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Does anyone remember the good old days?


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Originally posted by Druid Allanon

Because staying on the few no-rules servers isn't enough as hardly anyone goes in there, I go to the honor-infested servers to have some fun. ;) Hearing the whinings never fails to make me laugh.

Isn't it sad that that is the only way to gleen any fun out of JA MP?
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Either way, I don't think anyone has made an aim bot for JA.. yet. I know they are out there for Q3.. but oh well.


Those are actually annoying. I remember, the first time I played Q3:


I joined... the map just starts, some guy joins, gets 25 kills in 3 minutes. Map changes... 25 kills in 3 mins. It was insane. The guy left, and... then people were like "I'm glad he is gone now, because he was using an aim bot"


I mean really.. everyone else had like 3 kills (I had none, but I was/am a n00b at q3)


The thing I noticed (now that I think of it) is... THEY DIDN'T COMPLAIN WHILE THE GUY WAS CHEATING! Man, this community sucks... the quake 3 guys held their breath! (I would think of it as a challenge to kill a guy with an aim bot!) But, this JA community will cry if you even get lucky and kill them. Imagine what would happen if you met there kill limit in like 3 minutes... everyone would go insane (even some of the 1337 saber dudes) would go crazy yelling insults at the cheater.


But instead, the Quake 3 community tries to outmatch the guy (even though they fail) they didn't start yelling "GET OFFF THIISS SERVER YOU LAME CHEATER!!!!111" "QUIT USING THATTT AIIAM BOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 /\/O0wB!"

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Cool thread. Ahh, the MSN Gaming Zone...... the memories....


I spent a lot of time playing JK/MotS on the Zone. Lots and lots of time. Looking back on the whole experience, that was some good fun. Not that it didn't come without it's problems.


My big thing back then was the SBX mod. Does anyone remember that?? Well, once SBX came out, there was no other way to play JK/MotS for me. SBX really drew out the saber fanatics and I got to play against some really excellent players. The buddy system on the Zone was kinda cool. It was great entering the Zone and getting asked to hurry up over to someone's game lobby for a serious smack session. To MotL_Robinton, man....you were a vicious opponent and I'm sad that we only had a few encounters during the Outcast and Academy runs.


The Zone had it's issues. I think at any given time, the JK lobby had 3 admins babysitting. The chat was pretty awful and was a real good representation of what was bad on the internet. I was new to all of this at the time and really was surprised that people would actually talk like that to one another.


I thought that when Outcast came out with dedicated server support that I could leave all the nonsense behind. No such luck. I stuck it out with Outcast because I loved the online saber fighting and couldn't get that experience anywhere else with the level of speed, control and visual goodness that the Quake 3 engine offered.


I thought that the fiasco that Outcast turned into would be remembered somehow when Academy came out. Again, no such luck. It was just the second part in a really sad tale that we can read here in these forums over and over again.


Then, something strange happened. Around Christmas 2003, the power supply on my PC died. Once I got it replaced, I didn't go back.


Do I miss it? Sure, I do. I miss playing the game against really good saberists. But that's a microscopic grain of sand in the ocean of negativity that surrounds the two Quake 3-based Jedi Knight games.


I still play occasionally in direct connect games with friends who own these titles. I dont' think that I'll ever return to the public servers and I'm really skeptical about the future of this series as a viable, long-lasting online multiplayer experience.


It was great while it lasted........

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Totally agree with what you've said Torment, after playing jk1 for ~4 years, 1998-2002, I find the direction the series has gone with jk2/jka to be hugely disappointing, I really can't believe it's the same series. I played and enjoyed jk1 so much, I even enjoyed the zone (shock horror), because of how almost everyone who played jk1 online used it, and it created a pretty tight community, although most of that community were immature 3 year olds hehe.


When jk2 first came out I talked to only a handful of jk1 players who were even willing to give the game a chance, the rest were so disappointed that they quit straight away. The entire game was a disaster, it was basically a clumsier quake 3 with "magic powers", and while I certainly love quake 3 and play it several hours every day, it was a catastrophe for the jedi knight series to pretty much become a quake 3 mod.


I don't think this series will ever re-live the quality of jk1, especially with Raven developing it (I dread to think what they will do to quake 4). I know I'll personally always keep an eye on this series, jk1 got me in to online gaming and introduced me to people that I still talk to 3 years down the line, but I don't ever expect that there will be another good jk game, as far as online play is concerned and to me that's a real shame, however I can always hope I guess. =)

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

Either way, I don't think anyone has made an aim bot for JA.. yet. I know they are out there for Q3.. but oh well.


