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C##k up


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I relised this C##k up a while ago but didn't posed it so i have decided to.


In the first vision on Danttione you see Revan and Malak looking for the star forge at the ruins but when you look at Revan you see he is wearing the DARK SIDE STAR FORGE ROBES which you can only get on the star forge SO how diid he get the robes if he hasn't got they yet.:deathstar :deathstar :mad:

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how about this, once revan got to the star forge he used it to replicated his robes in case he ever needed spares.


or his robes were just plain ordinary robes but he used the star forge to give the robes bonuses. And the design for the robes were stored in the star forge’s memory so you were able to clone them.


or maybe you're being really picky about something really quite trivial. :D

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Originally posted by Siv




how about this, once revan got to the star forge he used it to replicated his robes in case he ever needed spares.


or his robes were just plain ordinary robes but he used the star forge to give the robes bonuses. And the design for the robes were stored in the star forge’s memory so you were able to clone them.


or maybe you're being really picky about something really quite trivial. :D


No look at the stats when you generate it at the SF then it says 'these robes are created by the SF'

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not to be picky but i noticed another C#*k up when you turn to the dark side and your on the ebon hawk going to the star forge to kill malak when the movie crops up and Dodanna contacts you bastalia says


The Republic must have got the message Carth sent when WE were crashing onto the plant


Bastila wasn't on the ship when you sent the message so how does she know you sent it and even if she does know you sent it why does she say WE :confused: :confused: :mad::c3po:

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OMG!! I KNOW WHYYYYY!!! Take this into consideration...When Revan and Malak led the Republic against the Mandy's when they retreated (???) or so they saw the Star Forge!They entered and they were corrupted( Since the SF is built of pure evil) ..they could not resist:D then somehow he aquired the robes he wore in the vision.

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  • 3 months later...
Originally posted by Venom750

Maybe Darth Homer




Anyway, I think I've sorted it out to a point. LA needed to keep Revan's identity a secret, so (illogicly) they put him in his old robes, and left it to the community to figure out how he got in them.:p

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I got another one:



When you're investigating the Sunry murder case on Manaan you can hack into the republic computer to learn what really happened. There it says that Elassa walks into the room followed by Sunry. When they've walked farther into the room Sunry silently pulls up a blaster and shoots Elassa in the back. When you go to Sunry in the prison block and tell him you know what happened he confesses to you. But he tells you that he waited until Elassa fell asleep and then shot her.


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