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Originally posted by tFighterPilot

So you're saying it's ok to blow up a wedding because terrorists blow up innocents also? That's an interesting logic.



If you read it correctly you would know that it was not a wedding party, the terroist jsut made it seem that way so that all the gullable Muslims would see in the news that Amercians killed "innocents" at a wedding party when in actually it was just a fake look alike

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wow. next page.. again.. :p


Originally posted by B1GC

.. You blame Americans for killing incocent people such as the wedding party where you said we bombed and killed people shooting off fireworks. What you forget is that this incident took place at 4 in the morning, I dont know about your culture but wedding partys dont happen at 4 in the morning.


i dont know how you define party. but good ones last that long. here where i live the best parties dont start before 0200am. so there is no point if you say, it could not have been because of the TIME. maybe it just was up to the end and that was the "final" firework?


fact is you cannot prove it wasnt a wedding. also, neither can i it was.

still it could have been a terrorist marriage.


hmm. it's the same as if i would say i never saw how a muslemic terrorist flew a jumbo into the wtc. i just saw those jumbo's and the collapsing towers all over the news.

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Originally posted by B1GC

If you read it correctly you would know that it was not a wedding party, the terroist jsut made it seem that way so that all the gullable Muslims would see in the news that Amercians killed "innocents" at a wedding party when in actually it was just a fake look alike

Is that what your liberal media told you? :rolleyes:


It was a fricking wedding.


Or maybe bad people do weddings too :rolleyes:

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yes a terrorist wedding, maybe.. and coincidently some us aircrafts flew by. one pilot recognized that one party member sent him spam mails once. maybe he thought "wait. those mails were about explosives!"

and that certain man on the ground thought "hey there is this freak who didnt reply to my advertise mails for fireworks."





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Originally posted by RayJones

yes a terrorist wedding, maybe.. and coincidently some us aircrafts flew by. one pilot recognized that one party member sent him spam mails once. maybe he thought "wait. those mails were about explosives!"

and that certain man on the ground thought "hey there is this freak who didnt reply to my advertise mails for fireworks."





I didn't understand any of what you just say, but I heartily agree :D
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If its from the democratic underground, no thanx. That place is as liberal as it gets. God, theoretically, CAN sin, but he doesnt. Like, I can commit suicide, but I choose not to. Or, I can eat my computer mouse right now, but I dont want to. God in Jesus form was tempted to do wrong. He overcame the temptation, though. It wasnt easier for him bcause he was God, he was just perfect.

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"That's what i was talking about. And since you must love your fellow men, you should turn them since you want them to go to heaven... "


You should try to do that. Either way a Jew will go to Heaven.






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Originally posted by yaebginn

If its from the democratic underground, no thanx. That place is as liberal as it gets.

But everything he wrote there is right. Yes he also wrote his opinions, but the fact you don't agree with them does not mean you can't read it. Democracy is all about understanding even if you disagree.
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To the first post:


America is only the :best" because of ww2 and how its economy came out of it at full speed.

I guess you can thk the Nazi's for the success of the US post war.

Would it of happened if the war didn't happen? Maybe? Who knows.

A nice what if scenario.

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Originally posted by PanzerTekk

To the first post:


America is only the :best" because of ww2 and how its economy came out of it at full speed.

I guess you can thk the Nazi's for the success of the US post war.

Would it of happened if the war didn't happen? Maybe? Who knows.

A nice what if scenario.

You know, I really hate when people are doing it. Commenting on the first post without seeing that this thread has gone to and entirely different direction.
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and no, they dont tell the truth. In Michael Moores new movie, he walks up to a congressman and asks him to sign his kid up for the army, it shows the guy just stare at him flaberghasted. In reality, the person said how can he help and when MM asked him to pass out the fliers, the guy said sure and that he had two nephews in Iraq. go to moorewatch.com for some other lies of his.

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Originally posted by yaebginn

and no, they dont tell the truth. In Michael Moores new movie, he walks up to a congressman and asks him to sign his kid up for the army, it shows the guy just stare at him flaberghasted. In reality, the person said how can he help and when MM asked him to pass out the fliers, the guy said sure and that he had two nephews in Iraq. go to moorewatch.com for some other lies of his.

I was talking about the article I linked to
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tfighterpilot, i really don't understand you. You continue to change your position on the situation. You are from Israel and you have pointed out earlier that you do not appreciate suicide bombers and your are against the terrosit that continue to hit your nation. Us Americans support your cause and are talking about how we disapprove of their ways as well and we have even gone over to support your casue. why do you continue to say what we are saying is wrong and to talk trash about America when we support Israel? Pick a side, don't jump back and forth.

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Originally posted by B1GC

tfighterpilot, i really don't understand you. You continue to change your position on the situation. You are from Israel and you have pointed out earlier that you do not appreciate suicide bombers and your are against the terrosit that continue to hit your nation. Us Americans support your cause and are talking about how we disapprove of their ways as well and we have even gone over to support your casue. why do you continue to say what we are saying is wrong and to talk trash about America when we support Israel? Pick a side, don't jump back and forth.

Let me clear it out to you. I am for defending yourself, and against killing innocents.
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Originally posted by tFighterPilot

Let me clear it out to you. I am for defending yourself, and against killing innocents.



OK so basically you don't like suicide bombers killing inocent people...but then you don't like retaliation to kill inocent people.


But from as far as i have seen the suicide bombers are innocent people until they do the deed...so where does it stop?

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Originally posted by B1GC

OK so basically you don't like suicide bombers killing inocent people...but then you don't like retaliation to kill inocent people.


But from as far as i have seen the suicide bombers are innocent people until they do the deed...so where does it stop?

So you're saying that it's ok to kill them because they're potential terrorist? Why not arresting all the poor people because they're potential thieves :rolleyes:
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I give up with you, yaebginn. I make a point and you completely ignore what I'm saying, post some bull****, so I explain what I mean again, and then you just post some more bull****.


"And I never agreed to either the former or the later, I've agreeed with none of those." - then what DO you agree with, because there are only two choices. >:


Trying to have a philisophical debate on this thread is pointless...


Also: just because I'm unafraid to challenge my reglion doesn't mean I can't be a theist. It's better than blindly following what I've been brought up with, anyway. I mean anyone who just goes "Oh the Hollocaust? Oh, well, God is love! I don't know about that and I don't care because I'm a sheep blindly following whatever I interpret the Bible to say! God is love! GOD IS LOVE! OBEY OBEY OBEY OBEY OBEY OBEY OBEY OBEY OBEY OBEY OBEY OBEY" is quite obviously less of a Christian and more of a maniac.

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