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Battle for the Galaxy

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Tepe's lightsabers scrached the robe of Nevek and then Tepe jumped with the force back to the place where he melted. "Hmh... You jedi think you really can bring peace. Every time someone's family will get killed and the sith will emerge. Now, Max. You remember that pipe I stabbed throught your parents?" Tepe said and drew a bloody pipe under his cape and threw it to Max. "Check it. It's your parent's blood. Won't you regret later that you didn't revenge their death? Strike me down"

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At this weak moment of Max, Tepe started his coreography. He first spinned, then disappeared as he jumped high to the air and landed before his pray. His other lightsaber clashed into Max's and the other ripped his robe. He spinned again, his blade against Max's and the other blade coming with the force that Max couldn't resist. His lightsaber flew off from his grip and Tepe disappeared down below him and his other leg hit Max's legs, making him los his balance and fall. Tepe jumped up and his lightsabers cut two long scars into Max's face. Other to the fourhead, other to his left chin. Tepe waited for Max to attack. Tepe waited Max to give in to his feelings, use the force to get his lightsaber and attack Tepe with the fury he had. Nevek stood a few meters away, looking shoked at Tepe's very fast movements.


((Sorry about that, but anything at this moment would crush my plot for now))

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"Good, unleash your power. Unleash your anger and hate towards me" Tepe said to Max as he blocked he attacks with his lightsabers. When Max was unleashing all his anger, Tepe started talking quieter. "Come to me, come to my side. The jedi are the real ones responsible for your parents murder. The jedi told me to eliminate the Republic threat. I killed them. As a jedi. Now I know, that the jedi were meaning you. I was late. Your mother had allready gaven birth to you. So I waited, and finished the job the council gave me, and then I went back to Coruscant, to report you as the hole family to be killed. The jedi are the real killers. They hide behind their light side, but send young Jedi knight to murder and eliminate threats that could harm the council. Come with me, to revenge the jedi. Come with me to the dark side. As a sith..." he whispered as the two blades of Tepe clashed as an X to the blade of Max's

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"The jedi have orrupted your mind when you were young. Give it up. Take on the reality. Believe it, Max. Your family didn't know you were meant to bring balance to the republic. But the jedi knew if you would live throught it, you would eventually become a sith, and clear the jedi population from your way..." Tepe whispered as he looked the dark side take over from Max

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"max, he is lieng, the sith ahve done no good for us, you cannot trust a sith. he will never let you reach your full potential, he would destroy you first, please max, do not listen to him, we weild the force like alantern controling a flame, they use it like a bonfire in the dead grasses of dantooine, max, you cannot trust him." Nevek said this all in a very soothing low tone. "i know max.....i was once a sith, that is how i know what they are like and darth tepe's name..."

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"Hah!" Tepe shouted and looked at Nevek. "If you were a sith, and went to the light side, you have discraced the name of the sith!" he continued. "He proven my story in the meantime, allso. He said, that the sith have never done the jedi any good. That is, because we sith do not lie. We speak the truth, and then it's evil? How can the republic even work with the jedi in rule?" he continued again and then looked Max that started struggling for his feelings again. "My time is allmost over. I have lived over 120 years, and I am only a human. I will leave after teaching Max to my homeplanet of Naboo, whe I shall die peacefully. It is now up to your fealings, Max. Do you trust my knowledge of the future, or the too good ways of the jedi and the cheating, corrupted Jedi council?" Tepe said now to Max. Just then a bright flash came from the hangar doors. A yellow blade cut the two guards into two and then the jedi swiftly took his hood off. "Gel Ador... Long time from our last meeting" "Yes, it is, my padawan-" "I am not your padawan!" "Whatever. Max, hold on. Don't let the dark side win over you!" the two said to theirselves, but the last sentence was for Max. "You are here to get the boy, aren't you? Anyone else from the council wouldn't be brave enought to meet me face to face anymore as I killed the two jedi you sent to track me down?" Tepe said and grinned. His lightsabers ignited and so did the Gel's. The two danced around the hangar for a while, lightsabers clashing into each others. Tepe got Gel into a thought situation and grinned mercessly as he pushed him off and strafed towards him. Tepe's lightsaber swung just beneath Gel that had jumped. The two started to throw each other and throw thing at the other as the lightsaber battle wouldn't go anywhere. "Max, it is your time to show your potential! Slaughter your master!" Darth Tepe shouted as he had just evaded a crate

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"Do it, Max!" Tepe shouted as Gel and Tepe engaded again into an intense lightsaber fight. Only in a few seconds after Gel had made a risky attack down, Tepe had blocked and kicked Gel down. He kicked both of the lightsabers away. Tepe looked his ex-master. "Say your last words. Don't lie, or I will torture you" Tepe whispered and as Gel nodded. "Kill me... Nevek, don't let them get Ma-" Gel said, then shouted at the end. Tepe had cut his throath. "I said one..." Tepe said and walked towards Max and Nevek.

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Nevek knew he could not win over max, so he would have to enage him, Nevek rolled into max knocking him over and he ignited his lightsaber and held it to max's throat

"you never did learn to antcipate, not react did you?" max lay there with his already bloody face from tepe and with his lightsaber a stone throw away.

"it's yor choice max, draw your lightsaber to yourself and die or come with me and help me defeat Darth Tepe."

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Nevek was saber locked with tepe as he heard the merciful words of max .

"there you go max, your going back to your usual self, come with me when i leave and we can train more and harder, please max, i beg of you" Nevek not faultering or twitching or showing and signs of weakness in his lock.

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As Nevek's ship went off, not being shot, Tepe watched it, then walked to Max and offered his hand. "Welcome to the true side of the force. Hope you will like your stay" Tepe said, a little jokingly and helped Max up. "You shall build your new lightsaber soon. Now, you must go and rest. Lieuetant, get our new guest to his quarters" Tepe said and a red armored trooper came to them and bowed to Max. "I shall be your guide and escort for your stay on the Black doom" the trooper said and bowed again.

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