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Battle for the Galaxy

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Nevek came to courescant and landed in the jedi tample's docking bay, he got out and was greated by a padawan and he told him about master ador, and needed to see the council, once he got there he bega to speak.

"masters, master ador has been killed by the dark lord tepe, and max has gone over the the dark side, he let me go so there still is some good in him, but it will be hard to get at him in that super star destroyer."

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"I shall wait outside the door" thr trooper said and took a backstep and out from the room. The door closed with a hiss and the trooper set himself standing on the right side of the door, holding his blaster rifle. He was like locked. (Just like the English guards) He just stared forwards and didn't even move a muscle


Tepe was in his darkened quaerters. He looked at a holopod in the floor. He pressed a button on his chair. "Yes, Gelador. You wished to speak with me earlier" he said with acold voice. His hood was covering his eyes. "I hope you haven't disappointed me with some request behind my back" he added and grinned devilishly.


Two troopers came to the door of Max's quarters. Max heard the troopers speak. "Lord Tepe ordered us to bring some mechanical parts and some new clothing to Lord Max"

"Yes, I have been informed of this. Go on in. If he is sleeping, don't wake him up. He needs some rest" the lieuetant said and opened the door. The two troopers walked in. The other held a pile of black robes and placed them to a small table next to the door. The other brang the mechanical parts for Max's new lightsabers. The box soon was placed onto a table next to Max's bed. The trooper that brang the lightsaber parts, looked Max and then turned and walked throught the door with the other. The door closed again, and full quietness filled the room.


The lieuetant trooper looked the empty corridor. Only a couple of mouse droids squeaked and rolled down the corridor into a few rooms. the trooper opened the door and walked in. He woke Max up. "Get dressed into your new outfit. Lord Tepe is waiting" he said. The trooper then left

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The dark room lit up. He had ordered Galador to spread out and start an assault to the nearest planets. Tepe looked Max and took his hood off. "This shall be your training room for your training days. You shall learn how to destroy objects with your full force. How to make hallusinations to your weak opponent. How to send lightning from your hands, and how to master the full skills od the force and the arts of the saber" Tepe said and drew his second lightsaber. He threw it to Max and drew his own. "You shall soon get your own, great fleet, so you can march into coruscant. But now, you must fight me. We shall see how well you are trained" Tepe said.


A few hours later. Tepe breathed heavily and deactivated his lightsaber. They both were very tired. "Very good. You are a very fine swordsman. Now, try to collect every inch of your anger, and form them into one. Hit that armor there" Tepe said and pointed an armor in the corner

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"Yes, Darth Tepe," Galador said to him through the holocom. He shut it off and thought of a strategy. He went to a computer and punched a few buttons in and the planet Bespin came up on the screen. "Leutenant Shiv, prepare a course for Bespin, that will be our first strike, if we cut off there Tibbana gas source, then that will be a strong blow to the republic, we can use Cloud City as a base as well, inform my brother of this as well, first we need a way to 'sneak' in, we must capture a republic ship, a Mon Calamarian Cruiser, one of the new ones."


The five ship blasted off into hyperspace.

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An advanced Mon Calamarian cruiser blasted out of hyperspace above the planet Bespin. The large republic warship roared through the clouds headed for cloud city.


Darth Galador was at the bridge of the captured Republic ship. He had just finished putting on some white clothes that resembled a Republic officer. The large ship docked at Cloud City.


Galador was greeted by a the mayor of Cloud City. His name was Randall Calrissian. "Nice to meet you Master Tinn," Randall said to him, "I'm sure your inspection will go well here."


"The Republic got word that there is an illegall spice syndicate operating here, take me to the main communications center."


"Right this way," The mayor of Cloud City told him.

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Darth Galador reached the communications room. It was large with several computer panels and what not with a glass window overlooking cloud city. Just as Mayor Calrissian was about to speak he found a red lightsaber growing out of his gut, dripping blood. Galador looked to the cloud city guards. They were all sith soldiers disguised as cloud city guards. "Shut down all transmissions going off Bespin". Galador got out a comlink and said to his Leiutenant who was still on the SD Vengeance,"Leiutenant Shiv, bring the fleet to the city, destroy any threat in your way, and send troops here, its time to take over the city."

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((right I wasn't thinking I was just in the heat of the battle))


New black armored storm troopers were marching thru cloud city taking everyone prisoner and raiding the city. Darth Galador appeared on holocrons and viewing screens around the city. He said,"Citezens of Cloud City, I am know in command, your mayor is dead, if you resist you will be shot, the republic cannot help you now, it will be a new golden age for the sith." His real plans for the citezens were to put them to slavery. He got his comlink out to Dart Tepe," Darth Tepe I have taken Cloud City over and the tibanna gas is all ours, we have almost an unlimited supply to fuel our ships, what is our next plan of action."

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Master Donar looked Nevek. "Master Nevek, this is a great loss to the jedi order. Have you heard of any former connections between Master Ador and this Darth Tepe?" he said and still stared at Nevek.


Darth Tepe turned to the screen on the wall. He nodded at Galador. "Leave troops there. Then leave to Geonosis and start the project with the Huttal inc. We need that Death Star. I shall come see the progress in a few days" he said and shut the connection. "Max, leave to build your own lightsaber. We shall leave still today to Geonosis" he said, still looking at the black screen. He sighed as Max left. "His potential exceeds my power. After he is fully learned, the jedi will be extinct" he mumbled to himself and then left to the bridge. As he got there, the commander stopped his shouting and turned around. "Sir, we have everything ready for jumping to hyperspace"

"Good. We shall leave at the end of the day"

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Darth Galador nodded to himself and contacted his brother next and said to him on the comlink," Brother Teran I need you to bring our three Viper Battleships to Cloud City, I have some business to attend to on Geonosis."


Darth Galador's shuttle left and he put Leiutenant Shiv in charge of Cloud City until his brother arrived. He reached the Star Destroyer Vengeance and it blasted off into hyperspace from Bespin to Geonosis.


The star destroyer arrived at Geonosis and orbited around it while a Hutt craft entered the Star Destroyer. A large hutt arrived at the bridge of the ship. "Construction has just begun on the Death Star Lord Galador, we have put the geonosian refugees into slavery and they are working on the battle station." The large Hutt pointed out the window and the framework of a large round battlestation appeared, several ships buzzed around halling peices of it , it floated strangely close to the asteriod belt around the planet Geonosis.


"Excellent, Darth Tepe will be most pleased, he is on his way here," Galador said to the bloated Hutt.


"Thats most wonderful news, if you would follow me I will show you to our palace on the planet," the Hutt said to him. They both left the Star Destroyer to the Hutt Palace on Geonosis's surface.

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Time past, the Super Star Destroyer jumped out of hyperspace and floated towards the planet of Geonosis. Darth Tepe looked throught the window, at the progressing work of the the new Death Star. Darth Tepe hated Hutt's, but was force to cooperate with them, as only they had the resources to do this all. The Death star progressed as planned. The sith grinned devilishly under his hood and then turned as the Hutt slumbered in with Galador. "I am pleased to see the progress of the Death star. I seek that the throne room is ready..." he said and looked the Hutt, piercing him and making the large slimy worm feel uncomfortable.


(Malastar, I think the Hutt is one of your NPC's from now on, then.)

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