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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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Raschel: Orthos, we already have more than Fenrir to worry about. Besides, isn't this Lokpihet a god? Doesn't that mean it can't die? If so, we'll be worrying about him again either way, won't we? Look, this battle is weighted so it can't be won. From what Heimdall said, I don't think you're allowed to leave till the whole thing ends at dusk. Please, Orthos. Don't listen to whatever your Avatar is telling you. Stay out of this.




*Marin looks down for a moment, then looks back up*


Marin: Speaking of morphing. We need to discuss what you can't remember.

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Marin: Yes. I want to know what you think of the idea of one of us acquiring one of our more powerful enemies to morph. Say, a Heloki, or one of the Brood, or a Jotun, or Fenrir. Also, remember that even if you don't want to morph whoever you're acquiring, your touch can act as a tranquilizer s long as you concentrate.

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((Admiral, if there are no lulls in this battle everyone will be dead in twenty minutes.))


Hal: With our flanks unprotected we won't last long.


*The Compact House Gaurd joins them, his is a tall, lean man in his late thirties with a scar running down the left side of his face from his hairline to his chin. His name is Raloin*


Raloin: These people are proud, I think they mean to fight in open formation.


Hal: Twelve Hells! I hope not. One on one they'll all be slaughtered.


Drago: Aye, and we with them.


Hal: Raloin, there's no dishonor in not fighting this battle.


Raloin: Then you will stand aside, My Lord?


*Hal looks down.*


Drago: You have a wife now, no matter how hard you ran from her I do not think you wan to leave her a widow.


*When Hal looks up his eyes are fiece and he bites off his words.*


Hal: I will fight and I will not die.


Drago: No, that is what I will do, now if you will excuse me I am going to get very drunk, I suggest My Lord goes to his bride.


*Drago gets up and pats Hal on the shoulder as he leaves, Raloin goes with him.*


*Once Hal is alone the image of his mother appears to him.*


Sophae: You nerse anger in your heart, my son. Drago is right, you should go to your bride.


Hal: Why do they think so little of us?


Sophae: Long life does not make you wise, your father would have lived to perhaps one hundred and fifty but he would still have had his temper, he would just have vented it at his servants instead of his sword partner.


You have your father's hot blood and you must learn to control it, twice already you have failed, in the temple and in the forest. If you do not temper your anger it will lead to your death in five days.


Hal: I will die anyway.


Sophae: If that is your attitude then that will be the outcome.


Hal: The Asier Svafa, her faliure was worse.


Sohae: Yes, but we are not talking about her.


Hal: How can I rely on her?


Sophae: How can she rely on you?


Hal: I hold to my oaths.


Sophae: Not all of them. Prove your worth at their battle and perhaps they will think better of you.


Hal: And if they don't?


Sophae: Go to Allessa, she will worry that you will make her a widow.


Hal: I will not.


Sophae: Your word is your bond, Earl of the Black Wall.


*She dissapears.*

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((OOS: Where would you get lulls in a battle against an army who for all practical purposes has infinite reinforcements and can keep coming, coming, and coming? :)


And, I don't think everyone would be dead in twenty minutes, but Admiral can elaborate on that one.))


Raschel: "Just as bad"? Whether or not Lokpihet can die, Orthos, you certainly can! You're Force-blind, and your Avatar has been failing you for a long time now. Did it help you a few days ago, when those strangers attacked us? You were flat on the ground wounded like me. How much can you trust it to help you now?

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*Matt keeps partying, though he still hopes none of the others will go to the battle, but not trying to convince them otherwise, he knew Hal would be too concentrated on honor, Orthos had a vendetta and it was best to stay away from such matters. The rest would probably stay away*

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((BD: I'll give details through my characters, however it will be longer then twenty minutes. I've been planning this battle for a while and have looked at the Scots for some inspiration.


Mead is gone so getting drunk is impossible.


JM: Matt going to regret that since they are all marching tomorrow))


Heimdall: That would be suicide, and not possible for either you or Aidan. Myself will be fighting Loki and won't have the chance.


If you fight, your going to be placed in a Schiltron, these are tight circular formations, and if you break formation you can put everyone in that Schiltron at risk. That is another problem with you and the others fighting. Schiltrons require a lot of discipline and practice especially when they move across the field, like ours will be doing.


