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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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Sir-Vin *relises his error in speech* "Oh pardon. I didn't mean to say that how I had."


Cracern "Pfft." *standing up*


*Cracern walks the the entryway, then turns around.*


Cracern "Heimdall, how about we leave the kids here and deal with grown-up stuff now?"

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*Matt wanted to choose his words carefully now*

Matt: I think it'd be better if both of you cooperated in giving me the crash-course. The only negative side I see would be if you guys started fighting over how to train me, but apparently you'll do that anyway. When we landed I really thought I could manage without training, but with the invincible zombies, giant cats, half-zombie chick, and the rest of them, I'm not so sure right now. Now I'd usually decide to stay back, but I want to pull my own weight around here, and from the way this war is going, staying here could be more dangerous than going in. So I say just agree to train me on a certain weapon and a style for fighting, get me some of those special warming clothes, and just give me the best advice you havae.

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Heimdall: Matt, you cannot stay here everyone goes to the Castle and to Vidgrid. You have a choice in fighting and if you choose not to fight you will not be attacked and that goes to everyone. To be honest with you it would probably be best that after we return from the castle that you do not fight in the battle. That would probably be a wise choice for all of you.


This is your last chance to ask a question before we leave.

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*Ellela's Questions*


Heimdall: Yes they will leave you alone for this and this time only. There are certain rules regarding this battle the neither side will break. One of those rules is that noncombatants are not to be attacked.



*Matt and Tanara back and forth*


*Vidar looks at Heimdall breifly before responding*


Vidar: For the last time, we will lose the battle. There is no winning. If you want to fight in this battle and survive then you are going to have to fight from an hour past dawn until dusk. That is roughly fourteen hours of friece fighting.


If you do not think you can handle that then you can wait in the Asgardried where you will be perfectly safe. Those who do survive must leave the planet that night since with the next dusk all rules are off.


*Ignoring Matts final question*


The time for questions is now over. Idona will take you to where the cold weather gear is and then to the car.


*Vidar turns to Heimdall speaks quietly for a moment steps down from the dias and turns to a hidden door. Outside a man dressed in Einherjar armor greets Vidar*


Vidar: What do you have for me Viddall?


Viddall: The latest reports on the size of the enemy army and...


*The door closes cutting off hidding the rest of Vidar and Viddall's converstation*


Idona: Come with me. We are running a little behind now.


*Idona steps down with Heimdall a step behind. Svafa, Idun, and Gerd stand and fall in behind the two. Idona heads out of the room from the same doorway in which the group had entered a little while ago*

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Orthos: Then let's go. We've got this job to do for now before we worry about the apocalypse.


Elella: I thought this was the apocalypse?


Orthos: That's why we're worrying about it.



Lower Planes


*A figure stands from a table, looks toward a vast portal to the prime plane and laughs. Thousands of troops are pouring toward it.*


????: I live! Flesh, blood and bone! Only one part is missing...and I will soon be complete once more!

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*Idona leads the group through another series of what seemed like random turns and twists coming finally to the appropiate room


Off to the side of the room was a table with clothes on them. The far side had a large metal door that was at the moment closed


In the center of the room was a large hovering troop transport. It's rear hatch was completly lowered acting as a ramp. Two men and a woman stood there dressed in Green armor with Gold trim (like Idun's armor). A droid also stood to one side holding a dark blue mithril shield with a enclosed triad carved into it and a belt with a sword on it.


Once the group completly enters Idona speaks*


Idona: The cold weather gear is over there.


*Idona nods to the men and woman and enters the transport. Heimdall walks over three Beserks*


Heimdall: Ragnar why are you here?


*A tall beserk a little shorter then Heimdall, with short blonde hair snaps to attention and salutes Heimdall*


Ragnar: Lord Heimdall, I was just giving last minute updates to my Beserks.


Heimdall: Ah, it is good to see you again my friend.


Ragnar: That is the second reason. Want to see you before you left. Anyways I have to run, more soldiers are arriving all the time.


Heimdall: I'll see you again before the march.


*Ragnar Salutes again and leaves the room. Idona comes out carring a duffel bag. She sets the obviously full duffel bag on the ground opens it and slides it towards Matt. Inside the bag were a hunderd lightsabers. The lightsabers were of different sizes and designs but all had a symbol of a burning sword emblazened on the hilt.*


Idona: If Matt needs a melee weapon he can take and use one of the Sith lightsabers we confiscated after a recent engagement.


*Idona turns andwalks back inside the transport. Durning this Svafa leads Gerd over to the droid. She takes the belt holding the sword*


Svafa: This young one is for you.


*Svafa puts the belt around Gerd adjusting it so the sword would ride properly against her him. Svafa then takes the shield and puts the carrying strap across Gerds back again adjusting the strap so it would ride comfortable.*


Svafa: There you go. No get in the transport.


*Idun, Svafa, and Gerd all walk into the transport and takes seat next to and opposite of Idona.*


Beserk: Lord Heimdall just say the word and were off.


Heimdall: Alright. it will be just a couple more minutes.


Beserk: Yes Lord.


*The two beserks climb into the transport the male taking the driving position while the female armed the weapons.


Heimdall walk to the back of the transport and waited there until the group was ready*

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Raschel blinked and shut up. She walked into the transport and sat down nervously. Aidan followed. Guy's ABTMV climbed the ramp then set down in the back of the transport, half folding up its legs.


Misae, not wearing enspelled armor or anything special besides her Jedi outfit, dressed herself in the cold weather gear, pulling it on over her robes.


Marin looked at the gear for a moment indecisively, then made up her mind and boarded the transport without it. She sat next to Aidan. "I'll morph," she said.

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*Cracern picks up a set of clothing for himself, and then takes a pick at a few lightsabers, four of them.*


Cracern "Always go prepared."


*Sir-Vin stands there quietly.*


Sir-Vin *eventually* "Last I remember, Sith usualy artifcally create the crystals in their lightsabers, and enfusing the force with them, believing that the power of the saber would increase."


Cracern "So what? You wouldn't want to use one of them."


Sir-Vin "No, its nothing. Forget I said anything."

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*Looking at Cracern taking four lightsabers*


Heimdall: For everyone taking these lightsabers *looking at Cracern* keep in mind that these are just on loan and we will be needing them after the battle, and don't remove anything from them like their crystals.


Irvine (looking at Sir Vin) grab some gear and get in the transport.

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"Alright," Marin said nervously. She left the transport and picked up the set of clothing that looked nearest to her size and returned to the transport.


Aidan looked at her questioningly. "Why not take your armor?" he asked. "You still have it, right?"


"It's on the Asgardried," Marin answered. "Besides, it takes too long to get off. I need to be able to morph."


"But..." He looked at Heimdall questioningly. "Can her armor dissolve at will like yours can? I only half remember, but I know you did something to temporarily get rid of it when she walked you through shapeshifting."



"The crystals only channel the Dark Side," Misae pointed out to Cracern. "I studied some of the Sith's history in my master's holocron. The sabers should work for you, but they won't be able to cleave an ordinary blade. At least as long as you're staying in tune with the Light Side."

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Heimdall: Shapeshifting? *it sounded vaguley familar* Anyways, yes the armor can be disolved almost instantly by myself. Svafa, Idun, and Idona can also do the same. To be honest with you removing the armor that way would be quicker then taking off the clothes. We can also reform the armor just as quickly.


As for your armor being on the ship, a droid will be here shortly with it.


*A minute passes by and the door opens. A droid enters and sets a crate containing Marin's armor down*


Go ahead and put the armor on and I will show you how quick the process is. Then you can make an informed choice.

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