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AT-AT look actual size!!!

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Originally posted by JamesNI

Basically, the fact is, on Hoth, rebels did indeed have X-Wings.. so nothing can stop them being used in the game, if they are available. Just because they weren't used in the movie, don't mean they shouldn't be used in the game.

If they could be used they would be used the fact that they weren't is probably for a reason.
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The game has something to do with ticker strokes, the imps probably have to take over the base before theirs is finished. Rebels have to defend the place.


And I know that the movies are not always exactly the same as the game, we've seen that in a lot of other games (galactic battlegrounds for example).

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I think It would be Gay if X-wing Or ties are in the hoth level.

I agree with Tfighterpilot it wouldent be true to the movies.

Also you only see the At-At's take a very few hits of the defencive turrets. Who's to say prolonged shooting wont bring down a Walker?:atat:

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In Rebel Strike for Gamecube you get to fly X-Wing after disabling all the AT-AT's on Hoth. But that happens in high air, it's so high I couldn't even see the ground when flying down, barely. So I'm guessing that's sort of EU part, we didn't get to see it, but while Rebels attempted to flee TIE-Fighters may have attacked in the high sky.

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Originally posted by Kratt

I think It would be Gay if X-wing Or ties are in the hoth level.

I agree with Tfighterpilot it wouldent be true to the movies.

Also you only see the At-At's take a very few hits of the defencive turrets. Who's to say prolonged shooting wont bring down a Walker?:atat:



Who knew that Star Wars had a sexual orientation? Is Gay good or bad? Oh yeah, and i don't think there are xwings used in hoth. Also, i believe there are two levels that take place on hoth. One is the attack on hoth with the At-At's, speeders and such. Then there is the evacuation of hoth where the rebels must get to their ships and evacuate while holding off imperial troops. If i remember correctly, this was stressed in a recent interview but i can't remember where.

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Originally posted by tFighterPilot

There were no X-Wings in the battle of hoth, X-Wings were only used for space combat in the movies.


In the game, they will be used for the less importent battles (any other battle but the battle of hoth)


If x-wings are used in space battles than where do you suppose they will show up in battlefront? They are in the game and there is no space maps, it is very likely they could be in the battle of hoth.

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Originally posted by ibanez343

If x-wings are used in space battles than where do you suppose they will show up in battlefront? They are in the game and there is no space maps, it is very likely they could be in the battle of hoth.

I think they only be in tatooine, no one care about this place anyway
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i think there could be x-wings on the map. It sure would even things out a bit. You could also give the imps TIE Fighters. Have a little air battle going on too. Also, did anybody notice the millenium falcon in the hoth movie? At least, it looked like the Millenium Falcon...

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Originally posted by fuzzyfreaker

i think there could be x-wings on the map. It sure would even things out a bit. You could also give the imps TIE Fighters. Have a little air battle going on too. Also, did anybody notice the millenium falcon in the hoth movie? At least, it looked like the Millenium Falcon...

Don't get too excited, most chances it is a static model.
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Here's the deal, there will likely NOT be any X wings on Hoth. The ATATs will be in and very powerful but there will be a limited # of them. They will likely be destroyable by the turrets and the snow speeders but it will take quite a few shots though a concerted effort from snow speeders and turrets may be required to bring one down. Also, to even things up they move slowly.


Further, as someone above mentioned, this will be an assault map and the base to be assaulted is undergroud. Therefore, the ATATs will be transpoeration and at best mobile spawn points. Once they arrive at the entrance, taking the lion share of the flags will probably have to be done on foot as the ATATs aren't just gonna be able to stroll inside.


I feel pretty comfortable saying this will be the format of the Hoth map.

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