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How many jedi are in each server??


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More Jedi than I would have expected in light of what was said by developers during the pre-launch stage. But then I heard from a guy on my server that Christams last year that every active player got a hoocron(don't know if that's true or not). So, hey if the opportunity was there, you can't blame the players. It was an oversight by Lucasarts. I don't let it ruin the game for me, in any case.

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The only thing is that it will ruin Pvp and the whole aspect of the game. No single character can kill a jedi and if he is taking on one person than another cant just jump in now can he. I think there should be a limit to like 12 or less per server. Let them have some power but you have to realize that though there were few jedi there were tons of force sensitive people in the universe but the jedi weren't around to collect them. Let there be some but its not right that ANYONE can become a jedi.

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I think the combat revamp will change many things about the game in terms of combat. No doubt, many players have made their feelings known about the near omnipotence of Jedi. On one hand I can't fault this, because in the Lucas canon, the Jedi was almost superhuman, compared to other beings. On the other hand, it does create an imbalance with one dominant profession able to stand above all the other players.


Many bounty hunters have been known to singlehandedly take down a Jedi. I can't say at what level the force user was, but it has happened.


With my luck, I'll just be completing the Jedi trials when they make Jedi all but useless. LOL!


Let's hope not.


As far as anyone becoming a Jedi, you can bet the trials will not be easy, besides, becoming a Jedi means basically starting over from ground zero for a character. Most players have already said that they are not willing to do that. So, not everyone will be rushing to the Jedi Temple, you can be sure. I think the trials are a much better system for choosing force users than the random holocron drop.

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Originally posted by Sounds Risky

You hate Knights of the Old Republic? :( :( :(

everyone is saying that like its a crime to not like this game :) whats so great about KOTOR! i played it for like 4 days straight.... and .... i dont like it. i tried to like it because well. you just HAVE to like it with all this great reviews and stuff... but i DONT like it :)


and uhm dartmarcII your right. everyone with christmas got a holocron. i sold mine for 250k :) stupid jedi :)


Wraith 8

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

yeah i seen loads of jedi lately.

really anoying. its like your playing KoTor or Jedi knight.... I HATE THOSE GAMES!


i knew the new revamp would make the jedi overpopulated ,what did i tell ya ,what did i tell ya!!!

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Originally posted by Darth MarcII

I think people are getting too hung up on the Jedi issue. I say, just play the game and have fun.


darthmarc ,the jedi overpop issue changes the whole feel of the game from gcw times to old republic or clone war times ,it throws the whole feel out of whack for people like me,who want to live in the sw universe and are die hard fans.

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I empathize with what you're saying, reelguy. I'm a huge SW fan myself. The Jedi implementation was definitely not well done, in terms of the time period that SWG takes place. I think if they had wanted to make Jedi this visible(which i don't think they intended), they should have made the game pre Episode I, like in KOTOR.


But, they can't undo what is done. All they can do now is even up the combat interface and increase the pressure on the Jedi to make them the hunted of the galaxy. You can be sure the bounty hunter profession will be a huge part of this. Some BH players at the official forums were suggesting for Bounty hunters, a Jedi Hunter skill tree to add to the profession. Not a bad idea. The combat revamp will address many problems also in terms of the Jedi and other professions and PvP.


Just hang in there, man. Things will get better. The Jedi will not be strutting around the cities of the galaxy twirling their sabers forever. :D

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Originally posted by Darth MarcII

I empathize with what you're saying, reelguy. I'm a huge SW fan myself. The Jedi implementation was definitely not well done, in terms of the time period that SWG takes place. I think if they had wanted to make Jedi this visible(which i don't think they intended), they should have made the game pre Episode I, like in KOTOR.


But, they can't undo what is done. All they can do now is even up the combat interface and increase the pressure on the Jedi to make them the hunted of the galaxy. You can be sure the bounty hunter profession will be a huge part of this. Some BH players at the official forums were suggesting for Bounty hunters, a Jedi Hunter skill tree to add to the profession. Not a bad idea. The combat revamp will address many problems also in terms of the Jedi and other professions and PvP.


