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Who is your favourite MI character?

Who's your favourite character?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's your favourite character?

    • Guybrush (Marley) Threepwood
    • Elaine Marley (Threepwood)
    • LeChuck
    • I. Cheese
    • Murray
    • Stan
    • Other (please post)

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Originally posted by rundll32.exe

Guybrush's middle name is Marley?!


No, according to EMI, it's something completely different, but I can't remember (try drinking the can of grog). I think he's meant to have taken on Elaine's second name when they got married or something, wich makes no sense whatsoever, but whatever.

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my fave was...


the voodoo lady! i like her. except in the first one she looked like a man b/c of the shadow under her chin...it looked like a beard. so i was always like "wtf? is this a guy or a girl?" but the shadow didn't look attached to her face...it looked droopy like wally's beard in the beginning of mi3...kinda.

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Originally posted by Das Mole

my fave was...


the voodoo lady! i like her. except in the first one she looked like a man b/c of the shadow under her chin...it looked like a beard. so i was always like "wtf? is this a guy or a girl?" but the shadow didn't look attached to her face...it looked droopy like wally's beard in the beginning of mi3...kinda.


So I wasn't the only one! first MI game I played was SOMI and I was with a friend at the time and for some reason, I just thought it was a guy, I don't know why, maybe I was stupid. But I just thought it was a guy. not being able to get my hands on MI2, I played MI3 next and found her to be a woman and that's when I realised I was being an idiot!

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yeah, did she ever say anything in the first game like "i am the voodoo lady", b/c even if she did, i still thought it was a he-she or something. and then in mi2, i think the shadow went away and that's when i was like "oh it's a chick", except it was still kinda weird. and then in the third game she actually called herself a voodoo priestess...and she didn't have a freakin shadow-beard anymore.

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I was torn between Guybrush and Stan. Stan is such a funny guy, and I picture him as like the perfect salesman. its great how he waves his arms around. But i had to vote for guybrush, he is just so love-able and funny too. I also like largo too!

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