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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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((Ya, if Hal doesn't DIE. :D




*Guy began receiving visions, one after another, on the march.


They showed him the entire world of Midgard in bits and pieces. The vast Sith armies and the other beastly creatures for which he had no names. Vast fields of frozen blood.


Then, finally mirages of a vast war. Seas of red. The coming battle, it seemed.


He saw himself in the center of a circle of Aesir. He saw the Aesir mowed down by cats and wolves, then himself surrounded, his machine removing the beasts of limbs and heads, but knowing that it was a hopeless battle, they were Legion and he was but one, and finally they overwhelmed him, and holding his transport down, finally clawing through his shields, they ripped his protection apart, leaving him a blind man on the dirt and grass with nothing but a weak touch of magic to raise the hairs on the beasts' furry heads, and they ripped him apart.


Another vision came, repeating the grisly scenario, but at the end the creatures did not manage to rip him apart. No, more Aesir came to protect him as he fell, forsaking their own battles. Forced to fight around him, against vastly superior forces, his protectors were torn apart one by one, until finally they were all dead around him in a vast pool of blood, and then he himself was finally torn apart again.


A final vision came. Guy saw himself rise and destroy the beasts in this mirage, and a few of the Aesir lived. But when triumph seemed near, a pair of shadows fell over him. Guy saw himself look up in the vision, look up with sightless eyes, somehow hearing the things that were coming for him.


And he heard a small, overriding thought. A whisper in his mind.


The blind seer must die on this field.


A flash of immense jaws, ripping teeth, fire burning, and he was dead.


He saw a vast field of slain lying where he had been, and knew that he was responsible. An ocean of blood bled personally for him, to no avail.


The message was clear.*




*A bird of prey circled high overhead in the sky. Marin watched the enemy camp from afar*


If I go to this battle, I will almost definitely become trapped in morph, or die. Or both.


Maybe that was a good thing. Go out in a blaze of glory. Do some good with the end of her life. She wouldn't be putting the others in danger again.


"Glory"? Aidan has been rubbing off on you, Marin.


It wasn't that she wanted to die. Was it? No...it was that she didn't care.


The realization almost frightened her.


She dipped in the air, spiraled down and demorphed back to her normal shape.


Noticing Aidan staring off in the direction of the enemy camp himself, she walked over to him*


Marin: What are you going to do?


*Aidan was quiet for a moment*


Aidan: I'm going to fight.


Marin: Why?


Aidan: *looking at her incredulously* Why? Is this some kind of joke?


Marin: No, I really want to know.


Aidan: I...*he stops, and stares off* I have to. I don't feel that I have a choice.


Marin: Do you believe you are going to die?


*Aidan looks at her sharply, but has no immediate response*


Aidan: ...Aren't you? *He didn't specify whether he meant "fighting", or "dying"*


Marin: I'm not sure.


*The two are silent, not looking at each other, staring off into the distance*


((OOS: To clarify, no Aidan cannot see the enemy camp, since it's about 360 miles away.))

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*Heimdall gave Idona's shoulder a slight squeeze*


Heimdall: Gerd is about to recieve the eye, we don't want to be late for it.


*Idona nodded her head and the two turn around and walk back into the camp. As they head for Vidar's tent Idona puts her arm around Heimdall's waste.



Svafa, Idun, Gerd, Freya, Valda, and Hirst were already in the large tent when Heimdall and Idona arrived. Vidar appears shortly after carrying an ornate wooden box. He set's it down on a small table and opens it. He pulls out a magnificent jewel that was white with dark blue swirls in it. The jewel was attached to a fine silver chain.


Vidar turns to Gerd*


Vidar: Long ago Odin traded one of his eyes for immense knowledge. That eye lay at the bottom of Mirmir's well until the Jotuns stole it and had the dwarves fashion it into a jewel that granted the wearer immense power. However, the eye also corrupts whoever wears and tries to use it's power. Only my father, Lord Odin could harness the eye's power without suffering the negative side effects.


When we retook the eye from the Jotuns, my father could have reclaimed it and gained it's power. He refused, saying that it should be returned to Mirmir and his well. However, it was decided that the eye would not be safe at the well, so we kept the eye holding it in trust of the agreement between Odin and Mirmir.


And now we are entrusting the safekeeping of the eye to you Gerd.


