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MY last mod until KotOR2...


On what planet should this shop-like place be located?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. On what planet should this shop-like place be located?

    • Taris (Until it blows up)
    • Dantooine
    • ->*Manaan*
    • Korriban
    • Tatooine
    • Kashyyyk

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Okay, I'm going to do one more mod before I'm done modding for KotOR (I will still be a frequent visitor at Holowan however, and offer help and such). Don't worry, this is going to be a cool mod. It's going to be a module, involving another mass trading company like Czerka. Two people from this forum at least will be included in this. (I'm not trying to rip off Doom_Dealer or anything, I have my reasons for both people) My question to all of you people is: which planet should I place it on? I'd prefer to have it on Manaan, I can't really cook up an idea for the other planets. However I'm still interested in everyone else's opinions, so I made a poll.


PS-Mattcole, your requested saber crystal will be available for purchase when it's complete!


Edit: I would also appreciate it if you posted why you voted what you did. Eg: If I get 20 votes for Taris and not a single reason I'll choose something different!


Second Edit: I'm going to explain this a little further. It will basically be a module(moduleS, depending on the size) with a bunch of workers that will sell you various things that I've made, but never released.


I'm also going to say that I need to get my answers within the next couple days, otherwise I will NEVER get to finishing this, cause I haven't actually started the module yet, as I'm at a loss for which one to use, and I still have to read through quite a bit of doom's tutorial. And in 2 weeks I'm back off to high school, and AP classes take up a lot of my time. :p I'll have to take to modding on the weekends, if i have the time then. So you can understand why I'm in a hurry to get this done. On a side note however, I'm taking programming classes this year, maybe I will learn a thing or two about scripting.

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i chose Korriban, why you ask? well i chose it becoz Czerha have a settlement there and also becoz Korriban is Boring, so id like to see Korriban improved :D


oh and thx Mono, i appireate you doing the sabre crystal for me :p and i like your custom rank :D:D




PS I WAS FIRST TO VOTE AND POST :D:D oh and Good Luck with this module.

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Just to let you guys know, one of the Manaan votes are mine. I'm kinda getting sick of always having to press view results, so now they display automatically. Don't worry, I won't count my own vote. By the way, there are 2 votes there with no comment, come on I'm curious to know why. I didn't know Mav had his on Manann... However Kashyyyk is looking pretty good now too, maybe a Wookiee-Human cooperation.

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Well it really comes down to the type of mod your doing. Will it be a few stores that sell Custom items. Are you gonna include a quest for the PC? Can you kill NPC's or help any.


Anyway whatever your gonna make I think it should be on Tatooine. The simple reason, there just isn't very many mods on that planet and for some reason there have been alot of mods based on Manaan.

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I vote for Tatoine too. I think the way the city is built makes it a good place to add a shop. As someone pointed out, there are many doors but most of them are unused. The shops there don't really have great items.

Manaanhas plenty of mods and there is enough to do there.

Korriban: you already find three shops there with very good items plus there is not a lot of place to put a shop: there is only one door ...in front of the Czerka shop (Czerka doesn't like competition - i'm sure of it ).

I think the storyline on kashyyyk makes it less logical to have a shop there: i don't think the shadowlands are a good place for shopping (at least from a woman point of view :p )

And for the unknown world, well although I would love to have a shopping centre on a Beach, it doesn't fit the storyline (i guess this is why you haven't included it :( )...still there are a lot of credits there...

Taris...perhaps Taris but there is already a lot to do there.

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I say tatooine.

Taris and Manaan are out because they both can become inaccessible in the game.

Kashyyk is a nono because the wookie would probably kill the owners just for being human.

Korriban...eh...I dun see a shop being put up in the middle of the sith capital.

Tatooine, however, has lots of unused space, is easily accessible, and it needs a little life.

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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

I'm also going to say that I need to get my answers within the next couple days, otherwise I will NEVER get to finishing this, cause I haven't actually started the module yet, as I'm at a loss for which one to use, and I still have to read through quite a bit of doom's tutorial. And in 2 weeks I'm back off to high school, and AP classes take up a lot of my time. :p I'll have to take to modding on the weekends, if i have the time then. So you can understand why I'm in a hurry to get this done. On a side note however, I'm taking programming classes this year, maybe I will learn a thing or two about scripting.


