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Godmode War


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They were walking along for a few hours. It was starting to get dark again. "Yet another night in this dredded place," said Troezen "it's hard to immagine that it has only been two days. It seems so much longer. So, do we keep going or do we stop for the night?"

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((sorry,I forgot the rules so,here goes)

Name:Jaden Randyll


Association with program:Helped create it

Weapons:SMG,Mac 11,M16 carbine,Plasma rifle,Assult rifle,Sniper rifle,and Finesi Auto Twelve ((I'm a collector))


I jumped from my canyon position to meet up with my team,

hoping I wouldn't die."AAAHHHHHH!"I hit the ground "500 feet at least,and I didn't die?"I saw two loners far away.I went up to a rock and readied my sniper,I hit one in the leg,and the other in his right buttox.

((that's troezen and Jokemaster))

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Originally posted by DarthTDe

((sorry,I forgot the rules so,here goes)

Name:Jaden Randyll


Association with program:Helped create it

Weapons:SMG,Mac 11,M16 carbine,Plasma rifle,Assult rifle,Sniper rifle,and Finesi Auto Twelve ((I'm a collector))


I jumped from my canyon position to meet up with my team,

hoping I wouldn't die."AAAHHHHHH!"I hit the ground "500 feet at least,and I didn't die?"I saw two loners far away.I went up to a rock and readied my sniper,I hit one in the leg,and the other in his right buttox.

((that's troezen and Jokemaster))



((HA!!! You forgot about Tara! She's there too!))


Tara looked around. "We'll need our strength for the battle at the main control room. Let's rest."


Then, two bullets shot toward them, one hitting Troezen, the other hitting Jokemaster. Tara sighed. "Idiot. Try going for the one who knows you!"


She knew Jaden Randyll from the beginning of the creation of the program. At times, they had even worked together, but when the other programmers cut Tara out of their group, she lost contact with Jaden.


"Are you still as good a shot as you were?" she called to him. "If so, explain your bad aim toward my current companions. You hit one in the leg and the other in the butt? No good."


She laughed. "If that's your best aim now, you'll have to work on it. Then, maybe we'll let you join our little group."

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((Ummm... Evildark jedi - when were you in the thread? You said you forgot but I can't see u anywhere in the thread so far))


Troezen felt a shot go into his rear "AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed, "I AM SO GLAD THIS IS GODMODED!!!!!" He stopped running around and went for his gun, but they weren't there.


"Trent, could you do me a favour and shoot that guy, he ripped my trousers!"


He looked behind him at his butt and said "These were my best jeans and they're ruined!"

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Tara laughed and turned to Jokemaster. "He's fine. You can put your gun away."


Then, turning back to Jaden, she said, "I'd welcome your company, Jaden. We need another in our group who knows the program in and out."


Then, she had a sudden thought. "Hey, Jaden, you realize you'll get kicked out of the programmers' circle if they find out you helped me, right?"

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"We needed to narrow the playing ground,or why don't you join us"said the player."no!"I yelled,"fire!"I started firing aimlessly at them with my SMG and Mac 11 and started to blow them away,1

by 1.Then,I put them away,and pulled out my shotgun and put it to the leader's forehead"nice job"I pulled the teigger.*BAM!*

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Troezen had just put the new jeans on and the group was surrounded by a larger group.


"Damn!" he said as he realised he gave his weapons to Jokemaster.


He ran and kicked one in the groin, he picked up his machine gun and shot the guy in the head, the grass at his feet went minstantly red. Troezen shot one more in the stomach and managed to shoot through the heart, but then the ammo ran out. Troezen ran towards Jokemaster to get his gun back for this fight when a bullet went straight through his back. He fell down on the ground and blood went everywere. "Ahhhhh!" he screamed.


He was about to heal, but got shot again and again. He crawled behind the tree and waited to heal.


An enemy came over and pointed a sawn off shotgun at his forhead.


Troezen took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

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Tara, unlike the others, was using a sword in her fighting. She ducked under shots being aimed at her head, jumped and flipped over those aimed at her lower body, and somehow managed to stay well out of the paths of bullets aimed at her. In all of her acrobatics, she was still wielding the sword with deadly accuracy, slicing heads off left and right.


"Would have been nice to save our energy until the control room, but you have to do what you have to do," she muttered, taking another person's head off.

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Troezen felt the gun fall from his head, he opened his eyes and saw the guy dead at his feet. Troezen looked around and saw Jokemaster with his gun in the direction of where the person had been standing.


Troezen got up and picked up the shot gun that had been aimed at him, he reloaded it from ammo in the guy's jacket and started shooting at the enemies.


He was shooting rapidly and didn't see Tara jump to slice up the person he was about to shoot, he shot her in the back.

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Trent was fending off his current opponent when the rest of his group went down.

"join us, or die like your friend here.''

"never you fiend!" Trent picked up another katana and started attacking the 4 guys that were left, and within 40 seconds he was fighting just the leader.

"you fight well when you are angry, but you still cannot defeat me."

"wanna bet!" they said while they were licing and parrying. 30 minutes later trent had both his katanas to the leaders neck.

"i dispise you!" Trent said then chopped off the man's head. Trent ran off.



Trent came apon a small group fighting a larger group he jumped in from above and sliced off 2 peoples head's.

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Troezen didn't have a chance to see what happend to Tara as there was a sword that came dangerouly close to his ear. He jumped out the way and shot the guy with the sword. The enemy blocked the bullets with his sword.


"That's a new one" said Troezen sarcasticly. He kicked the enemy, but he had moved too fast.


The enemy swurled around his double ended sword, he held it in the middle. The hilt was golden and Troezen could see that there was some coded writing on it. Troezen reconised it from the map, it was the same form of code.


Troezen ran over to Jokemaster and fliped up in the air, grabbed his sword and landed back down on the ground without stopping Jokemaster fight.


Troezen went back over to what Troezen could only guess was the leader of the group and held his sword in both hands.


"You wouldn't happen to be a programer would you?" He didn't wait for an answer as he went into a fight with the enemy. They fought at a speed that could only be done in the program, it was not humanly possible. Troezen guessed they were only a blur to everyone else.

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Troezen was fighting the enemy leader. They were so fast, but it was normal speed to him.


He parried, ducked, jabed, parried, sliced, ducked, jabed, parried. He was getting nowhere. Once or twice he managed to make a cut on his opponent's arm, but it was pointless - they were godmodded - it healed within seconds.


Then Troezen got an idea. If it took a few seconds to heal, then if he cut his enemy up before any cuts had time to heal, would he die from the injury?


He tried it: He ducked under a blow from the sword and tripped up the man. He stabbed him several times, then realised - his enemy was weaponless, he had dropped it when he fell.


"should I do my experiment? Or should I just kill him?" he thought for about two milliseconds (the body was working faster than normal and so was his brain) and sliced off the enemy's head.

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