*Vidar slips the chain around Gerd's neck, the Eye of Odin coming to rest against her chest. It glows for a little while before returning to it's dormant state*


Now since you are pure of heart, you can safely wear the eye and it will provide you with some protection. However never try an actively use the eye's powers or else it will begin to corrupt and eventually destroy you. Also keep the eye close to your skin and hidden from site.


*Gerd nods solemnly and tucks the jewel under her shirt.*


Vidar: Now there is a feast that is about to begin....

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Orthos: So you come from Mrear? Or at least you've been there. I'm doing what I have to do. Sometimes I think I'd rather have died with most of the stars, but then, maybe I'm needed to make a difference. I don't know who it was who reckoned people in prophecies either made them come true or couldn't ever have fufilled them, but I think they were right. I'm going to go and fight tomorrow, and I'm not sure I'm coming back. I have a 50/50 of surviving Lokpihet, but as for the rest...I don't know.

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Drago: I left Mrear long ago. I remember my last day there very clearly.


Carrying an Avatar is a very great burden. I have seen it destroy men. I have also seen what those same men did before the end. The Avatar is a glorious doom. You fate has been fixed, you will be a great hero, then you will die. I envy you.


You will go to the highest halls.

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((The Eye of Odin is not based on LotR, it is based on an artifact of the same name from another 'verse... (Hint: Same 'verse from which I cribbed the Phoenix Gate. :D)


Oh, and the true power of the Eye is nothing like that of the One Ring. The Eye's power is to give Wisdom...but not in the way you might imagine...))

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The next morning before two housr before dawn



*Heimdall stood near the spot he occupied last night, he was dressed in his blue and silver armor with a great helm tucked under his right arm, and his left hand resting on his sword's pommel. In another hour the horns would sound waking up the warriors and calling for assembly. From the sounds eminating from the camp Heimdall could tell that many if not everyone was already awake and getting ready.


Idona and Svafa come up to Heimdall, both wore their red gold armor and like Heimdall had great helms tucked under their right arms. Their hair was worn tightly to their head.*


Heimdall: Ready for this battle?


*Svafa and Idona nod*


Svafa: I just want the fighting to begin, I hate this waiting.


Idona: We were going to grab something to eat with Vidar, Valda and Tyr, Idun and the others. Want to come along?


Heimdall: Sure.


*The three head off to where Vidar's tent was, Idun and Gerd showed up shortly after them. When everyone had arrived they sat down for breakfast enjoying what would likely be their last meal together.


An hour later the horns were sounded and the camp became bustled with activity as the Aesirian army formed into ranks. Those of the group that were fighting were spread out among the Aesir. Orthos and Tanara were at the front of the lines along with Vidar Heimdall, Tyr and the other rulling memebers. The Aesir each carried long spears, 10 feet in lenght and large round shields, Odin's crest was emblazened on the shields; Long swords hung at their sides. The Aesir wore Sugar Loaf Great Helms ((That is an actual style of Great Helms)) that matched their armors.


A final horn was sounded and the Aesir marched in perfect step onto the plains of Vidgrid. Once on the plains the army spreads out into line formation. The five million soldiers occupided more space then the eye could possible see. Vidar, Heimdall, Tyr, Orthos, Tanara and others with specific oppenents stood in front of the army. The Draks circled over the army waiting to engage their exiled brethen.


Shortly after the Aesir had fully entered Vidgrid and formed into lines a loud bloodcruddling howl was let loose that reverberated across the land. The ground then shook as Loki's army marched onto the plains. Clearly visible was the wolf Fenrir towering over the army, bearing his white teeth. When he open his mouth it was clear that he could swallow a man whole. The black wolf looked over the Aesir's army and seemed to smile there was a hungry look in his eye.


Next to Fenrir was Jormungand, a giant serpant, that slither it's way onto the field. The Jotuns were also clearly Visible, three were wreathed in flames while the other three had frost encircling them. Of the Jotuns Surt was the easist to spot as he brandished his giant flaming sword.


As the Sith marched onto their half of the plains it seemed to turn black with the black uniforms and cloaks that the Sith Wore. The Heloki and Fenris Brood were intermingled in the billions of Sith. Nidhogg and his evil brothers circled over Loki's army sometimes swooping low over the army.




For those who staid behind there were powerful microbinoculars so that they could observe the battle. The army of droids stood by the path leading to the battle field ready to enter once the fighting had ended.*

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One hour before dawn


*Hal gives the straps of his gauntlet a final tug and then slides his short sword into the sheath on his left hip and the longsword through the loop on his belt. He gives Allessa a final kiss.


