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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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Midgard: Vidgard


*The group follows Heimdall down a series of corridors, taking what seemed like random turns until finally coming to a nondescript in the middle of another corridor.


The door silently open revealing a somewhat odd briefing room. The room didn't have a lot of decoration as was set up as an amphitheater were enough chairs set up for the entire group (except for Ritchet) next to the chairs was a tank of crystal clear water with a ladder set up for entering and exiting the water.


Up on the dias was a podium and a holoprojector in next to it. Standing on the dias was Vidar talking to Idona. There were also three seats towards the back of the room.


When the group fully entered the room Vidar moves to the podium to speak*


Vidar: Please everyone have a seat. Marin the tank is for you in case you need it or are more comforatable in it.


((Will post the rest later but have to run for now))

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((OSS: I'll post this here because its short and it would have been explained if I could have posted.


Hal's Kit: Some of it he had all along and some he has picked up over the past year, some he has had made.


Matt's training: Hal has been busy building up his store of weapons (He even has full barding for a horse and a lance.) So he hasn't been paying much attention to Mat's training. Jedi shouldn't interfere with each other's Padawans; even though Sir-Vin isn't a true Jedi Hal extended him the curtisy. So he hasn't been paying attention and therefore does not know Mat's trainng is deficiant.


Crash Course Definition: Give him an Axe with a 2 foot haft and shield. "Keep the shield up, don't use the hook on the axe head and don't over reach." Enough to keep Mat alive.


For those who want precise explanations and details of Hal's kit check the discussion thread.))


*Before Briefing room.*


*Hal walks close to Sir-Vin.*


Hal: *Through gritted teeth.* Had I known you were neglecting the boys training I would have interviened months ago. If he dies it will have been your responsibility.

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*Sir-Vin stops, turns around, and gives Hal a serious 'look'. He then places his hand on Hal's shoulder.


With his hand on Hal's shoulder, he makes Hal hear his thoughts. Complete privaticy...*


Maybe if the circumstances were different in the Universe, maybe I would have given him an alternative, but I can't and I won't just give a mere learner a lightsaber, and tell him to swing it about and expect to swat away what ever enemy that comes to him. Students like him, at HIS age, NEED to have control over themselves FIRST, before anything. Or at least that's I preceive the situation as. I'm sorry if you think I should have spent what little time we had, but even the hardend soldier can find himself in a desprite situation, especally with the odd's we go agenst.


I'd rather see someone able to leave a fight faster then he's able to end it, if he can end it that is.


*Sir-Vin breaks his connection and turns back around and continues, the event only took no more then ten seconds.*

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((OOS: Scar, just to say all that would've taken twenty-thirty seconds. :D (And eight months is a little time? ;))


BD: Did your referenced post to the discussion thread get eaten or something? o.O))



Marin looked surprised, but gratified. "Thank you," she replied.


Raschel, Misae Aidan, and Marin took their seats, Marin in the tank. Raschel, unable to help watching the Water-Breather out of the corner of her eye, noticed Marin's ears changing shape slightly, along with the shape of her irises, after a few moments of being submerged. The girl overall looked far more comfortable, her movements fluid, compared to the stiff way Raschel had always seen her walk.


Guy simply approached the seating area in the Spider, retracted its visible weapons, lowered the robotic arms, and turned it in the general direction of the dias.

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Midgard: Vidgard


*Svafa, Idun and Gerd take seats in the front row while Heimdall climbs up onto the dias. Heimdall and Vidar grab hands and embrace quickly, Heimdall then takes one of the seats at the back, so does Idona.


Vidar waits until eveyone is seated before speaking again*


Vidar: Welcome to Midgard, and the next leg of your quest. For those who don't know I am Lord Vidar, the ruler of the Vanir...or rather the Aesir as you know us.


For those that first started the quest a year ago you may remember that this was a temperate world and that it was cloaked. Things have since changed dramatically.


*The lights dimm and the holoprojector turns on showing the snow covered planet with a spot of green along the equator. The planet slowly rotates.*


To be blunt our enemies now control the majority of this planet and we no longer have a defensive fleet. So those who thought that this may be an easy quest compared to what you have gone through before are sorely mistaken.


*The rotating globe of midgard freezes. Lines form showing territory controled by the enemy and the Aesir. Red terriroty stood for the enemy, blue for the Aesir. Roughly 75% of the planet was covered in red.*


The map you use has changed, the gate that you seek is located at Castle Ida which unfortuneatly is in enemy held territory.


*The image changes again, this time zooming in on the planet revealing a section of land with Vingard at the bottom and Castle Ida at the top. Most of the land was shaded red.*


Valkyrie Idona will now take over and explain what you are up against as well as outline how you are going to get to the castle.


*Idona stands and walks to the podium will Vidar takes a seat*


Idona: Good morning. As Lord Vidar said our objective is located in Castle Ida it is a two day march North from here and we will be leaving as soon as this breifing is over.


A majority of the journey will be in enemy territory and you need to have some knowledge of the creatures that you will be facing.


