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Why is Anakin recognized as the chosen one?


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The day (more or less) the "Chosen One" was found was the day that the Sith revealed themselves to the Jedi, if you remember. Qui-Gon found little Ani on Tatooine and then Darth Maul fought him while he was on his way back to the Naboo Starship. Sooooo, the too were revealed to the Jedi practically simultaneously. Qui-Gon knew through the Force that there was something "special" about little Skywalker and then later found out his midichlorine count and of his immaculate conception (which is still questionable, because Shmi only said there was no father which could mean anything, from a certain point of view, right Obi-Wan?). The third clue to Anikins being "The one" (and not Neo) was the coming out of the closet of the Sith, thus the obvious requirement of the Force needing an attitude adjustment (or balance). Now, what is balance? If RoTJ is really the final episode (say it aint so!!!) then balance is ridding the galaxy of Dark Force users, or the Sith. Anikin also hunted down the Jedi. Maybe the Force wanted to start over, a brand new order of Force users and used the entire galaxy to wipe out the Sith and the Jedi and will now Use Luke and Lea to create a new breed of Jedi. What will they be? Balanced.

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Also, to reiterate a point made in an earlier post, the Jedi suspect he is the chosen one, rather that absolutely know it.


I also agree with Nairb Notneb's theory that the force wanted to start over. What better way to balance dark vs light then to wipe them ALL out.


The force: brutal but effective!

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  • 2 weeks later...

No, Anakin Skywalker definitely was the chosen one, even from the EU's perspective... perhaps especially from the EU's perspective. Now, Jacen and Anakin Solo both had very special destinies, but theirs weren't to bring balance to the Force, but rather tied into another goal the Force had that was very, very different.


The Force was forced (:D ) to start over because the Jedi had lost sight of what their true goal was. They weren't just supposed to be peacekeepers, but were supposed to keep in touch with the Living and Unifying aspects of the Force. And indeed, it does seem that achieving this end is what the Force had in mind with its actions with Anakin Skywalker. The Empire's birth and death also eliminated much of the corruption that plagued the Old Republic in its final years... don't get me wrong, what came after wasn't perfect, but people had a lot better appreciation for their freedom than they did before. So balance was the whole point...

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There we go again... There's always someone that reads the title, skips all the comments, and gives his opinion on what he thinks it's about. I was talking about Episode 1, when he was recognized as the chosen one, you are talking about Episode 6, when he brings balance to the force. That's the whole discussion.


Oh, and technically speaking, Palpatine was the last Sith, Since Vader turned good and then threw Palpy in, making Palpy the last Sith...


EDIT: what got this guy banned?

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Originally posted by Doomgiver

There we go again... There's always someone that reads the title, skips all the comments, and gives his opinion on what he thinks it's about. I was talking about Episode 1, when he was recognized as the chosen one, you are talking about Episode 6, when he brings balance to the force. That's the whole discussion.


Oh, and technically speaking, Palpatine was the last Sith, Since Vader turned good and then threw Palpy in, making Palpy the last Sith...


EDIT: what got this guy banned?


My 25 cents (2 adjusted for inflation) is that I am with what Codja X said. I agree with you about those people who scroll to bottom as fast as possible, and then post. I agree with your ol' palpy being the last sith, also.


As for your edit... Well I don't want to say anything specific that would get me in trouble.

Search by posts, in all open forums, by his username and then read his other posts. It should be fairly obvious.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Anakin is the chosen one of prophesy (no I didn't skip any posts.)


He just is.


The idea of the prophesy goes way back in Lucas' mind. I think originally he planned on having Luke be the child of prophesy


From Star Wars - Adventures of the Starkiller

"...And in the time of greatest

despair there shall come a savior,

and he shall be known as: THE SON OF THE SUNS."


Journal of the Whills, 3:127

However, in SW, George Lucas is God. Therefore his will be done. If he wanted to have Episode VII be about how Jar Jar Binks was really Anakin's father, then it is SW Gospel....and there we are all standing in line for 4+ hours just to get a taste of it. Who's your daddy? That's right.