Allessa: Those Heloki, don't pick a fight you can't live through.


Hal: Heloki are only slightly worse than Shadow Wolves. *He perses his lips.*


Allessa: You have that scar on you chest from a Shadow Wolf.


Hal: And it reminds me to be careful.


*Hal puts his helmet on his head and Allessa locks the cheek pices together.*


((For Admiral's benefit the helmet is of the Sutton Hoo type, with the neck piece extended to cover the ears and slightly enlarged eye holes.))


Allessa: Look after him Drago. I'll do my best, My Lady.


*Drago and Hal take up their shields and ten foot lances and move toward the assembling army, they only head to their different formations once Allessa can nolonger see them.*


((Shame on Admiral for splitting up Shield Brothers!))

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Before the dawn


*Orthos armours up. A kind Aesir smith has made him some custom golden armour. Orthos has spent the night meditating and preparing for the greatest battle ever. He polishes the Starkiller sword and stands*


Gortick: Brother...


Orthos: I know. You don't want me to go.


Gortick: I see the future. You're...


Orthos: Going to die. I know. I know something else also. I'm going to die no matter what I do. The universe has dealt me the death card and I have to take it. But I'm going to see if I can't change my hand along the way. If I don't come back, you have to put right all the wrongs our family did.


Gortick: Farewell brother.




The Plains of Battle


*Beside the sith army, a small contingent of demons roars. At their head is a man with black armour, long grey hair, who smells slightly of rot*


Lokpihet: He's here. He's here! March onward!




Orthos: Let's go.

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Tanara was amazingly calm, considering the decision she had just made. For once, the thing inside that had tried to gain control of her was frightened to silence.


By doing this, you end both our lives, it said finally. Tanara merely smiled.


"If it is so, then so it must be," she said. Her lightsaber was resting at her side, deactivated. Her red hair, normally kept back from her face, now flowed freely, draping down across her shoulders. A flash of emotion was visible in her green eyes, but only briefly. Then, all apparent emotion was gone. Save for her slight head movements, she could have been mistaken for a statute.


"I fight for reasons I do not understand," she muttered. "Nevertheless, here I am. I will fight, for I do not see another option."


There is no other option. The voice spoke to her again. She paused for a second, but then nodded.


"I could not find another," she agreed.


That is because there is no other. You are needed in this fight.


"And in this fight, I shall be," Tanara said. Then again, she fell into silence.

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*Aidan watches the enemy army, vast, bestial and seemingly endless. He feels a deep sense of foreboding*


This will be the end of me, most likely. I should be afraid...but somehow the odds are so great that there's no point to it.




Watchers Hill


*Marin stands watching the field grimly. Raschel takes macrobinoculars and focuses on Orthos. Guy 'observes', such as he is able to, from his transport*

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*Sir-Vin and Cracern walk with the Aesir that would be apart of their schiltron.


Sir-Vin felt as mentally prepared as he meditated almost during the entire night. And got a little sleep during the last few hours of the morning.


Cracern on the other hand, attempted the 'meditation thing', but fell asleep in the process. Now he felt a bit of anxiety, and bit of forbidding the battle, but he marched on determaned to help the Aesir...*

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(( Deac I'm giving you a little leeway with this demon contingent, remember they are still bound to the rules of the battle. And I am also assuming that Orthos asked for the gold armor before they left to go to the Castle otherwise there would be no time.))



*Once the two armies stand on the fields of Vidgrid staring at each other for a couple of minutes Vidar flanked by Heimdall and Tyr advance, Loki flanked by Surt and a cloaked figure also advance. They two parties meet roughly in the center of the field.*


Loki: Hail bast*** sons of Odin.


Vidar: Hello Trickster, how are the eyes?


*Loki Sneered at Vidar's comment*


Loki: They'll be better when I no longer have to look on your fowl countenances. I look forward to watching my army destroy your pathetic forces.


Heimdall: I'll make a note to cute your eyes out early then.


Loki: You can try all you want, Rig but by the end of the day my sword will be covered in your blood.


*Tyr gave a short sharp laugh*


Tyr: He bested you once before and while you rotted in your prision we've been training and honing our skills.


Loki: You won't be so confident when my other sun removes your left hand before making a snake of you. How is that whore of a mother you have? Oh, that's right like her pitful husband she's dead.


Heimdall: I will enjoy bringing justice to you for all the wrongs you have done in your wicked life.


Vidar: Enough, we will settle these difference soon. Now why did you want to talk before the battle?


