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I'm new to video making but...


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Originally posted by Anthony

Please don't tell me video isn't working because I don't have Service pack 2


Probably, because Service Pack 2 has Windows Media 10. Besides, Service Pack 2 is actually pretty good, hasn't caused any problems for me yet.


And yeah, you are pretty good. I'm only alright in online games...and that's because I'm not addicted to it like you freaks.:xp:


I say that to make myself feel better...:dozey:

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I don't want to complain or anything, but I must point out that there are more factors than just "rp pwning," one, the Red7 person might just suck :p, and 2, the dmgs seem a bit screwed up.


Last time I checked, you couldn't kill a guy in 1 swipe, unless the dmgs highly favor the staff to the point of cheapness.


And all that stuff about no one with-holding justice and love and crap but you was a bit cheesy.




Anyways, the video was pretty well done, I need to learn how to take in-game videos like that, never known how.

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ig...first I said words forgot my most, not all...and maybe you should go around to a few jka server sometime. It's all infested with lamers, yaw exploiters, and admin abusers.



as for me killing, who says I only hit him once? I didn't record all of the fights as a whole for size's sake.



As for the music, you'd cream your pants if you knew what it was :D

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

yeah. Wolfenstein3D sucks to but you gotta have a lot of respect for it. It's what really started a lot of what we see today. RTCW is kind of a remix of Wolf3D. Same thing with the music, which is based off one of the most famous "horror" games. System Shock.

I didn't say the game sucks, I said that the techno soundtrack does ;)


Oh, and everyone should go here and be enlightened, it's totally convinced me :)

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

as for me killing, who says I only hit him once? I didn't record all of the fights as a whole for size's sake.


Ah, I see, that makes more sense now.


As for the music, I wasn't listning :p



Oh, and for the words part, there is a majority of lamers, but there are still alot of people out there that are good people and follow the rules of the game, it's simply a matter of going in the right server.

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Originally posted by Pie™

I didn't say the game sucks, I said that the techno soundtrack does ;)


Oh, and everyone should go here and be enlightened, it's totally convinced me :)


You missed what I'm sayin. I used that music as a tribute to one of the, if not the most famous horror games ever made. It's a re-make of the old song.

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