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2005 year of the RTS

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Windu, after Homeworld 2, anyone making a space-based RTS would be foolish to make it 2-D. Actually Frozticles is probably right about the technology. I can see that with 3-D RTS engines nowadays, like Battle for Middle Earth for example, could probably be extended to encompass space combat in proper 3-D. But I'm still of the opinion that trying to include both ground combat and space combat will force the makers to divide their attention, making each part not as good as it could have been. I'd also like a space RTS, but it should be a separate game from the ground RTS.

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Originally posted by FroZticles

Since Lucasarts is all about breaking records in the gaming community these days, I'm sure they will try a space and ground RTS as one game.


Well, I would rather have somebody else try it, flops it and then we can build off their mistakes.




Nothing that has to do with the subject but I'll be going on vacay for month and probably won't be able to post. Goodbye y'all and see y'all in a month!

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Well, If there is a new Star Wars RTS game coming out in 2005, I am in a world of hurt. LOL! My video card is damaged and causes my PC games to crash. I guess I better save a bunch of money to buy a new computer with a better operating system than a Pentium III 667, Windows 98SE, and a 8 MB video card.


Let's hope the game includes all 6 films!

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Well, If there is a new Star Wars RTS game coming out in 2005, I am in a world of hurt. LOL! My video card is damaged and causes my PC games to crash. I guess I better save a bunch of money to buy a new computer with a better operating system than a Pentium III 667, Windows 98SE, and a 8 MB video card.


Let's hope the game includes all 6 films!

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Yeah, My computer's internet browser is messed up half the time and my video card can not play even a Star Wars video game like Galactic Battlegrounds anymore because it crashes. I pray that the RTS game comes out later than soon. I would rather play PLaystation 2 video games now. I believe they said at Comic-con this year that the Star Wars Episode III video game will be out for X-box and PS2 only for May, 2005.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Chief pain in the a**** ;-)


Basically I have alot of contact with LA because I am part of one of the largest fan networks. Lucasarts see the LFN network as an official fan site and they give us, when they can - exclusives, prizes and other stuff.


Because I have known my contact there for a while now, we are like international friends and they ALWAYS expect me to bring up the next Star Wars RTS at the end of our emails/chats :-)





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What are the chances I could get one of their ears?


I've long thought the only way I could get them to make a damn game right is if I bank rolled it, well not really; they wouldn't be doing it then :) which reminds me, how much did gb cost to get done, anybody know-ballpark?


Facts are facts, my I.Q. is 205 which makes me by default smarter than most of the people at LA and anywhere else for that matter and unlike most of them yet again, I can actually write.


I'd offer my time but I don't mix well with routines, either way my ideas for the next game are solid and they should really pay attention.


:swear: |||||||||:confused::roleyess: :compcry:

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I think they should put Chris Crawford in charge of it. Even if it turns out to be rubbish, at least he'll have some more funny stories to put in the next edition of "On Game Design". ;)


I'd really love to hear what he would say if he ever read Vostok's or Windu's design documents...

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Their, own engine?



*looks at Force Commander*



Oh dear...well, I hope they do a good job. Using the AoE engine wasn't too much of a bad idea, seeing how well it was doing then, but it was basically the wrong time when GB released since most RTS' started going 3D.

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I love SWGBG and I can't wait for this new one, what ever it will be. I love RTS and I love Star Wars (been playing SW for the past 20+ years and still going). I just got into moding SWGBG and its great. I can't wait to get something new and good (hopefully). I still break out my old Rebellion game once and awhile.

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