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There is no question that Anakin is the "Chosen One" simply because GL has gone on record as saying so if for no other reason. Now we see however, that even GL can change his mind if he wants to by the mere fact that he has gone and for a second time and redone the OT. (He also said that he wouldn't film in digital, nor would he release the OT on DVD.) This has been stated in this thread already and I am of the opinion that there is no need to even discuss it really unless you are one that is not aware the GL has not said this, but we love Star Wars and we love talking about it so we are going to talk about. As for the Son of Suns reference, in the first Special Edition, GL added that at the end of RotJ after the second Death Star was destroyed. He also put it in TPM at the parade on Naboo. In both sequences you can here people shouting "Son of Suns, Son of Suns!" Obviously the Naboo sequences is being shouted to Anakin, but who is the second being shouted to? I haven't seen it yet but I am told the in the second special edition of the OT, GL has changed the RotJ ending sequence again and that you can still hear the SOS's shout but this time instead of it being heard on Coruscant it is being shouted from Naboo, don't take my word on it because I haven't seen it yet this could be wrong.


In order to answer the question "Is Ani the chosen one?" you must ask "What requirements does one need to be the chosen one?" The chosen one will bring balance to the force. This brings up more questions. How is the Force unbalanced? What caused the unbalance? What will fix? When will he fix it?


The how is the most difficult to understand, it is a little vague. It seems the "unbalance in the force" is the appearance of the Dark Side. Evidently the Force is only truly balanced only when the Light side is in power. If the Dark Side has a powerful influence then the force is "unbalanced". Maybe then "balance" is a bad term here, maybe the prophecy should have said that the chosen one will return the Light Side to power. In episode One the Jedi recognize that Anakin is special and that his future is uncertain but that the dark side is emerging with the appearance of Darth Maul. Therefore events of the prophecy are being fulfilled in front of them.


The cause of the "unbalance" would then be the Sith's return. In episode two Mace Windu tells Obi-Wan that if Anakin is the Chosen One then only he can bring balance to the force. Mace still has doubts but hopes and understands the proper roles.


As for what and when, the prophecy says that the chosen one will bring balance. We see in RotJ that Anakin does do this thus proving Qui-Gon to be correct.

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Oh, but i didn't doubt he was the chosen one, only why the Jedi council recognized him as such. Because balance to the force means no Dark Siders, and they thought they had destroyed all darksiders, so there was no need for a chosen one anymore.


Unless the prophecy said something about a certain period in wich he would appear or something, that would of course explain it...

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Sure thing Doomie. Their doubt shows their arrogance and their blindness to the Dark Side. "You can't be the chosen one because there is no inbalance in the Force. If there was we would have seen it because we are the council!". That's basically what Mr. Windu said to Qui-Gon when he said that he didn't believe the Sith could return without them knowing it. Hello Macy-poo!! The Sith never left! Wake up and smell the blue juice man!! You guys have been blind the whole time and now some of your own are going to turn into Sith and help to wipe you out! What happened to the Jedi here should be a lesson to us all, never be complacent and never assume that you are so powerful and wise enough that nothing can happen to you that you can't handle, like the return of some ancient warriors sect set on ruling the universe. Palpatine didn't learn this lesson, the same thing happened to him and his overconfidence did him in too.

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As for the Son of Suns reference, in the first Special Edition, GL added that at the end of RotJ after the second Death Star was destroyed. He also put it in TPM at the parade on Naboo. In both sequences you can here people shouting "Son of Suns, Son of Suns!"

Check these out:




In either case, Anakin is the Son of the Suns, the chosen one of prophesy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick nitpick here (as often occurs in these threads), don't call it an "immaculate conception" when referring to Anakin's miraculous birth, rather call it a "virgin birth."


The "Immaculate Conception" comes from Roman Catholic teaching and refers to the Virgin Mary being born without Original Sin.


The Virgin Birth (believed by the vast majority of Christians of all denominations) is the belief that Mary gave birth to Jesus when she was a virgin (ie: miraculous conception, no sex).


Those links sound interesting, but they won't load for me... : (


The "son of the suns" to me refers to Tatooine (a male child born on a planet with a binary star). Of course both Luke and Anakin are from Tatooine (well, we technically don't know if Luke was born elsewhere and then just taken to Tatooine as an infant).