Just hang in there, man. Things will get better. The Jedi will not be strutting around the cities of the galaxy twirling their sabers forever. :D


they better not be.dont yu think that the devs should send out the imps and vader to kill all the jedi?that would be cool.i totally agree with the bounty hunter thing.and they should bring back permadeath that would keep the numbers down!!!! :cool:

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Originally posted by Wraith 8


and uhm dartmarcII your right. everyone with christmas got a holocron. i sold mine for 250k :) stupid jedi :)


Wraith 8


I made a cross server trade, I gave my two holos on starsider and got 2 on Scylla, they are making an awesome decoration in my house since december :p

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I think that they should delete all jedi, exept lets say the few most powerful. Then they had to search around the galaxy and train force sensitive pupils. But they could only have one padawan at a time. Would be kinda cool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I've been playing for about a week, mostly from 9pm to 3am and I am very close to becoming a bounty hunter (just need to complate carbines).


So I'd say its extremely possible... But then again I only gone after things that were instant death for me and had the help of higher level people to knock thier stats down.


Getting the scout part is easy. Just be sure to have mask scent on all the time and watch the XP just roll in...

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I'm a newcomer to this game and If i can get this CDKey situation cleared up (bought the game at best buy...unstalled...go to put the account up after my 14day trail and my key "has already been activated" exchanged it (suggested by support page) and will try it when i get home tonight)...er, i jumped off topic.


anyway, Im heading to the bounty hunter profession. thats the goal and I will figure the rest out as I go along. My true goal, though, is to spend time hunting jedi...either dark or light. I dont really care. the few jedi that I have seen over the last 14days has gotten me a bit unnerved as the fights last mere seconds so I have a bit of thought onthis subject.


Jedi should be limited, but the number of force users shouldnt be restricted. Meaning, anyone can learn to use force "powers," but only a few dedicated should be able to become jedi. Light saber usage (via Cannon) starts at a young age or during training. Nothing prohibited anyone in the galaxy from killing a jedi (other than the obvious) and getting his saber for use. granted, they would probably kill themselves, but that still didnt prevent them from using it.


now, almost all Jedi had a padawan...perhaps that should be a requirement for the jedi: to have and train a fellow player to be a jedi. perhaps experience gained could be linked to this. if a jedi doesnt have a padawan he loses exp after a certain period and could jepordize his standing as a jedi and lose skills if he doesnt have one. could open up a few skill sets where they have "masters" that focus just on training and usage of the force. sort of like an artisian, but in the force. Jedi Masters could impliment new temples or whatever. the thought just came to me so i dont have a lot of details.


things can be done to force jedi to decide skill trees that they would need to follow. a jedi priest could be similar to a doctor, Jedi Knight to a fighter...you get the point. even Yoda and Mace knew they was still much to be learned about the living force even though they were masters. sure they could use a saber, too, but they spent a lot of thier time in mediation. (i guess like an entertainer spends a lot fo their time in cantinas).


current Jedi should be forced to follow new implimentations. sure, on the surface it may seem that this would make the Jedi more powerful, but if things were thought out and planned then they could be knocked down a bit. but as someone said, inthe movies they seemed larger than life. however this is a game and that should be focused on.


now, the time period makes the inclusion of the Jedi rather interesting. then again, this is starwars and starwars without jedi would be like having superman without his blue and red tights. just doesnt work. however, game mechanics could be implimented that would make brandishing a light saber on an Imperial Planet not a good idea. heck, Im sure the Imperials would love to know the names of Jedi....(hint HINT).....and would offer a nice reward for that information; just as the rebellion would like to keep tabs on Dark Jedi.


From that information Bounty hunter missions could take on a new course and even NPC bounty hunters to track them down. Being a Jedi, in this game, should be a blessing and a curse. the Galaxy is still run by the Imperials. as for Dark Jedi...well, Rebellion forces and Jedi should be more inclined to track them down...more Jedi missions and NPC Jedi to play around with.


every class should be balanced by another class. the Jedi werent omnimpotent nor were the Sith. Heck, Dark Jedi could have a skill set to be DJ in the order of the Sith (but only two per server) you want the possition...well, time to "kill" the master or apprentice.


there is just so many solutions to this little problem it just takes a bit of thinking, planning, coding, TESTING, and impleminting.


One of the reasons I decided to buy and sub to this game is because its actually evolving (unlike Infantry (grr)) and has good promise to be entertaining and fun.

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Dark Forces, IMO, wasnt that interesting and I only got interested in the line when the sabers were introduced. If i wanted to spend my time shooting things with guns then I could have bought any number of games at the time.


the Ship games were fine without Jedi as they were ship games. whats more fun than playing a jedi than flying a ship in space combat.


Rebellion did have the Jedi that were around for the time, but was more of an economic game than anything.


Force Commander. not familiar with it.


regardless, in a game like this the exclusion of Jedi would just make it silly and not very interesting.

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