Loki: What, I can't wish to speak to those I once called friends and who once called me a friend? Your right for once Vidar, I have a gift to give you.


*Loki motions the cloaked Sith who steps to Loki's side. The Sith wore entirely black robes, with boots coming just below the knee. The hood of the cloak was pulled tight over the head hidding any features except to yellow eyes that seathed with hatred. The only other distinguishing feature of the Sith were the hands or rather hand. The right hand was missing, in it's place was a crude robotic replacement with no synflesh and only three fingers. The other hand was slender indicating the Sith was a woman. The left hand was heavily tattooed with Sith symbols*


Loki: I give you Darth Hellion, although I think you may know this one by a different name.


*Loki grabs the hood, and pulls it back revealing a scarred and tattooed face. One long vicious scare ran from the womans right temple across her face, down her neck finaly slipping underneath her robes near her left shoulder. Her cheeks also had scars in the shape of sith runes, this could only be done by continually opening the wounds until scar tissue formed. There were also more traditional tattoos of sith symbols along the womans neck, and head. At the forehead was the traditional starburst scare of the Sith. Still with the heavily disfigured face the woman was reconizable...


It was Misea.


Loki let out a loud cold laugh, the Aesir said nothing and just looked at the former Jedi.*


Vidar: Time draws near, we will finish this with discussion with our weapons.


*Vidar turns and walks back to the Aesirian army Heimdall and Tyr follow. Loki does the same laughing his way back to his army. Surt joining him in his laughter. Misea looks for a second at the Aesir finally her hate filled eyes see Tanara. A moment later she turns and follows her master*


((Red and I would like to express or deepest thanks to everyone for believing that we actually killed Misea so many pages ago. We were a little nervous that after our stunt with Svafa and Raschel/Marin in the pervious thread that you would catch on that Misea was not actually dead. I know wonder if you will ever believe us again when we kill or do something unexpected with at character early in a thread


WJ: Sorry, I lied. Tanara going to be fighting Misea. :)))

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Tanara's eyes suddenly conveyed some concern. "Too familiar... why her? Why now?"


Now you understand.


Tanara shook her head. "No I don't!"


You must fight the one they once called Misae.


"She died," Tanara whispered. A soft laugh echoed through her mind.


Did you really underestimate the Sith that much? the other being taunted her. Look at all of the other Sith they have! Do you think there was a sudden flood of applicants to become Sith?


"At least they were unable to find you," Tanara snapped. The laugh came again.


Then you have figured out who I am? the voice questioned. Tanara nodded. ((Here, I introduce another character of mine))


"Your name was Kira," Tanara replied. "You died a very long time ago, but while you lived none could defeat you. Because of this legacy, you thought that your mind could overpower mine. I believe I've proven you wrong about that."


No matter... I'll simply find an easier target... how about your sister? Kira laughed again as Tanara's face screwed up in alarm.


"You wouldn't!" she exclaimed. Suddenly, she felt Kira's presence leave her and she shuddered. "NO!" she screamed. She dropped to her knees.


"Not Elaina," she murmured. ((Yet another character of mine.:D))



((On a side note, Tanara's sister will make an appearance, though probably not until after the battle.:) ))

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[OOS: Nicely done! Did not see that coming! :D ]


Orthos: Misae? Guess it's not important now.


*Lokpihet comes before Orthos*


Lokpihet: Hello...brother


Orthos: Didn't you get rammed by a star destroyer?


Lokpihet: I'm complete now. You really thought you could reject me and survive! Even if you win, and restore the universe you will still die by my hand.


Orthos: Maybe. But let's see if you don't die by mine today.

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((Woo! That was a bitch to plan. :D What Admiral said ;)))




*Aidan's sharp eyes spot Misae next to Loki*


It's her! ...How?






*Raschel watches the group meet in the middle of the battlefield through her macrobinoculars*


Loki: I give you Darth Hellion, although I think you may know this one by a different name.


*Raschel gasps in astonishment*


Raschel: That's...impossible. She's dead!


Guy: Who?


Raschel: It's...Misae!


Marin: This has to be a trick. Unless...


Guy: Where is she?


Raschel: In the center of the battlefield...with a Jotun and a tall man. ((OOS: Admiral - whatever Loki looks like :D))


*Guy's transport moves slightly, scanners protruding*


Guy: Yes. It's her.


Marin: Then...then she's become one of them...the undead Sith...


Guy: *scanning with his transport instruments* No. She is alive.

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