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RE: Immaculate Conception.


You are completely right Kurgan. Immaculate conception is a Christian doctrine. Virgin birth is not wholly Christian.


Buddhists believe that Buddha was also born of a virgin birth.


I think GL has taken cautious action to not sound too Christian or too Buddhist. Of course I don't know if there are any Buddhist prophesies foretelling the birth of Buddha. Whereas in the Old Testament of the Bible, there are prophesies of a virgin birth/immaculate conception of the messiah.


The Christian Virgin Birth doctrine is the conception through the Holy Spirit. This is not something that is explicitly Catholic. From what I know, all Christian denominations hold to this belief.


The son of the suns prophesy is clearly referring to Tatooine. Tatooine is part of a binary solar system (hence the plural "suns" rather than singular "sun")


Luke is not the sun of the suns because he was not born on Tatooine. We know this because of what Obi Wan said in ROTJ. He told Luke how he and Leia were seperated after they were born. While this is not prescriptive, in that it excludes Tatooine as a place of birth, it seems likely that they were born elsewhere, seperated, and each sent to their respective homes.

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Kurgan, the first wave file is from the end of RotJ when they pan over Coruscant and the bell is chiming, you can hear someone shout out something. Until now I didn't know what it was, but he shouts "Son of suns!". :)


The second wave file is from the end of TPM, also panning again, this time over Naboo, you hear alittle more faint the same voice really, shouting the same thing. Hadn't noticed that at all until now. :)

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Kurgan, to bad they won't load for ya. Your commentary on the terms are correct and thanks for adding them. I'd like to add that we don't really know for certain that Ani had no father either. All Shmi told Qui Gon was that there was no father. A lot of people have no father but they are here and they weren't born of a virgin nor were they born of the Force. It is possible that "there was no father" is a figure of speech and that it is true "from a certain point of view", a phrase that I am getting tired of by the way. You know what, that phrase never worked on my parents growing up by the way, and neither did the mind trick.


Luke was most likely born on Naboo or Alderan, or possibly Corascant and then whisked away to Tatooine where he later became a citizen. I have always held (in my own eyes) that part of this prophecy of the Son of Suns includes the twin suns of Tatooine pointing towards Anakin, which leans toward Luke growing up there, but if Anakins birth is a miracle of the Force as we are lead to believe, then being a "son" of the "suns" makes since because the force gives and sustains life just as sunlight does. Therefore the analogy fits quite well.

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Originally posted by Nairb Notneb

Kurgan, to bad they won't load for ya. Your commentary on the terms are correct and thanks for adding them. I'd like to add that we don't really know for certain that Ani had no father either. All Shmi told Qui Gon was that there was no father. A lot of people have no father but they are here and they weren't born of a virgin nor were they born of the Force. It is possible that "there was no father" is a figure of speech and that it is true "from a certain point of view", a phrase that I am getting tired of by the way. You know what, that phrase never worked on my parents growing up by the way, and neither did the mind trick.

First of all, to the very last part of that quote: ROFL :D:thumbsup:


Second of all, that could very well have happened, if it wasn't for the part that she couldn't explain how she got pregnant. That pretty much says it right there that there was no father whatsoever.

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There is no reference in TPM to the Sith having to do with the prophecy. All they new was that the force was unbalanced, and that someone concieved by a midichlorian would bring the force into balance. Also, I want to address a comment about the Light side being in power as a better term than balance. The Light side represents order whereas the Dark side represents chaos, so the Light side being unopposed is balance.

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That is where the real question is. What does the prophecy really mean by "balance" and that is why I addressed it in previous posts. Please read them. The prophecy doesn't say anything about a boy being conceived by the midichlorians either, I believe you are wrong on that. Qui-Gon believed Anakin to be the Chosen One because he believed Anakin to be conceived by the Force, which isn't even proven to be true, as has been discussed in previous posts, again please read them.


The Jedi loose their ability to use the Force in AOTC and they are aware that the Sith are rising in power due to the Dark side. They also come to realize that Anakin is most likely the chosen one and they hope that he will be able to stop this evil in some way, and stop it soon, though they don't know how I'm sure.

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