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How many jedi are in each server??


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Originally posted by Cercueil

regardless, in a game like this the exclusion of Jedi would just make it silly and not very interesting.

If this was TPM/AOTC time, or Yussan Vong (sp?) time period, I would agree.


Allas, it is not, therefor having so many Jedi in the game makes the game silly and totally against what appeals to this time and it's feel.


The appeal and feel is, that for once people are gonna have to figure out what to do and fight on their own without being babysat by the Jedi. They are simply not around anymore to make things right for the "little" people. It's up to them now to make right what has been done wrong. And they did it without the Jedi. :)

This game no longer reflects that.


I just hope they don't mess up JTL. That's my only concern now.

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did a Jedi destroy the 1st Death Star? no, Luke had some force sensativity but no real Jedi powers yet. Did a Jedi destroy the 2nd Death Star? also no, Lando lead the strike against it. There were no Jedi around this time to save everyone's ass, other people had to step up and fight, that's what this game should be about, the normal people in the galaxy

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/target lil_dude








i so agree with that :) throughout most of the movie..... obi wan uses his jedi powers a few times to save luke or the others. luke TRIES to save his friends. and in the end luke TRIES to save his father.

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

/target lil_dude








i so agree with that :) throughout most of the movie..... obi wan uses his jedi powers a few times to save luke or the others. luke TRIES to save his friends. and in the end luke TRIES to save his father.


exactly, but he was never a real Jedi, he could wield a Lightsaber and had some Force Powers but he was easily beaten by Vadar, he would've been killed if he didn't reach the good in Vadar. He didn't have that much time to become a full fledge Jedi, normal people had to do most things. Now Luke was still skilled in the Jedi ways but he was no expert, the normal people in the galaxy had to help him, he had no other Jedi to lean on, this is how the game should be. People hate how Jedi always ruin GCW PvP because they shouldn't be there and the way they grind was another dumb ass move by the devs.

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ok, i see what youre saying and understand. however, someone up there said something about having to divert from the movies now.


The setting works at where it was placed. the Empire has an increased pressure to spin the aftermath of the destruction of the first deathstar; the destructon of Alderan; an increased Rebel presence and sympathy acrss the galaxy; and everything that comes about because of it. NOT including Jedi in the mix would, imo, made the game not very interesting. it was the fact that i could, eventually, become a member of that order that had me buy the game in the first place.


just keep in mind that everyday those players are leaving and new ones are coming in. once you become all powerful and you ahve everything you could possible want...its over. nothingl left to do.


beside, there are limits and restrictions that can be placed on the proffession; an if the amount of jedi was a direct result of a oopsee by the devs then it is up to them to fix it.


but please dont focus too much on teh setting of the game. yes, teh movies made things evident and cannon, but for game purposes it would have royally sucked to have to be dealing with reminant and a galaxy controlled by the new repulic. Just wouldnt have worked for me without the Emp or Vader.

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There's nothing oopseee about it.


The Devs are purposly changing the Star Wars we know and love into a psudo wierd space-time continium distortion.


There is no way in hell the Emperor, Vader, the Empire, would EVER let the Jedi rise again, and right till the end they made sure this didn't happen.


So what has happened to the Empire?!? Where is it? In this game it seems it's asleep I'm afraid.


I'm just waiting for JTL now. Maybe I can finally play some Star Wars again. :D



Limits and restrictions? :)

What happens if you give a mouse a cookie?

Yes, that's right, it will soon want some milk. ;)


People have been sampling the power of the Jedi, which was mistake number 1 in the first place.

Now they have even more power, pretty much the ultimate power really, and they are not going to relinquish that now. Mistake number 2.


Let's hope they don't make the same mistakes with JTL. :D


As for the remnant part, you shouldn't be able to get both plastic and a bag, in other words, either we get Jedi and move this game to the Remnant time/Vong period, or move it backwards to the Clone Wars, or further for that matter.


