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Troezen was over welmed, he had a map of the land in his pocket. He had enough rage to kill Trent and had a word in his ear that made sence.


He looked at his feet and sighed. "Fine" he looked at Tara, "I wont kill Trent... Just yet." I'm going to be watching every move you make.


Troezen ran off into the dawn, he ran into the cover of a large bush.

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"hmm" one of the katana masters whispered is his ear

"my friend says that we will not kill you if we meet up, but if the circumstances are tough, we might just go into a rage, and we are not responsible, but for now, i am leaving, i don't trust troezen one bit, computer lady, i never knew your name but good luck with these idiots and jokemaster, well i hope you find a way, becuase i would love to know, good bye everyone." trent turned and walked away and the masters followed.

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While Troezen waited for the katana masters and Trent to leave, he took out the map he had found earlier.


It was of the programed area. There was Xs all over the map, Troezen wondered what they were. He worked out where he was, he was about half a mile from the building where he had fought the woman. He took a guess that they were some sort of control buildings. He could see that the katana masters were about to leave, he had to make a choise. He could run after Trent and fight him and the katana guys and die. Or he could go back to the remenent of the group and show them the map.


The katana masters left and he went back to the group and heard Jokemaster say to Tara "So can you explain to me exactly what we're doing?"


Troezen butted in before Tara could answer. "We are trying to find the main control room, from there we can hopefully find a way out of this place." He took out the map. "And I think I know how we can find it."

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Shortly after they left they found some groups fighting, they drew thier swords and entered the small battle, the sliced and diced, chopping as they went eventuually headless bodies lay everywhere, they all bowed, cleaned off thier blades and sheathed them and started walking again.

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Originally posted by Curt-Man

"hmm" one of the katana masters whispered is his ear

"my friend says that we will not kill you if we meet up, but if the circumstances are tough, we might just go into a rage, and we are not responsible, but for now, i am leaving, i don't trust troezen one bit, tara, good luck with these idiots and jokemaster, well i hope you find a way, becuase i would love to know, good bye everyone." trent turned and walked away and the masters followed.



((Tara's name is not yet known to you guys. She never told you, remember? You've been calling her 'Computer Lady' and until somebody decides to ask, that's what she'll be called.))

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Tara examined the map with great interest and nodded slowly. "There are very few of these. I'm amazed you managed to find one."


((I'm amused that Tara's identity is still her secret. I'm curious, why has nobody asked her about it? It seems they just don't care! I can tell you this, she's not going to respond positively to questions now... you can still ask though. In fact, she'll probably tell you... after a lecture.:D ))

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Troezen suddenly reaslised - he didn't know the lady's name


"Umm, so I've just realised, we've been through much and we have forgotten to ask you your name. You know ours and yet we completely forgot to ask yours, I hope you can forgive us."


He looked down at the map. "I got the map when I was arguing to Trent, I was on that rock sitting down" he pointed to the rock "and it was suddenly there. I guess the programers wanted me to find it. Mabey they know something we don't, or perhaps i'm the best one here and this has been a test to see who would be the best one to challenge or something and I won!" He joked.


((Don't get any funny ideas, that was a joke, got it, JOKE!!!))

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An amused look crossed Tara's face as she heard Troezen partially ask for her name. As he did not truly ask, she decided not to answer.


"It is no problem," she replied evasively. "We were busy enough trying to eliminate the hacker, I understand why you would not have found time to learn my name." Then, turning her attention to the map, she said, "No, the programmers don't simply drop things for people to find. They want you to be killed in here so they can be the winners. This came to you completely by accident, but it is an accident we can take advantage of!"

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"Ok, so you still haven't told us your name, computer lady. So if you are waiting for the actual question - What is your name? How's that?"


He was annoyed now, he had had a large argument with Trent, yes it was his fault, but he can't always control his temper, it wasn't his fault. And now he really couldn't be bothered to put up with this nonsence, but he didn't want a repeat of what just happened with Trent.


"So, what do you mean, it was an accident? Who ever made this program, they don't make mistakes, or they've made a BIG mistake. But I don't know. I think that something is being set up here. And anyway, how would you know? You say you know about all this computer stuff, but has this ever happened in the past? How do I know that your not a programer?"


Troezen had to be careful here, he didn't want to insult her, but he also didn't want to trust anybody now.


"What do you think?" he said looking at the rest of the group


((Speaking of which, who's left in the group, I kind of lost track of who went where))

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Tara sighed and looked up from the map. "You've been trusting me without a name since we met, but that's not enough now, is it? Well, if you must know, my name is Tara Lake. There, are you happy now?"


She sighed in irritation. "As to your second question, I was a programmer. Key word here is was. The AI still recognizes me as one, which is why I was able to enter that control room yesterday. Do you understand now?"


"There are different modes to play this in," she continued. If we can find the main control room and slip past the programmers, we can alter the play type and get out of here by hitting a certain level of kills. Let me tell you, though, it won't be easy."


She turned her attention back to the map. "Their hangout changes every day, but they do have a favorite. It's right here." She pointed to an X on the map. "You see, the buildings are simply shells. The interiors change as the programmers move their hangout place."


"Let's start with that building," she finished. "If they're not there, we'll have to search all of these." She gestured vaguely to all of the X's on the map. "Hope we don't have to do that!" She turned and began walking. "Let's go."

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Tara started to walk off, but Troezen called after her.


"Wait one second!" he called and ran to her. "You said the AI know you? What AI I thought that everyone in here is a real person like me and hopefully you. And another thing, I wasn't there when you went into the contol room."


He turned to Jokemaster "Care to fill me in?"


He turned back to Tara. "So, how many people do we have to kill in order to get out of this place? The programer I found when I first came to hell said everyone had to die. Unless he was lieng or you are."


He turned back to Jokemaster "Sorry about that Jester, fill me in"

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Tara sighed impatiently. "If you had listened, you would know that, as things are set up now, everybody would have to be killed. If we can find the main control room, which as I have said, moves around, we can alter the play type.


"As for the AI, yes there is one. It protects all of these control rooms on your map. The mechs are controlled by the AI and it can also take on its own form, which it did. I told it to call off the mechs yesterday and since you're still alive, I'm going to assume it did what I told it to."

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Troezen knew all he needed. He checked all his guns were loaded and he had all his extra ammo with him. "So, we should make a move on then" he said. "We're in this together, but I'm keeping the map." He checked where the place Tara said he should look for first and put the map in his pocket. "Don't suppose they could give us a compass do you?" he said to the sky, he was jokingly talking the the programers.


"Well, he said, if we ever want to get a move on he said, I guess we should start by walking and stop talking.


The group started to walk towards the control room. "This place is over 20 miles away by the look of this," he said checking the map "now, should we go super fast, or should we save energy and walk in case of battles along the way?"

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"We'd best save our energy," Tara answered. "We can never know for sure what sort of fights we'll run into on the way and we'll definitely need a lot of energy to enter the programmers' hangout."


She turned and walked off in the direction of the building she had pointed out on the map.

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"As I said before," Tara answered, slowing her pace ever so slightly, "while they do have a favorite, the building we're going to is one they return to almost every other day. If they're not there, we'll simply have to wait a day or so. They'll be back."

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Trent got out of the tree with his freinds and they saw a battle in the distance and they headed for them. swords drawn, singing a battle song, the small battle tuirned to them, looking very frightened, trent jumped high up in the air and landed in the middle and started slicing and dodging.

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