AP classes, hmm, sounds like absolute mayhem (from one that took 4 in hs, it sucks, but then again, you probably know that by now, right??). Anyway, i voted for tatioone because it just seems so empty with all the unused doors and spaced out sections. oh well, your mod, your call.

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im confused, theres two votes for Korriban, i voted and posted for that, but wheres the other post :confused: please, if your out there, please post, if your not registered then please do, you may have some helpful comments to provide us, thats why i joined, i wanted to help others, and hopefully i've done that, sorry this is off-topic, sort of :p



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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

Well then, Tatooine it is then. Now I'm gonna have to make good use of Darth333's warping armband, and find a good sized module that would look appropriate there.




well thats ok :D Good Luck and if you need help ask someone else :p


no im kiddin, if you need any ideas, you know where to contact me



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Well, after a bit of module surfing, the only one that I think will work for my idea would be the Leviathan bridge. Now I know this doesn't really belong in Tatooine, but since it has an elevator I could probably make some story about it being underground(?). Would make a good reason for an npc to teleport you to the module, he's an elevator operator. :)


So today I'm gonna filter all my stuff out of my override folder, maybe make some new stuff, then I'm gonna work on the skins for various npcs. Tomorrow I'm gonna get started on this module, and hopefully by Monday I'll be finished. (After that I'm pretty much swamped.)

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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

Well, after a bit of module surfing, the only one that I think will work for my idea would be the Leviathan bridge. Now I know this doesn't really belong in Tatooine, but since it has an elevator I could probably make some story about it being underground(?). Would make a good reason for an npc to teleport you to the module, he's an elevator operator. :)


So today I'm gonna filter all my stuff out of my override folder, maybe make some new stuff, then I'm gonna work on the skins for various npcs. Tomorrow I'm gonna get started on this module, and hopefully by Monday I'll be finished. (After that I'm pretty much swamped.)


well i like the idea, but the Leviathan bridge, is it going to have stars / sand or is it going to be 'boarded' up, i wish you luck on this mod Mono_Giganto



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I'm not sure what you're planning, but you could reuse one of the existing rooms on Tatooine. Yuka Laka's(SP?) shop, the cantina, swoop registration shop, Czerka shop, or the hunting lodge. They would fit in with the feel of Tatooine. You could just move the placables around.


Otherwise on the Leviathan you would have to change the view from the windows. You could replace the outer space view with the Tatooine sky and make it an old military installation.

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Originally posted by deathdisco

I'm not sure what you're planning, but you could reuse one of the existing rooms on Tatooine. Yuka Laka's(SP?) shop, the cantina, swoop registration shop, Czerka shop, or the hunting lodge. They would fit in with the feel of Tatooine. You could just move the placables around.


Otherwise on the Leviathan you would have to change the view from the windows. You could replace the outer space view with the Tatooine sky and make it an old military installation.


i like the idea of an underground facility on Tatooine, Czerha are supposed to be secretive and i think as the've been to Tatooine SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many times you would've thought there was a hidden facility somewhere, i like the idea of the underground facillity... (i've already said that) :p im just worried about the 'veiw' from the windows. the rest should fall into place.



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Originally posted by deathdisco

I'm not sure what you're planning, but you could reuse one of the existing rooms on Tatooine. Yuka Laka's(SP?) shop, the cantina, swoop registration shop, Czerka shop, or the hunting lodge. They would fit in with the feel of Tatooine. You could just move the placables around.


Otherwise on the Leviathan you would have to change the view from the windows. You could replace the outer space view with the Tatooine sky and make it an old military installation.


Ya, I would use one of those, but I needed something a little bigger. also, I made a mistake, didn't mean the bridge, I'm using the Command Deck or whatever. (The big place right before the bridge. I didn't notice any windos on THAT module at least, I'll look again all the same. But if I do change it, won't the original Leviathan be affected too?


By the way Matt, it's not Czerka, it's MY multimillion credit company. :D

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