You can't have the Emperor and Vader at the same time as Jedi. It just doesn't fit very well together, unless you're not too fond of Star Wars.



This game should be stamped with the Infinite mark if you ask me. :D

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I've seen tons of jedi in the Kettemoor server, but Jedi should be in the game, but there should not be a max of 5 per server but if there are more they should be in hiding. All Jedi should be hard core roleplayers anyways. If your a light Jedi you should be bringing peace and if your a dark jedi you should be bringing destruction.

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I wasnt going to post in here anymore because I hate repeating myself.


If the only reason that any of you are opposed to Player Jedi in the game is based off the movie settings then please work up something else. In SWG, we are all apart of the galaxy just after the battle of endor and moving forward. at this pont the Empire is still strong and a lot more aggrivated than they were before. Yes, it was stated in the game by Obi wan and an imperial officer in ep IV that Jedi were all but extinct. However, we are now no longer a part of the movie line and creating the future as we go.


new jedi are being discovered and, somehow, being trained; dark jedi as well. thats teh facts...its happening. how? where? dont know, but it is. And as far as we know, Ben has been sitting on tat for a long long time and has little knowledge of who is learning what.


now, as i stated before, both the rebellion and Empire should be concerned about this new wave of Jedi emerging across the galaxy; and brandishing a light saber should pull the attention of the dominant faction in the area and have a few patrols of whatever come to investigate.


a player embarking on the Jedi tree should have to declare a faction so that they run the risk of being attacked whereever they go. or, if not declared, then when ever they brandish a light saber they get a flag that that opens them up to rebel and imperial attack for a number of hours so that they must hide.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

This is an impossibility, therefor there should be no player Jedi in this game whatsoever, because

1. There are only a handfew left


2. Those that are left are deep in hiding


i totally agree with jan !!!!!!!!!:)

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But then it won't be Star Wars anymore. :)


It's just EQ with a Star Wars coating. :D


I'm sorry, but I disagree with you.


We are supposed to play a game about the Galactic Civil War, and in the Galactic Civil War there were no Jedi fighting in it. But somehow they are there anyway, screwing the Star Wars and GCW feeling to hell.


There were no Mandalorian Warriors either in the GCW, and there are none in the game. Why not?!? Why can there be Jedi, but when it comes to Mandalorian Warriors there are none?!? There are barely any mando armor in the game either (I have yet to see one, but I've heard of it), and their reason for it is it's supposed to be rare (like the Jedi mind you ;) ). Why can't we have this too in løarge abundance??

And then we can turn it into the second Mandalorian war between them and the Jedi. :D


While we're at it, why not give us the option to bring in the Vong earlier than they entered the galaxy. We know there are some here already during this time, which is shortly after the Battle of Yavin by the way and it has pretty much stood still since then. They can't move it forward much cause that would mean Vader and the Emperor must be removed, and as far as I know they are alive and kicking.

Well, alive anyway. With the tons of Jedi running around they must be fast asleep. :D

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come on now Star Wars is supposed to have Jedi in it and if youve read any of the books that take place after the movies you will see that there are plenty of Jedi. And I think in the expansion set you will be able to wear Mandalorian armor. Most people when they think about Star Wars the first thing that comes to mind is Jedi, you cant take Jedi out of the game thats just stupid.

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First thing that enters my mind when I think Star Wars is Star Destroyers. :D


And yes, I associate Jedi with Star Wars in general, but not during the Original Trilogy (Ep IV, V, and VI) which this game takes place in.

That there are Jedi before and after this time is completelly irrelavent, as we are not playing a game in those timeperiods. We are fighting the Galactic Civil War, not the Sith War.


People, is this so difficult to comprehend?!?


I agree, you can't take Jedi out of the game now, that is stupid, but not stupid for the same reason you are thinking. :)

It would be stupid because it would create even more cancellations if they did that.

