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svösh's work in progress


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^^^This can be applied to every model apart from saber hilts and heads, hilts have to be one mesh object for the replacer in mdlops to work, and heads can't have a changed number of verts or they won't compile in t's replacer.


I built my model as one mesh then uv map it all, collapse my modifier stack back to ed-poly to “ bake on” my uv map then under Polygon sub object I detach the lens as a new object. The Uv mapping remains on my lens then. I Apply a second smaller texture on the second material slot for my lens and assign it to the lens mesh.


Apply unwrap uvw to my lens object to adjust the baked uv for the lens my original texture was smaller on my main map.


Then apply aroura trimesh to both parts of my model one on the ngon object [ bulk of my model] the other on my lens


On the lens aroura trimesh modifier I change glow tone from black to white so it glows on that object. In fact you can simply change the glow colour to any colour without a texture on it. It will glow in that tone in game. Before I settled on a golden yellow for my lens skin I tried aqua , blue , white, green, and red, all texture less


here's the lens txi :


blending additive

decal 1


The txi is using blending additive and decal 1 so my Alpha on this lens texture is full white just like the saber blades and glow comes from the aroura trimesh.




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Interesting oldflash thats sort of how I made atris' prism. Well double alpha, one on my texture and 35 or 45 opacity of the base material of the model's mesh. I think i added a bit of self ilum to the trimesh then my .txi was cm_specmap, I also embedded a blue crystal in it but used no alpha on that in my texture to make it more opaque, the challenge with hilts is always having it as one mesh object.


No problem DarthParametric sorry it can't help, clever execution of using malak's blade on starkillers saber to fill in the exposed area.


Thanks everyone , i haven't forgotten about you guys and gals i have built gerlons blaster it's partly skinned i'll try to have a pic up soon.



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Thanks folks :D update time:


@redrob As for restricting the monocle to jolee I'm not sure how I could he doesn't have any special feat I could exploit to work and unlike TSL there are no character only restrictions.


@Salzella As for wearing juhani's gear I can't see why not ;) I won't use her force camo as a prerequisite so any female could wear them, males could too but they would appear to be stuffing their shirts with Kleenex :p


@triggergod Here is bindo's hax0r front on http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p54706746.html as you can see his eye is fine. What you saw in the previous shots on the lens was the faded spot I painted on the texture. The black of the model is like a cup that surrounds his eye and intersects his head.


Here is Gerlons blaster I toyed with having it burnt from the explosion but opted for a replacement blaster that has better ventilation then his old one, again design is from my mind

here in max http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p54706134.html


^it's just the perspective that makes the muzzle look like it's tilted down. In the left view port it's as straight as it should be.


When I was still rusty and getting back in to modding again I built a few hilts but I couldn't settle on having them as long as default's even though my yoda hilt in USM is a touch shorter then the stock I ended up lengthening it to fit in both hands.


Well this time I didn't and both hilts fit snuggly in both hands on both sexes :) first is one of my own design,

Revan's pre-war hilt it's nothing fancy but i like it.

http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p54706137.html metal with black side grip and marble inlay.


The next is Asajj Ventress' from the new 3d clonewars show, got to love VLC media player I sure do :) by slowing down the vid a whole lot. I took 3 or 4 screen captures of it and built it from those ref images. Perhaps it's a bit too square I'm of 2 minds to rebuild it but anyways here it is in max. http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p54706369.html


In game shot both hilts plus other mods http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p54706139.html

at the moment both of these hilts just replace blue and purple standard hilts


I also made a saber blade replacement pack for k1 All tones are new. I only used yellow as a base for size then by eye I made each of the 7 tones with handy Ctrl + u by using layer masks I have reduced the glow considerably and replaced the core with a circle that personally i find looks better there are 2 blue, 2 purple's, 2 gold aka HotG I like the darker purple myself, pictured above i had a pic of 6 of them in one shot but can't find it now.


@DarthParametric this is a pic of my pivot on my ventress hilt I referred to in the starkiller thread http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p54706136.html the upper pivot is for ventress' hilt revan's is similar but a touch higher not shown the lower pivot is from the default hilt.


I'm trying to get a lot of this stuff wrapped up and have it posted on my site in the next week or 2



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@Salzella As for wearing juhani's gear I can't see why not ;) I won't use her force camo as a prerequisite so any female could wear them


ahah, cool :)


males could too but they would appear to be stuffing their shirts with Kleenex :p


lol, i can see it now, cross-dressing Revan :xp:

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That new blaster looks cool, and the new sabers are excellently crafted.


@redrob As for restricting the monocle to jolee I'm not sure how I could he doesn't have any special feat I could exploit to work and unlike TSL there are no character only restrictions.


I thought he had some sort of Advanced Jedi Stance or something. Maybe it was something that another modder added to Jolee's utc. I thought that one of T7nowhere's WOTOR sabers, or "Jolee's Jade Shield" were only usable by him. I'd have to go through my override folder at home to be more specific (I'm at work on my break right now).

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Very nice, svösh! I really like the Assaj saber. I'm a little turned off by the vein like things on the marble on Revan's saber, but considering you can't really see them in game, it should be ok :D


Also really nice work on that blaster. I think you should make another version with the plasma scorching on the blaster. I would think Gerlon would keep that blaster for old times sake.


EDIT: As for a feat to restrict it to, try to either make a dummy feat like DI advised below, or choose the councilor feat that Jolee would get. This way, you can also wear it if you are a councilor :p (if it'll even work for your PC)

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Impressive, as always. I see where you're coming from with the square look of the Ventress saber, but it looks fine to me. Without a reference picture it's hard to tell, but knowing you, I'm pretty sure it would have matched the reference to a tee. Besides I thought you didn't like the Clone Wars art style, or was that just the new MMO art style you didn't like :xp:

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Very nice! :D Now that I have "retired" I guess it's time to give Kotor another go...I am very rusty now (that's an understatement) but should you need any help to get those cool items into the game by some "fancy" means, let me know, I'd be glad to use my dark magic help if I can.


In any event, I am eager to try your new creations out and see how good they are at kicking Jedi @ss (gotta live up to my reputation :xp: j/k)!

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