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svösh's work in progress


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Originally posted by Nodakrattler

I'll have to admit I'm not much one for putting modern weapons in KOTOR, but that is some great work


i agree, it looks sweet but the 'additional ammo clip' that, well, ah sod it, i'll adjust to like it :p Well Done Svösh!!!


you and T7 are getting brilliant at modeling, im 100% more interested in what you two produce :D:D:D:D:D


hmmm, what to pressure the guys with? hmmmmm, i think i'll nag about _________ ________:p nah


just a thought though, what are the limitations of your modeling skills? i know about Lightsabres and people models being a problem, or is that the only thing?



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Thanks guys ;)


Ok updates the uzi’s are on my site for dl …..


But the earth shattering news that Cchargin has made the Amazing and ingenious replacer tool in mdlops 4 to add our hilt models in place of the defaults is what this post is all about....


New saber hilts With great pleasure I present my three favorite designs from the movies.


They have no relevance in Kotor’s time period but lets face it, they are really cool designs.



Anakin skywalker’s from Aotc modeled and skinned by me


In 3d http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p9259233.html


Count Dooku's from Aotc modeled and skinned by me


In 3d http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p9259234.html


Anakin and Dooku ‘s in game









YODA's from Aotc modeled and skinned by me still in progress…




Coming very very soon ;)



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:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:


Svosh.....well.....what can i say? besides:


OMFG!!!!! DUDE YOU ROCK AND DARE I SAY, even i, the Supreme Jedi Master (along with Master Yoda) must bow before your AWESOMELY SWEET modding skills, but remember, thats between me and you ;P ;P




although you have some AMAZINGLY SWEET modding skills, i must say....in my personal opinion, that Count Dooku's Saber is not ..... curved enough?


(Mono, i've edited it becoz i feel i may have over-stepped my boundaries, to all who i may've offended, i apoligise)


but thats the ONLY problem i have...




for now! im kiddin.... i think :D



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Those rock svosh, but I don't think you'll be able to get a midget blade size will you? And Matt, it probably isn't "curved" (no hidden meaning) enough, you're right, but if you play JK3 before, all of the Dooku models there were curved, and the bottom half just hung in midair. This is better cause your character still holds it.

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Thanks for the compliments :) everyone


No offence Matt don’t worry ;)


It was late or erm early when I first posted and left this part off



There are two thing to overcome with dookus hilt , Ya I had to minimize the curve just a touch I did leave off a few small things to save on poly count. First it had to fit in both hands with single wielding , secondly the blade had to come out on top on a reasonable angle. I think that what I managed was pretty good , we can’t put the blade on an angle to meet the hilt so the hilt has be adjusted just a touch. The hand clipping on the real angel was to much.


And at the moment yodas is using a standard saber blade length but the hilt is just long enough to fit in both hands.



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