No, they made the mistake of adding Jedi to the game from the beginning, and we'll just have to ignore them to the best of our ability. That has unfortunatly become even more difficult now that the higher ranking Jedi can't advance up their skill trees without killing other players that are trying to play the game we were promised but the Devs failed to deliver.



That's why I'm hoping they will be able to deliver us the rest of the real game once JTL comes out. :D

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i had this whole thing that I wrote out, but a fubar with my work computer just erased it.


i wont retype it, but i'll give you the gist.


if the only thing that aggrivates you about Jedi in the game is because of movies then I suggest you work on something else. There were force users across the galaxy even though they may not have had the Jedi Title. the galaxy is a huge place with many systems and even more species and people.


the inclusion of jedi in SWG should have and should be maintained, but, as i have said before, difficult and dangerous.


now, it could be a better idea if those opposed start offereing suggestions on how the proffession could be refixed in order to make it harder (read power/long time players) to achieve as well as dangerous in heavily populated areas to brandish your title and weapon.

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My point is, there can't be player controlled Jedi included in a game like this when the numbers need to be kept at bay and make them go hide, as it should be.


Once you give people a taste of that power they are gonna want more, and more they have gotten.


You see, it was hard before, with TEF's for just showing the lightsaber (although I don't think that worked properly :D ) noone knew how to unlock it, and PermaDeath. PermaDeath is gone, you barely lose anything at all anymore, TEF's are pretty much history too, only BH seems to be able to hunt them down now, and then the Devs revealed (or hinted to) how to unlock the FS slot, hence the Great Holo Grind.


Time and again the Devs have caved in on the demands of the Jedi, something that was inevitable, and left the core game, the part of the game that actually is the game, on the sideline. Most recently they have changed the Jedi system, which by the way the Devs themself caused a problem with in the first place by letting it be known how to become one, and delayed for the second time now the Combat Rewamp and the GCW Rewamp. And I don't know how many times the Smuggler Rewamp has been pushed back.


Had it been up to me, the second it became clear to me what was going on with the Holo Grinding, I would have shut the system off, like they have done with so many other systems/features.

But no, the Jedi get's special treatment (so do the rebels too it seems :p ) leaving the game itself high and dry.




On a sidenote, that's a bummer with your post, I hate when that happens. :mad:

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If it is a dev created problem, no matter if it was intentional or unintentional, then they should devise a fix. Im sure there is a simple way to do it and, if not, some time should be devoted to it.


personally, I dont see many Jedi. I play on Ahizi(ms) and may see one once every few days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well hey i mean if u were a jedi u would not like that serioulsy u now u wouldent like people to say crap about u.


i wish i was a jedi but im not do deal with it cause winning aint goin to do anything. ive seen like 100 jedi since i played and they gang up on newbies they make a camp by anchorhed and when they see people get missions they follow them(imps follow reb)

i tryyed to help the newbs but i only was abe to take out 1 out of the 5 and i wasent buffed.


i also think its unfair they get extra burst run and they get extra ham bars like i have 800 they had 1300 without buffs. but sometimes it helps the jedi are starting to make there own guilds like LIGHT and at the starport there were like 5 of the light jedi (master) and thay have that special healing thing.


ive seen a jedi take on an :atat: and took an the master (he was a cammando) so this is kinda unfair even if they are on our side.


but hey just think jedis cant do **** in space against a destroyer lol so well see in lightspeed whos better now

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  • 2 weeks later...

well i think that the jedi should be few and hard to become but the ones who are jedi should stay in hiding and if they are seen in a public place all the bounty hunters notified just like in the movies if your seen and your a jedi your ****ed but if they stay out in the wilderness unless they need to use the star port we should leave them be...:confused: the end...

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Well, I think all Jedi should be TEF'd by the Empire, even the Dark Jedi. Because in the Star Wars storyline, the Emperor and Vader were specifically scanning the universe searching for jedi, and then killing them so that there were no threats to their Empire. So, the choices for Jedi should be Good = Rebel, Dark = By yourself, or they group with other Darks. That would sort of make it fairer.

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