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What is up with everyone not being able to hear Manny and Dom's conversation in Year 3?

When you wake up in your new office on the egde of the world, walk over to Meche. Do the smoking-stocking thing, go into Dom's office (despite Meche's obejction) and walk over to him. Talk to him. There you have it. Now, let this be settled once and for all.

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Hrm, well I dunno. I'm not doubting you, but *loads* of people have reported not being able to view this conversation on the forums previously, as well as it being submitted to me as a missing conversation.


I'll quite happily try it once I can fix my darn anti-aliasing problems (help forum), and if it can indeed be triggered I'll edit it.

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Hehe. I was thrilled when I first heard it though. Was all 'wtf more Dom dialogue?! 8D Yes!'


VN, I agree with you. I thought the conversation revealed what should have just been worked out by the player. It sort of stated the obvious half the time. :\ But I mean, come on; ANYTHING Dom says is worth being heard. :D

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