Tomorrow is going to be a long day of marching, so unless there is something else I suggest you get some sleep.

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((Admiral, would have thought Hastings would have been more appropriate, and the Peninsular Campaign has some relevence as well, regarding numbers. Not to mention Sullan, Marrian, Pompaean and Ceaserean tactics. Shall we move to disscussion thread?


P.S. Drago has been hording the stuff, also I'm kind of out of sink with the rest of you, I think the party is still going on in my time frame))


*Hal walks off towards the compound and knocks on Allessa's door.*

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Tanara was attempting to sleep, but found it was difficult to do. Something would not let her. It was almost as if a voice, separate from her and the thing inside her, was telling her to join the battle.


"I'm not willing to die," she whispered to herself. The voice persisted.


You know you must join. There are things you have not finished that you must.


"That I must?" Tanara whispered. She quickly stood and slipped out of the tent, so as not to disturb her companions. "What is it that I have not done?"


All will be revealed in time, but you must join the battle.


"How can I do anything else?" Tanara sighed, finally giving in. "With whatever you are keeping me awake, I'll be dead tired if I decide any other way."


You will join the battle.


"I will join the battle," Tanara repeated. Then, she went back to where she was supposed to be sleeping. With this decision made, she fell into a peaceful sleep.

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Orthos: Now is the time. It's been gathering strength, some of it for centuries, just for this one fight. I know you resent all this business, but when this is over, it'll never have happened. And when this is over...we'll go for a drink, and lead the lives we were meant to live.

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*Raschel sighs*


Raschel: I suppose it's impossible to convince you otherwise.


*She gives him a long look*


Raschel: Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Okay, let me rephrase that. Don't do anything I wouldn't do outside of an X-Wing. *She smiles in spite of herself* Stay alive, Orthos. Dying honorably is still dying.


*She turns and walks away*

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((BD: They would not allow Drago to do that. Needless to say having a Drunk man around is not something they want...


I also decided on what the formations are going to be. And how they are going to work. Discussion thread for details.


and so everyone is on the same page:))


Time: Early the next morning


*Vidar, Heimdall, and Tyr stood on a platform overlooking the assembled army of the Aesir. The Group was in front of the army along with the other Aesir which they meet last night. Behind the platform was the Aesir's base.


Vidar stepped to a Podium, the wind picked up a little, but quickly died down.*


Vidar: Ages ago, an oath was sworn by my father to fight evil in all of its forms, regarless of the scarfice it may require. Since that ancient day every Aesir has taken the same oath and many have given their lives to fullfill it. The Allfather gave his life over Coruscant to fulfill this oath he had taken. With his untimely death I gave the orders to launch the resonance torpedoes and destroy the stars.


As you all know, the holocaust we unleashed was to spare the lives of trillions to the hell that was coming. However, it had a secondary purpose to strike at the evil that was going to take over this galaxy. It was succesful, the Formorians were completly destroyed, the Heloki lost ten billion when their star went nova. Of the Jotuns, our worst enemy; only six remain.


We have seen success, and our enemies are fewer in number but do not grow over confident. Hel has returned from her imprisonment in Niflheim and brought with her an army of Sith that we long ago defeated. As you know this Sith army cannot be permantly killed and are now under command of their former Jotun overlords. Loki has also returned and is the supreme commander of the enemy forces. His vile children are with him and believe that they will have an easy time taking this planet since they so heavily outnumber us.


In four days we will teach them the folly of that view and make them pay dearly for this world. While most of us will not leave Vidgrid, our deaths will not be in vain. Of the enemy forces only the Sith cannot be permantly slain. The Heloki, Fenris Brood are all mortal and it is your task, your sworn duty to remove as many of them as you can. By killing these loathsome creatures we will make life easier for those who are on a quest for the Time Matrix.


At the battle of Vidgrid we have the chance to lessen the forces hunting the champions on the quest for the Time Matrix and we will take that opportunity and make the most of it even though we shall pay for this chance with our own lives. This scarifice is well worth it if we can aid those seeking to restore the time line and end this twisted Ragnarok, this Gotterdammrung.


In four days we will fulfill our oaths and meet our fates with a smile knowing that we have done our duty and will die with our honor entact. However, the flame of the Aesir will not leave this planet and our bases will not harbor the enemy.