First we have the Sith *an image of a Sith appears on the holoprojector*. You meet a small portion of their army on Dagon Fel. Preferred weapon is the lightsaber, use the dark side of the force and unlike normal Sith these thanks to Hel do not stay dead.


The Sith have allied themselves with the Heloki. *an image of a bipedal cat like beast with long claws replaces the Sith* The heloki are feline creatures with long sharp claws able to pierce through armor. They hunt in packs are very fast, and like to eat anyone they capture.


Besides the cats we may be facing the Fenris brood. *The image changes to a large wolf stanidng fully erect next to a man. The wolf was slightly shorter but not by much* Another creature that likes packs is intelligent and fast. Biggest strenght is the size of the pack, where there is one there are at least another twenty.


Now we get to the deadlier opponents.


The Jotuns number six.


*The image changes to show two giants One wreathed in flames another in frost. At the mention of the name Jotun Gerd shudders and Idun puts a comforting arm around her*


three of fire and three of ice. The likely hood of encountering one of them is low most are now assembling in another area.


Then we have the rogue drakes *image changes to show a dragon* It is no stretch of the imagination to say if you see one of them your are their next snack.


We then have Hel *image turns to Hel, a beautiful woman above the waste, a rotting copse below*. Some of you meet her before she is stronger now and would be happy to let your entrails see the light of day. Hel's brother Jormungand *image now of a large serpant* would also love to meet you and kill you. With the Serpant bewarned that he breathes posion. Then you have the oldest sibling of the serpant and Hel, Fenrir who would kill you.


Surt is the lead Jotun, he is the tallest Jotun carries a flaming sword and is himself a fire jotun. Leading all of this is the father of Hel, Jormungand, and Fenrir. His name is Loki had he is perhaps the most dangerous man on the planet. *The holoprojector displays a man with cold blue eyes, long white hair, sporting a white mustache and goatee*. Loki can change his appearance and shape at will and he can do so to others. He is skilled in deception and is subject to mood swings.


Now these leaders of the enemy army are all located south of us and we shouldn't encounter them but you still should be on the look out.


Back to the journey itself *The holoprojector returns to the image of the map*. An armored hover car will take us to the front line after that we must march. To get to the castle we must pass through the plains of Lieskirnir a nomans land. We stop once midday for ten minutes for lunch and then again at nightfall to set up camp. We begin before dawn and keep going stoping once for lunch. By nightfall of the second day we will arrive at the castle take a couple hours of rest infiltrate and reach the gate.


*an image of Caslte Ida appears. the castle stands in ruins although a good portion of the keep remains more or less intact. The castle sits upon a small platue over looking the plaines*.


The enemy razed most of the walls when they took the castle allowing for multiple entry points. Gear will be issued to aid in inflitrating at the castle and we will go over that while enroute.


Since the enemy is marshalling their forces towards south of Vidgrid, the sole temperate zone left in Midgard. We should encounter little resistance.


I know give you over to Lord Heimdall for the final part.


*Idona sits down the holoprojector widens it zoom to now include Vidgrid*


Heimdall: On the ship I told you we had run out of time and that is true. A very large battle is going to be fought at Vidgrid in ten days. After that battle Midgard will be in the enemy's hands and reaching the Castle will be impossible. Some of you may be thinking two days in, two days out that is plenty of time. However we must return in five days for the marshalling of the Aesir. On top of that I and anywho wish to join me have a side trip to retrieve an artifact that will add an additional day.


About this battle at Vidgrid. All of you must march with the Aesir to the battle for no other reason then the Asgardried is being moved to Vidgrid. Svafa, Idun, Idona, Gerd, Lord Vidar, and myself along with the rest of the Aesir all must fight. You however, do not and can stay in the ship until the battle is over.


We are giving you the choice on whether you want to stand with us or sit this one out. We don't want you to decide now just within the next nine days. You need to understand survivalbility of this battle is very low and if you do fight there is a very good chance that you may be killed. Also hold no misconceptions we will not win this battle. Keep that in mind and if you wish to fight with us then just tell one of us.


Now one last thing, the weather outside is extermely cold. You will freeze to death inside an hour if you are not wearing proper protection. For those dressed in the armor I gave you there are spells in it that will keep you warm and protect you. *Looks at Hal* Even your armor Hal will keep you warm. Just because you changed it doesn't negate the spells over it.


For those without armor and those who would like some more protection, there is cold weather gear in another room. And in case you haven't guess Idona is coming with us. Any crash course *looks at Matt, Sir Vin, and then Hal* will have to be taught will enroute or once we stoped for the night.


That is all we have. Any questions?


*the lights in the room raise and the holoprojector shuts off*

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"I have questions," Raschel said. "If your enemies have taken the location of the gate, how do you know they haven't destroyed the gate already? Or worse, taken what we need to get?


As for what happens afterwards...what is the point of fighting a battle that you know you won't win?"

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Heimdall: Idona...


Idona: Thank you. The enemy may have taken the castle but they have not blinded us to what happens within. There are many defensive measures within that they must get past. They only just managed to get past the first line, there are twenty more to get to the gate.


