall of Anakin. There is no room for the sequels in this story. I also think a lot more people have ideas of what post-ROTJ was about, so i think that would dissapoint people more. We have EU to serve as our later episodes, but we would have nothing for pre-ANH.



As far as what I thought of the prequels...

I thought TPM was all right, not as bad as most people make it seem, but far from on par with the other movies (although ep3 is supposed to make us see TPM and AOTC differently). I thought AOTC was really good (up there with ROTJ), but I still like the feel of the OT better.

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But as sson as they start making spin-off series (Films) then the magic is lost and the Star Wars Movies will forever be ruined by GL's glutony.


Ep. 3.5 is basically what the comics will most likely do, I mean they done it for 2 - 3 in the comics concentrating on the Clone Wars. There are also some comics concentrating on 1 - 2, and even slightly before Ep. 1 (Darth Maul Comic anyone?)


But to create a spin-off Movie or "filling in the gap" would be wrong in my eyes.


That's also half the fun with Star Wars, it creates extreme storylines created by each inividual who will give it enough thought.


That's why there are so many theories as to what will happen in Ep. III. Thats what makes me like Star Wars, the innumerous imaginitive paths that we can take to either fill in the gaps or create our own paths within the now vast universe.


GL shouldn't spoil it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by guybroom

Keanu Reaves? Hugo Weaving? Good ideas but what about the master himself - Give it up for the new sith leader... Robin Williams!




And his aprentice - Eddie Murphy!?




The pythons?


Ian Makellan?


:bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2:


I think they mean no.


But about having the prequals, in an interview Lucas said that he has always had the story there because he had to know where every one came from and how they all tied in with each other.


And if he were to make one, he would b arguing with the EU or he would do the EU as film in which case is there realy any point?



(Looks at suggestions and shudders) Yikes! What do you want to do, turn SW into a FREAKING COMEDY???:D Wow! um no.

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Originally posted by wildjedi

(Looks at suggestions and shudders) Yikes! What do you want to do, turn SW into a FREAKING COMEDY???:D Wow! um no.


Well what do you think I was doing with Montey Pythons?


Luke: I want to become a jedi like my father

Obi-wan: You can't be a jedi, you don't have a lightsaber, a box?




Yes I know it's not right - Luke had a saber but whatever. You know the point I'm making.

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I'm glad he isn't going to make 7, 8 and 9. People would be expecting him to take the story from the novels and there is no way he would do that. He'd create the story himself. Then everyone(including myself) would be disappointed and the backlash would be bigger than the Jar Jar debacle.


Besides there is no way Harrison Ford would do another Star Wars picture. He's done. Him and Carrie Fisher barely have good things to say about it. Have you heard her commentary on the DVD? It's not that complimentary it's more like :

"I hated doing this scene..."


I love SW and I'd definitely see 7, 8, and 9 if he made them but I'm glad he won't.

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