Kenaz Dagaz


*Flames leapt from the sky and and landed on the former base. A large inferno quickly ensued but didn't spread beyond the base. The flames could be easily seen from orbit. This happened across Midgard at all of the Aesir's bases*


This fire can never be put out and will burn until the end of time. Besides denying the use of the base the fire will serve as a memorial for those who give their lives at Vidgrid and a reminder to our enemies that even in death we still resist them...


The hour now has come for us to march to Vidgrid, and carry out our duty and oaths. We march to our deaths and to honor.


*Tyr steps forward and shouts with Sword Raised High*


Tyr: Death and Honor.


*The cry is repeat by the five million Aesir. Who like Tyr raised their weapons in the air.


Vidar flanked by Heimdall and Tyr walk down the platform, and join the other members of the rulling council and the group.*


Svafa: Good speech brother. How about we get this army moving.


*Vidar nodded and singled a man holding a large horn. The man blows the horn and the Aesir turn to the left as one. Drums begin to beat setting the pace for the march. With Vidar at the head, the Aesir begin their journey to Vidgrid*


((In case anyone missed it: The battle is in four days... to repeat everyone has this day and another 3 of walking before the fighting begins))

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Vidar: Kenaz Dagaz.


*As the flames rain down from the sky, Guy suddenly receives a vision. They came as a shock to his system after being gone so long, and he would have doubled over if the field in his transport wasn't keeping him in place.


He sees the planet from space, surrounded by the graveyard of ships, which he hadn't seen before thanks to his blindness*


Is this the future? The past?


*He sees a transport ship in space orbiting the planet, engines inactive, a ship that only Shadows would have used.*


The future, then...or the present...


*Somehow he could sense life inside the ship, something he had never been able to do before, and could sense that the life is...sleeping*


Magic. It's working in me now. Then the barriers in my mind really cannot come back...


*The vision rushes towards the planet, showing the burning bases of the Aesir. He sees himself, and the others, watching...or listening to...Vidar's speech. Then the vision cuts off, and Guy is left blind again, wondering*

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*After dinner, during the night.


The 'Irvines' were a bit away from camp, sort of in a private area behind a building.*


Sir-Vin "I don't want you to fight."


Cracern "Why not?"


Sir-Vin "Becuase I don't think that someone of your level of training should be in a fight agenst so meny and so close to the dark side."


Cracern "Since when did you start worrying, and careing all of a sudden?"


Sir-Vin "You're a good man Irvine, maybe if we knew each other sooner, I'd maybe have called you brother. In a sense we are. But I've had the mental training to deal with being so close to the dark side. Both dealing with my own agressiveness as a child and through the past couple years honing in on and improving that. You unfortunately don't."


Cracern "What's that have to do with anything?"


Irvine "You haven't truely experienced dealing with the dark side, until its right on top of you and trying to control your very exsistence. At your level, I don't know. You haven't been dealing with the dark side on this level... Neither have I for that matter..."

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*after the burning of the base*


Sir-Vin "You've made up your mind haven't you?"


Cracern "Yes I have. I will help the Aesir."


Sir-Vin "Then I suggest that you find something not on the front line, perhaps you could help defend some of the wery in the battle?"


Cracern "I could ask..."


Sir-Vin "I don't think the front line would be good for you, nor am I thinking of it either. I heard of the method of fighting this battle from a few of the soldiers. It'll be best that you try and aid who ever is performing the magic in the schiltron that you're in."


((that okay with you admiral?))


Cracern "Schiltron?"


Sir-Vin "I haven't heard of it til today either, but its is indeed a cunning idea."

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*Orthos goes to Elella and Gortick*


Orthos: Take care you two. I'll see you in six days or so.


Elella: Be careful, cousin.


Gortick: I don't think you should go, but I'm not going to argue with you.


*Orthos nods, smiles and turns to leave*


Orthos: Farewell.

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((Deac: I'll repeat everyone is going to the battlefield regardless if they fight or not. Gortick, Ellela, Matt, Marin, Guy are all marching with everyone else. No option to stay behind.


