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Try and get the Dhamon series.I got #2 Betrayal.Almost finished it.Here are the main characters



Dhamon(duh),Maldred(ogre mage in human form),Rikali(Half-Elf),Varek(Husband of Rikali)



Its about Dhamon who has a

dragon scale on his leg which has cursed him who is trying to get it healed


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Its been years since I read it.... but a psychologist is the main character and he gets called in to investigate a "plane crash" that turns out to be a spaceship that's been under the sea for centuries, covered in coral.


After the investigators get into it, all hell breaks loose.


That's about all I can remember. I *do* remember that when I read the book, I couldn't put it down, but when I saw the movie I was willing to leave the theater to hit the john and grab another coke.


Go read my first pick on page 1 of this thread instead. You can pick it up at a used book store in trade paperback for about $5 or less.

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That one is definately in the library. Look up Sagan, Carl and you'll find it listed.


Actually, I'm working on a Carl Sagan collection (as well as Dawkins, Gould, and Feynman). He was very prolific science writer prior to his death, as was his wife, Anne Druyan. His writing is very much for the lay-person, too. Not solely for the science crowd.


As to your question: 1) Check the rules or; 2) post it in the feedback section. I'm hesitant to get off-topic that way in a thread like this.

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Andromeda strain is VERY entertaining, it's about a group of scientists trying to learn about a highly deadly strain of virus that arrived from space.


Airframe was also a really good book, not science fiction, but a pretty good mystery/thriller.


Congo and Sphere, like Skin said, were fantastically better than the movies. The movies sucked, but the books were AWESOME.


The other ones I have not read yet.

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Bought Congo, Andromeda Strain, Terminal Man, and Great Train Robbery all for 4 bucks. I checked out Lost world and Jurassic park from the library. also, John Stossel's Give me a Break. I'm currently reading that and it is a very good book. Intelligent, and gives you a better understanding of the world of media. I suggest it.

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Originally posted by Seph

eye of the world...>> <<


Yeah, that's a good one. Actually, books 1-7 are good.





I just reread the entire Hannibal Lecter trilogy. I recomend them if you want to read about criminal psychology. It's pretty interesting and entertaining.

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