Those are actually annoying. I remember, the first time I played Q3:


I joined... the map just starts, some guy joins, gets 25 kills in 3 minutes. Map changes... 25 kills in 3 mins. It was insane. The guy left, and... then people were like "I'm glad he is gone now, because he was using an aim bot"


I mean really.. everyone else had like 3 kills (I had none, but I was/am a n00b at q3)


The thing I noticed (now that I think of it) is... THEY DIDN'T COMPLAIN WHILE THE GUY WAS CHEATING! Man, this community sucks... the quake 3 guys held their breath! (I would think of it as a challenge to kill a guy with an aim bot!) But, this JA community will cry if you even get lucky and kill them. Imagine what would happen if you met there kill limit in like 3 minutes... everyone would go insane (even some of the 1337 saber dudes) would go crazy yelling insults at the cheater.


But instead, the Quake 3 community tries to outmatch the guy (even though they fail) they didn't start yelling "GET OFFF THIISS SERVER YOU LAME CHEATER!!!!111" "QUIT USING THATTT AIIAM BOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 /\/O0wB!"

Heh I know this'll be off-topic but I'll post it anyway. 25 kills in 3 minutes in a q3 FFA is extremely common, even with a small number of people in the game. If the kill limit was 25 with say 8 people playing on a map like q3dm6 then I wouldn't expect the game to last more than 2 minutes.


Don't get discouraged, quake 3 is an awesome game to get into if you are willing to accept that for your first few weeks you'll get totally dominated. If you persevere you'll improve and possibly improve to the extent that you hit 30%+ LG and 50%+ Rail. Then you'll be the one getting accused of botting. =)


Of course cheats are widely available for q3, but in the last year I've played against only one cheater (wallhack) which I certainly can't complain about because I put in a lot of hours, it's certainly not as bad as CS hehe.

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According to those stats Half Life (or some version of it, remember there have been several commercial expansions and mods sold for it over the almost 5 years it's been out) is the top FPS, with more people playing it than many superior and more recent games.


But, that said, RPG's still have all of these games beat. It's hard to find exact statistics, but 2 years ago EverQuest had 500,000 subscribers. And Lineage at the time had ten times that (5 mill!). And something like 200,000 people were playing The Sims (prior to the announced launch of Sims Online) and that's a game with no multiplayer! Then there's battlenet (again, hard to find statistics, but each game, either RTS or RPG probably has at least 10,000 players at a time on average).


Suffice to say, Star Wars games aren't nearly as popular (with the exception of SWG, which I imagine has some incredible numbers at least in the tens of thousands if not as high as EverQuest), but because they are Star Wars (and not throwaway trash like Jedi Power Battles) they have a built-in longevity that most other games don't.

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Originally posted by Prime

Sorry, I have a hard time believing that JO, especailly SP, was a disaster.

JKII rated ~87% scores on average, which puts it pretty close to Doom III. Which seems like a reasonable score. JA was ~80%, which is still a good, solid game.


It is a difficult business creating sequels which innovate yet are still interesting (in the PC based FPS genre, especially), Thief 1/2/3 are all good and worth playing, and each adds something. Deus Ex 2 was utter mediocrity in the face of Deus Ex greatness.


I know I'm gonna get b1tch-slapped for saying this, but hindsight has shown me that JKII obviated the usefulness of JK/MotS. What was my #1 game in early March of 2002 was quickly #3, as JKII became #1 and DF hit #2. JA and KotOR each pushed it further down, as did NWN, BG2, Gothic II, to the point where it is just barely in my top 10, if at all. Sort of the way I played countless hours of Doom 10 years or so ago, but it isn't even in my top 25 at this point. But DF is still in my top5. JK/MotS hang in the top 10 for the story and *despite* the gameplay mechanic.



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I won't let a few people with bad tempers spoil the mood here. Psssst... the JK2 vs JA debate is in another thread!



It's great to see some familiar faces (or rather handles) from the early days and especially the anecdotes from the JK/MotS era.


We really should get together sometime for some old school gaming. Even if it's just a quick one on one.

; )

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Sorry, I have a hard time believing that JO, especailly SP, was a disaster.
It was a disaster for most jk1 players who had waited in anticipation of the game for 2+ years and had hoped it would build upon the unique jk1 gameplay, rather than rehash q3 and create not much more than a high profile q3 mod.


We really should get together sometime for some old school gaming. Even if it's just a quick one on one.
Would be great to play jk1 again sometime, been a year or so since I last tried it. If you ever try to set up a game PM me please. =)
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Originally posted by vert1go

It was a disaster for most jk1 players who had waited in anticipation of the game for 2+ years and had hoped it would build upon the unique jk1 gameplay, rather than rehash q3 and create not much more than a high profile q3 mod.

A disaster? Really?!? A disaster?!?


C'mon - a disaster is thinking that the PC version of Spidey 2 is the same as the console version ... and finding that instead of an excellent ~85% console game you get the lame ~25% PC game.


I don't qualify the ~88% JK2 follow-up to the 92% JK as a 'disaster'.


Of course, I don't claim to be objective - although JK & MotS will always hold a special place for me, I greatly prefer JKII.


Oh well, that is why we all have opinions, and tastes ...



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