Heimdall: As far as the battle is concerned it is our duty to fight and whatever damage we do to this armry will add us in the future since there will be less of them around hunting for us.

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Ritchet shuddered. He knew inside that over the next several days, his resolve would be tested time and again. He knew inside that without a heart of steel, razor sharp mind, and impeccable timing, he would die on those plains of snow, like so many others, like so many that he cared about.


"I will not die here. Not on this plane, not at this time," he swore to himself, softly. He was afraid he might have disturbed Guy, but he didn't move again for a long while, and he was fairly sure Guy didn't know he was there.

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((Red, he ment that in comparason to how long would it take to provide full training))



*Cracern lightly flicks Richet*


((To a mouse, that should be equivalent to punch, or something


and dont take it personally :p))


Cracern *softly* "Quiet, rodent."


[edit]((I cliped the rest out, merely cus i might have to rethink it, i made it when i jsut got up, thinking 'damn, gotta post something...'))[/edit]

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*Orthos hears a voice in his head*


We have to fight. It's our fate.


It's our fate to fight each other.


Orthos: You two have been getting along a little well recently. What's the deal?


This isn't the way it's meant to be.


Isn't it? We're both in here because he has to-


He's not meant to know that.


Orthos, at some point you have to make a choice. You can't make it until then, and your options may not be so obvious. Beware


*Orthos raises his hand*


Orthos: What do you mean when you say "Won't stay dead"?

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Heimdall: The car is needed elsewhere, to transport more warriors here for the gathering.


*Orthos's question*


Vidar: We slay them and after a little bit they regenerate and come at us again. Time for their regenerate seems to vary with the wounds inflicted. Worse the wound the longer it takes for them to regenerate.


*Hals Question*


Heimdall: It will be a gentlemen's battle. Ranged weapons will not be used. Weapon wise you are looking at the use of melee weapons. Needless to say if you are not skilled with a sword, lightsaber axe etc. you shouldn't be in the battle.


Vidar: Unfortunatley we can not let you into the armories to arm Matt. As I understand it, it was Sir Vin's duty to provide him with any necessary weapons and armor. Also our armories are devoted to arming our own soldiers for the coming battle.

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((A bunch of people Ritchet cares about have died on Midgard? o.O))


"This is just the Sith, right?" Raschel asked. "Or does this apply to everyone we'll be fighting?"


"Guy, what about you?" Marin asked through her tank. "Your ship is not that large. We could use it rather than an armored car. Oh, and if the Aesir can't spare any weapons, could *you* perhaps, find something Matt could use?"


"No," Guy said. "My ship cannot be used to transport us. Its power is currently dedicated to making it harder for those old friends we met on Enoy to find us, since we are longer constantly moving from place to place. And no I do not know if they are actually still following us but it is better to take no chances. If they find us they will likely kill us.


"As for Matt, I don't know what I can get for him on such short notice. If he has no previous skill in any sort of weapon I cannot give him anything. Perhaps I can get him a shield or simple protective device of some sort but it may or may not help him much."

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Sir-Vin "You should give Matthew a little more credit then that. I can very well provide him with a lightsaber. As for a "crash course" that all seem you to think he needs, I will also provide."


*sighs* "I trained Matthew for mental discipline, he does show that he would need more progression, take him violating your very rules of entering restricted areas of the Asgardried. I saw it to prioritise him to be able to maintain control of himself, and not just to be able to swing a weapon. You Aesir are probably alot older then what even I can comprehend, and from the appearence of your lifestyle, you've lived with your methods of being superoir in combat. With that in mind, I wouldn't doubt that you'd rather value someone who is able to go into a battle and calm mind, rather someone who'd recklessly charge into one."

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Vidar: It is just the Sith.


*Sir Vin statement*


Heimdall: Matt needs much more then a crash course but that is all you may have time for. And so you know we prefer that someone goes into battle knowing what they are doing. People who enter a battle who can't control themselves are a liablity. Just like people who can enter a battle completly calm but have no idea how to fight.


Now are there anymore questions? Remember time is working against us.

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((Warning, prepare for shameless plot twisting to accomidate Hal riding a horse.))


Inteligence Report A233-97556-4435-G


Subject: Rebel Activity.




All Rebel Activity has ceased in the Outer Rim. We can find no trace of Rebel Forces. We believe the Outer Rim Forces are marshally but can find no evidence.


Report Ends.




Rebel Transmission, Outer Rim (Intercepted)


?1: The Son of the Wolf Has been found.


?2: Good, can we come to him in time.


?1: Yes.


?3: Prepare the Legion.


?2: By Your Word. Blood and Honour


?1: Blood and Honour


*Transmision ends.*




Hal: Well gues I'm stuck, I'll work some thing out for Matt. I'll be at the battle.

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"Why don't you two stop bickering and let Matt decide?" Raschel said. "Or work together to give him his 'crash course'. Honestly, I never imagined Jedi could be such rude people."


"Irvine's not a Jedi," Misae muttered in a low voice. Raschel heard her.


"Well, Hal is," she answered. "And Irvine...er, Sir-vin...is close enough."

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