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Tara jumped to her feet at the sudden fight taking place. She understood that this type of thing would be dangerous for their safety.


"Hey!" she yelled, swinging a sword of her own into the path of Trozen's sword. "If we kill one another, there is no hope for any of us to survive. Do you understand?"

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Jokemaster walked into the cave, covered in blood, burns, bruises, and mud.

"Yo guys, I'm back." He saw Troezen about to kill Trent "HEY! I know you." He drew his gun and aimed it at Troezen. You're in here and no one else is shooting you that means you are possibly supposed to be friendly, so I'll give you a choice either drop your sword or I drop you dead."

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Troezen looked around and sighed. He wished he could have just slised off Trent's head and run ((;) )) but he knew he couldn't.


"Fine, I choose life. For now" He put his sword in its scabard((Somebody correct me if that was the wrong word for it my mind went blank for the word)) and steped outside the cave for a moment's peace.


"I'm sorry, but this seems to be useless. I mean, thin about it, trying to find a building, that is probably invisable, might not even exist and with countless people trying to kill us." He sat down on a small rock out side the cave, "What chance do we really have?"


Suddenly Troezen's foot landed on a small piece of paper.

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Troezen put the paper in his pocket, it seemed like no one else had seen it. He walked over to Trent and said in a commanding voice.


"So you have a bit more training than me. That might make a difference in the real world. But NEWSFLASH, we are not in the real world. Did you never see the Matrix?"


He unsheathed his sword again, he held it in his right hand and the other hand was gripped over his pistol, still in its holster.


"If you've got something to prove, then lets do this now. Get rid of any tention in the air."


He stepped forward three paces so his sword was perfectly distanced to go through Trent's chest if need be.


"Now, I know I came in late to the group, so I don't know what the arragments were. But it seems to me that you've taken command. Now by what right do you have to do that?"


Troezen was in terror on the inside, but as tough as steel publicly. "So now, what's it going to be?"

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Troezen took a deep breath and put his sword back in its scabbard. His temper was never good and he knew it. It rarly flairs up like that, but he knew it was time to take control of it.


"Fine. Trent, I'm not going to forget what we were about to do. But I know that I..." he paused for a moment "we, are going to need you. Your skilled. I saw you before I joined the gang. But I also know if anyone has to kill you, it's going to be me. I'll make sure of it."


He turned to Jokemaster. "The building is the central computer, from what computer lady" he turned to Tara "has said" he turned back "it is the programers hangout in this vertual world."

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"i can't believe any of you, this guy just tried to kill me whne i wasn't even paying attention, i'm out of here, no one try and stop me!" Trent walked off.


about 3 hours later he found an ongoing battle, 4 martial artists, so it seemed were in hand to hand combat wiht about 10 other guys, Trent raised his pistols and started firing at the 10 guys, in about 2 minutes the martial artists and Trent had killed them, the lead martial artist walked up to him.

"you are a worthy fighter, care to join our group? do you know any martial arts?"

"yes, i am fluent in Kendo and Ju Jistsu, thank you i am honored"

'good, now you will not use fire arms from now on if you are to join us"

'fine by me" Trent threw away his pistols and ammo, the lead gave him a katana.

"i am Tao Kuntisunu, and these are my brothers, you are?"

"Trent Steel, i am glad to join you."

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Troezen ran after the two of them. "I'm" he paused and sighed. "I'm sorry. I don't know what to do. We are stuck in here. What should I have thought. How do we even know we can trust computer lady. My temper is awful, I know that. I'm sorry. We back together?"

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"hahah, see you are mistaken, i have 4 katana masters behind me, and since i am with them now, we protect each toher, you will both be dead before you know what happened, so i suggest you turn around and leave." Trent said as the 4 men came all unsheathing thier katanas.

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"Hey, listen I just want to talk." He noticed something familiar about one of the katana masters. He remembered. He had fought with him a few hours back, after he got separated, he had seen a battle, and had noticed a group fighting together so he joined them for the battle, then promptly disappeared. "Hey, didn't I see you guys a few hours back...."

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"Trent, I don't care what your new gang does with Mr Joke here, but I want one fight, you and me. These sword guys surly know about honour. If they all gang up on me, I will most definatly loose and I will never know what would have happened if I fought you one on one, I want the honour to have one last fight, if it ultmatly is my last. And I want to know if I was just a stupid idoit, or if I can kill you."

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"I don't care what you do," Tara suddenly snapped. Until this point, she had kept her mouth shut, but she felt she could do so no longer. "We had a team going and that's what I care about. If the team is separated, we'll all get killed, one by one. Trent, I hate to say this, but I'm afraid you'd be the first to go. You've already left the group and taken up with a bunch of people you've probably never met in your life."


She paused for a moment before continuing. "I realize this is what we did yesterday, but we had reasons to trust each other. We all wanted to be rid of the hacker and I knew what to do to turn him back into a normal player. I trusted you because you wanted him normal. You trusted me because I could make it happen. Is this how our trust ends?"


She turned to Troezen. "You've admitted to making a mistake, but from the looks of things, you're too late to ask Trent to rejoin us. He has found a new group, though," she eyed Trent's new friends, "I can't say they're incredibly trustworthy. Now, there is a question to be asked of you. Are you willing to risk your life over your own bad temper?"


"You said that it was because of your own bad temper that you nearly cut Trent's head off earlier," she continued. "It pushed him into anger toward you and nearly caused a fight. If Jokemaster and I had not interrupted, you two would have quickly been picked off. Now you want to fight him again, but there is nothing restraining Trent's friends from cutting you to pieces. I have no doubts that they would do so."


"Come away, Troezen," she said softly, finishing her lecture. "It's not worth the effort. Can't you see that?"


Finally, she turned to Jokemaster. "You've heard what I have to say. Now you get to choose what you're going to do. Trent has offered you a position among his friends, but you know what I have said about them. You have heard my reasons for the closeness of our group and the reasons that disintigrated. It is up to you now."


She paused, but finally asked Jokemaster, "What will you do?"

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