For no other reason then the Asgardied is now waiting at Vidgrid (not on the actual field but where the Aesir are going to camp the night before the battle)


Scar: I'll assume Tyr explained that before Vidar spoke, and they don't get much of a choice where they are placed schiltron, incidently it will be at the centers where the healers are anyways.))


*The army and the group marched through the day, the durms setting a steady but face pace for the march. A couple hours before sunset the host came upon their camp site. Tents were already erected and furnished. The Sleeping assignments remained the same as they were back at the base.


Once everyone had deposited their gear another feast was held like the one the night before. The feast didn't last as long as the previous one as many were tired from the march and wanted to get rest before the next day's journey.


The next morning horns were sounded at dawn waking everyone. This time however Vidar, Heimdall, Tyr, Svafa, Idun, and the rest of the rulling council mounted horse like creatures. These animals resembled horse in every way except that they had eight legs. The animals were dressed in armor similar to that of their riders (Vidar's "horse" had blue and silver armor etc.). As the army and group left the camp site the rear echelons set the tents ablaze with torches.


The second day passed like the first, with drums setting a fast pace that could be easily kept. Again at night fall they came to the camp site that had tents assembled and ready for the army to sleep in them. A feast was held like the previous nights and on the Third day the camp was set on fire as the army left.


Although it was hard to notice the further South the army traveld the warmer it became. By midday on the third day patches of green grass could be seen and when the army arrived at their preassembled camp there was no snow in sight.


The fourth day of marching took them through a forest that had dense undergrowth and a medium size trail through it. The canopy blocked out the sun for the most part, allowing only a few beams of light to break through every hundred feet or so.


They arrived at their final camp site a couple hours before sunset. The camp sat upon a large hill over looking the plains of Vidgrid. Anyone who didn't fight would have a perfect view of the battle that would happen in the morning. The Asgardried sat off to the side of a trail that would lead from the camp to the fields, the setting sun made the ship almost glow.


An army of droids in the hundred of thousands were busily building a large wooden structure behind the Asgardried. It was clear that these droids were the ones that had built the camps for the army and group.


Vidar, Heimdall and the rest council dismounted. Vidar spoke a soft word to the "horse" and it with a sad look in it's eye turned and ran off the other animals following it. They walked into the camp and to their respecitive tents setting their gear aside. The feast would like the other days be held at sunset so there was some time to rest after the march.


Once Heimdall had set down his gear in his tent he left and walked to the southern part of the camp that over looked Vidgird. Heimdall was looking out at the field when Idona came up to him*


Idona: What are you looking at?


Heimdall: Our enemy...


*Idona pulls a pair of very powerful microbinoculars from a pouch on her belt and looks out. In the distance she could make out the enemy encampment, the distance was so great that the enemy tents looked tiny the tents seemed to go on forever.


Idona says nothing, she just lowerd the microbinoculars and leaned a little again Heimdall. He put his arm around her shoulder as the two of them continued to look at the battlefield*

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*A little way away from Heimdall and Idona Hal stands with Allessa, he has his arm around her shoulders and her head rests on his chest. The woman looks up at her husband.*


Allessa : You will not die tomorow, if you do I shall marry your horse!


*Hal looks amused and also a little surprised* My Horse survied the Holacaust, Shadow didn't get blown up.


Allessa: I had him stolen, your father said that if I held him for ransom you would be sure to come and see me.


Hal: My father had my horse stolen? *He kisses her forehead.* You have me now anyway.


Allessa: Yes I do, I've waited for you long enough and that is why you will not die, not tomorrow, or the next day or any time before you are a hundred and sixty. Even then you will leave me a widow for forty years.


Hal: My father once told me that the fourth law of phsyics is that a man cannot refuse his wife, so I will not die.


Allessa: No, you will not.




*Drago walks up to Orthos and sits down, he looks at the Starkiller sword hanging at his belt.*


Drago: The last time I saw that weapon it hung from the belt of a man named Jiyle, at least I think that was his name. He was trying to live to ancester who had been dead 800 years. That was 200,000 years ago, or near enough.


So tell me young Lord Orthos, does the duty of a hero weigh heavy on your sholders?

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*Matt glanced at Hal and Allessa. Had they finally gotten married? He and his brothers used to laugh every time they heard something about the anniversary of their engagement from the gossip holos and other places. He smiled and turned away. He'd have to get them something next time they went to a planet with at least vendors*

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