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svösh's work in progress


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Originally posted by T7nowhere

These weapons are really going to change how Taris is played. I doubt many will be able to stay at level 2 for long ;)


No kidding! Looking at those models may just make me take the "Light Side" route *gulp* That just looks ... painful ...


Of course, the Dark Side of me keeps whispering...if you beat Bendak...you just might be able to get THAT gun... :: evil thoughts :: :dev11:

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Thanks for the great back everyone :D Darth hehe ;)


stingerhs nope his blaster is just big ;) I took in to consideration what Canderous says during the murder trial on dantooine about small guns, and decided that a true Mandalorian like Starkiller should have a big blaster to do all his killing. Who knows maybe he will have 2. :eek:


little update: Here they are in game


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p8717733.html Twitch and his blasters


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p8717732.html pc modeling the new Twitch + Starkiller blasters


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p8717731.html Ice and her ice sliver


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p8717730.html spoils [ ;) ChAiNz ]




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Originally posted by T7nowhere

Glamador you have got to be patient, these things take time. But it will be worth the wait. :)


Indeed, I personally have NEVER been dissapointed with svösh's mods/models/skins you name it, they're all exquisite...


however being on the "targeted" end of those 'pistols' doesn't look to be all that much to be in a hurry for ;)


:bluidea: ChAiNz's next mod ---> blaster proof boxers so I'm taking no damage as I'm running away :mob:

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Thanks so much for all the excellent feed back everyone :D


Ok for the impatient people I have a special treat , seeing as this dual ring mod is part of a much bigger project , and will be released as soon as it’s done…


Anyways a few weeks back I saw some requests for an Uzi, so to help heal the wounds I may have caused by showing some teasers I made one for you all.


Here is 35 min of modeling a bit of tweaking afterwards. Segmented, uv mapped , uv unwrapped and skinned.


I went to hell and back attempting to make this model work for all party members adjusting placement about 50 times believe it … :fist: the hand dummy’s are by far the worst I have ever had the displeasure of working with I could still be fiddling with placement until the cows come home , wait I don’t have any cows , ya so anyways talk about a nightmare…..


So in the end I opted for the out of the ordinary

**His and Hers Uzi’s for the couple in love©** :p


It’s set up like this, the models are identical only I have shifted placement to prevent clipping on the female’s hands because :fist:Bio’s :swear: EXTRA sloppy placement :swear: for hand dummy’s anyways..

They use the same texture, they have identical .uti’s apart from there name one is uzi the other is uzif guess what one is the female version ? ;) and deferent icons in the works..


Look for the model [s ] on my site in the next 2 days this also has a StarWars twist to it.


In max http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p8835928.html


In game http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p8835925.html

In game http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p8835926.html


Hell sorted out…. http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p8835927.html


enjoy ;) svösh

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